Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 247: Tianyao Five Elements Thunder Method! Thunder booms! Nine Heavens Blue Sky Divine Sword

Tan Zhixing looked at Qin Wang with a strange expression and couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha. If you don't let me go, can you still keep me? That's right, I'm only in the early stage of the Spiritualization, and I'm not a match for you and the ten thousand feet blood crocodile, but I'm determined to leave, how can you keep me?"

Tan Zhixing sneered.

Unless it forms a crushing momentum, otherwise, it is difficult to kill between the same realm.

Especially after entering the Nascent Soul, it is even more so.

The fight between Nascent Souls is often a matter of time. Except that Qin Wang has been killing a little crazy during this period, the Nascent Soul True Lords in the South Region have not fallen because of the struggle for a hundred years.

It is easy to determine the winner between the Spiritualization True Lords, but it is harder than ascending to heaven to kill them.

If you can't beat them, can't you still run away?

"You will know if you try."

Qin Wang said with a smile.

As the voice fell, the breath on Qin Wang's body gradually weakened.

Tan Zhixing keenly noticed that something was wrong.

In his opinion, Qin Tiedan's cultivation was still in the middle stage of foundation building, but the power of his soul did not have the aura of the previous transformation of the spirit.

Could it be that Qin Tiedan was preparing some powerful moves?

Thinking of this, Tan Zhixing subconsciously secretly guarded against it.

After all, Qin Tiedan was able to subdue a monster pet like the ten thousand feet blood crocodile, so he might have some strange moves.

If he was accidentally hit and capsized in the gutter, there would be no place to cry.

Suddenly, a majestic power of the soul came from the side.

Tan Zhixing was shocked.

The power of the True Lord of Transformation!

Who is it? !

Tan Zhixing subconsciously looked over and immediately found a snow-white figure behind him, holding an arm in his hand.

It was Wu Su.

Before that, Qin Wang asked Wu Su to quietly come behind Tan Zhixing and then use the left hand of the Barbarian God.


The left hand of the Barbarian God turned into a bloody streak and rolled towards Tan Zhixing.

Without any hesitation, Tan Zhixing opened his hand and slapped out a palm.

"Tianyao Five Elements Thunder Method!"

Five rays of light formed lightning and blasted towards the blood-colored silk.

This was the Tianyao Five Elements Thunder Method that Tan Zhixing had practiced for hundreds of years. It took the essence of the five elements and extracted the Yang thunder attribute from them. It was nurtured in the palm of his hand on weekdays. It was the restraining move to break the soul-type magic weapons and spells.

After Tan Zhixing found Wu Su, he immediately understood.

That Qin Tiedan should only have the cultivation level of the middle stage of foundation building. The reason why he has the power of the soul of the god is entirely because of the soul of this woman in white.

In this way, Qin Tiedan did not practice any hidden cultivation method, or a great man dispersed his power and re-cultivated, but was indeed a foundation-building ant.

The white soul of the god-transforming stage in front of him was the real mastermind.

Therefore, Tan Zhixing focused his main energy on Wu Su.

He wanted to use the Tianyao Five Elements Thunder Method to blast Wu Su into pieces!

Boom! ! !

With a loud bang, the blood-colored silk was shattered by the Five Elements Thunder Method.

It was so simple and easy that Tan Zhixing immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Not good!"

Tan Zhixing hurriedly turned back and cast a spell.

"Heavenly Thunder Boom!"

A thunder burst out from Tan Zhixing's palm and blasted towards the ten thousand feet blood crocodile.

The claws of the ten thousand feet blood crocodile collided with the thunder, and a terrifying air wave burst out.

Even if Qin Wang stood far away, it was a bit difficult to bear.

If he hadn't practiced the Star Body Tempering Method, I'm afraid that just the aftermath would be able to injure him.

The power of the incarnation is really too strong.

The ten thousand feet blood crocodile opened its bloody mouth and bit towards Tan Zhixing.

Tan Zhixing snorted coldly, and pointed his finger as a sword, pointing at the ten thousand feet blood crocodile.

"Nine Heavens Blue Sky Divine Sword! Quick!"

As Tan Zhixing pointed his sword finger at the ten thousand feet blood crocodile, a ray of light pierced past like lightning.

This is the sword light condensed by Tan Zhixing using the glory of the nine heavens stars, and it is also his strongest attack move.

The sword thrust out, comparable to the full force of the mid-stage of the Spiritualization.

Even a tenth-level monster would have to retreat, not to mention that the ten-thousand-foot blood crocodile has just entered the ninth level and has not yet stabilized its realm.


The sword light penetrated the ten-thousand-foot blood crocodile's crocodile scales, bursting with a large piece of blood.


The ten-thousand-foot blood crocodile screamed and retreated.

However, Tan Zhixing was not feeling well either.

First, his sea of ​​consciousness was attacked by the Soul-Shocking Cone, and then he released three of his most powerful moves in succession, giving him the illusion of being out of breath.

At this moment, five dark figures appeared beside Tan Zhixing.

The breath of the late Nascent Soul!

If it were normal, Tan Zhixing would only need to strike casually to disperse the five ghosts.


Now Tan Zhixing is already at the end of his strength, and he is still a little powerless to face five late Nascent Souls.

At least let Tan Zhixing take a breath.

However, Wu Su did not give Tan Zhixing this opportunity at all.

"Soul Sword."

Wu Su uttered these two words lightly, and her body turned into a sword light, instantly piercing into Tan Zhixing's forehead sea of ​​consciousness.

This soul-summoning sword is very dangerous, using one's own soul as a sword to launch an attack.

If it fails, the soul will be shattered, and there will be no chance of reincarnation.

Now Wu Su is in the state of soul, and this soul-summoning sword is her strongest attack.

At the same time, the five ghosts around connected with each other, rotating, forming a dark vortex, and drilling into Tan Zhixing's forehead sea of ​​consciousness.

Seeing this situation, the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile subconsciously opened its huge mouth and swallowed Tan Zhixing in one gulp.


Qin Wang hurriedly stopped him.

After all, Wu Su and the Five Ghosts are now in Tan Zhixing's sea of ​​consciousness. Who knows if anything will happen after the Blood Crocodile swallows Tan Zhixing?

After hearing Qin Wang's order, the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile could only take him aside honestly.

At this time, a small group of human monks below took the opportunity to escape.

It's not that the remaining human monks don't want to run, but they are surrounded by the monster beasts that reacted and cannot escape.

If they hadn't waited for orders, these monsters would have torn the remaining human monks into pieces.

Qin Wang thought carefully and gave instructions to Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile.

The Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile roared a few times.

Soon, the monsters made way for the remaining human monks to leave.

"I have no grievances with you fellow Taoists, so I will naturally not implicate you. And those who were killed were all caused by their own greed and insufficiency. Do you think this is the truth, fellow Taoists?"

Qin Wang asked loudly.

The remaining human monks looked at each other.

"Yes, yes, it's all their own fault."

"Their deaths were well deserved."

"If it wasn't because they were greedy and listened to the words of Da Qi Immortal Dynasty and Dayan Immortal Dynasty, why would this happen?"

"It's a pity that he died because of the word 'greed'."

Everyone agreed.

Qin Wang nodded with satisfaction.

"You can leave on your own. I still have private matters to deal with with the God-Transforming True Lord, so I won't keep you here."

Qin Wang said with a smile.

"Thank you fellow Taoist for not killing me."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

"I owe my fellow Taoist a life, and I will repay it in the future."

After everyone finished speaking, they dispersed in a hurry, for fear that Qin Wang would regret it.

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