Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 25 Du Xiang's Death! Chen Family's Weakness [Please Recommend]

[4: You paid attention to the Electric Sword Martial Arts Hall yesterday and obtained relevant information. The Electric Sword Martial Arts Hall will divide the territory of the Flying Eagle Martial Arts Hall with the Tieyi Martial Arts Hall. 】

[5: You successfully started Xiaochiyang Kung yesterday, sensed a trace of inner energy, and obtained relevant information. You will enter the third-rate realm in 3 days. 】

[6: You paid attention to Ji Zhang, the leader of the Heijiang Gang yesterday, and obtained relevant information. Ji Zhang will meet the Snow Lotus Holy Envoy of the Snow Lotus Sect today and be granted the subsequent three levels of bloodthirsty magical skills. A warrior with strong blood will become Ji Zhang blood-sucking target. 】

[7: You paid attention to Feiying Martial Arts School yesterday and obtained relevant information. Du Xiang’s son Du Feng escaped with his sister Du Yunniang and took refuge with the uncle of Heifeng Village. 】

[8: You paid attention to the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School yesterday and obtained relevant information. The traitor Lin Yunfeng got help from his cousin Lei Wu and was accepted as the ninth disciple by the owner of the Electric Sword Martial Arts School, "Lightning Sword" Jiang Haitian. 】

[9: You paid attention to the Chen family of the four major families yesterday and obtained relevant information. Because Chen Yi, the young master of the Chen family, was spotted by Zhao Jianyi, the elder of the Taiyi Sword Sect who was passing by, he accepted him as the tenth disciple on the spot and took him to the Immortal Sect to practice. The Chen family chose an auspicious day and set up hundreds of tables for a banquet, inviting relatives and friends from all walks of life to announce this great event that would honor their ancestors. 】

[10: You paid attention to the Chen family of the four major families yesterday and obtained relevant information. Although the main skill of the Chen family, Ziyang Gong, is strong, it has obvious weaknesses. The skill is halved at midnight every day. In order to make up for the shortcomings, the head of the family, Chen Kun, has committed suicide. In the third month of Gong's reign, he practiced Zikui swordsmanship and his temperament changed drastically. 】

"Du Xiang, the owner of the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School, can't survive 60 breaths? He is currently hiding in my kitchen?"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information, his eyes widened suddenly, and he was frightened.

Qin Wang did not doubt the authenticity of the intelligence panel. Since the intelligence showed that Du Xiang was hiding in his home, it must be so.

As far as Qin Wang knows.

Du Xiang is one of the three famous celebrities in Yanyun County, known as the ‘Flying Iron Eagle’!

They were all seriously injured and on the verge of death.

He didn't hear any sound just now!

It can be seen that his flying eagle body technique is really powerful!

"Will Du Xiang take action against me?!"

Qin Wang was wary. He knew that a skinny camel was bigger than a horse. Even Du Xiang, who was about to die, was not someone he could provoke.

He reached out and took out the dagger from under the pillow, holding it tightly. At the same time, he raised his ears and listened to the movement in the direction of the kitchen. There was a faint sound of rustling firewood.

at this time.

Qin looked at the kitchen separated by a wall.

An old man in green clothes with a thin body and pale face was lying on the firewood pile in the kitchen. He was pressing the wound, blood was pouring out from the corner of his mouth, his chest was collapsed, his body was covered with wounds, his breath was weak, and he could no longer move.

"Is there anyone?"

Du Xiang opened his mouth to shout, but found that the sound was like a mosquito, and he suddenly felt desperate.

He was originally a famous bandit in Liangzhou. Because he offended the powerful forces in Liangzhou, he hid in Yanyun County, Youzhou, changed his name to Du Xiang, and opened the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School. He didn't dare to use his martial arts back then.

He only appears in front of people with his flying eagle body technique.

But I didn't expect it.

Shi Lan, the eldest disciple who wanted to be the successor, actually poisoned his own tea. Then, he was surrounded by Jiang Haitian and Lu Ming and was seriously injured. Although he escaped with the help of the Flying Eagle Movement, he discovered that, I'm afraid, It won't last long.

The only ones who were worried were his son Du Feng and his daughter Du Yunniang. Their children followed the second disciple and escaped from the martial arts hall tunnel. However, they did not have time to tell them the treasure secrets he left in Liangzhou and the property in Yanyun County.

I wanted to call someone to help deliver a message, but I was too injured to call out.

"Unexpectedly, my majestic Liangzhou Flying Soul Palm was actually plotted against by his eldest disciple. I was reduced to death in the kitchen of a residential house. I am unwilling to accept it."

Du Xiang suddenly straightened up, twitched a few times, tilted his head, and refused to close his eyes.

Qin Wang waited for a while.

When he found that the rustling sound was gone, he couldn't help but thought to himself. "Intelligence shows that he will die after 60 breaths. If there is no sound, he is probably dead."

Qin Wang put on his clothes and got out of bed, held a sesame oil lamp, and walked to the main room vigilantly.

By the dim light.

From a distance, he saw an old man with a thin body and wounds all over the woodpile in the kitchen, lying on the woodpile, his eyes wide open, motionless, and his chest was covered with blood.

"It's indeed Du Xiang!"

Qin Wang looked at the profile of his face and secretly thought that indeed, he had seen Du Xiang from a distance at the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School.

"He is indeed dead!"

Qin Wang stood there and waited for nearly half an hour, confirming that Du Xiang was dead.

Then he carefully approached and used a stick to poke open the clothes on Du Xiang's chest. A palm-sized gray bag rolled out. Qin Wang carefully opened the gray bag with a stick and found that there were five silver notes inside. Each piece is in denomination of 50 taels, totaling 250 taels of silver.

There is also a two-inch long black object that looks like a key.

"No secrets?"

"Only 250 taels of silver?"

Qin Wang looked at Du Xiang, who was still looking at him with a look of thoughtfulness in his eyes. He searched Du Xiang's whole body and found nothing except 5 banknotes.

"Who has no problem bringing the secret book with them? Forget it, 250 taels of silver is not bad. You can buy a lot of Qi and Blood Pills."

Qin Wang explained to himself.

250 taels of silver. If there is no awakening intelligence panel, it is probably difficult to earn it in a lifetime, right?

"It's hard to deal with Du Xiang's death here. Why not bury him in the back room?"

Qin Wang looked at the dead Du Xiang with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Report to the official tomorrow?

It’s hard to explain.

It will also attract the attention of Jiang Haitian and Lu Ming.

Burying on site is the best option.

Thinking of this, Qin Wang put away the keys and banknotes, closed the door, took a hoe, and started digging in the back room. He dug four feet deep, put Du Xiang in, buried him, flattened him, and dumped the extra soil in the grass outside the yard to cover the traces.

After this wave of work, more than half an hour had passed.

Then he began to check the 9 pieces of information behind the panel.

"A disciple of the Black River Gang was sucked blood by Ji Zhang instead of me?"

Qin Wang looked at the second piece of information, his eyes flashed, and a fear rose in his heart. If it weren't for the prediction of the intelligence panel, he would still be staying in the original rented house, and now he would be a dried corpse.

"The Flying Eagle Martial Arts School will be smashed and burned by the relatives of the dead disciples?"

Qin Wang looked at the third and fourth pieces of information, and his heart was silent.

This is inevitable.

People sent their children to your martial arts school to learn martial arts, but because of your martial arts school, the children were killed. Who else can they find if not you?

"Will I enter the third-rate realm in 3 days?"


Qin Wang looked at the fifth piece of information and his eyes lit up.

As far as he knew.

In this world, martial arts are divided into third-rate, second-rate, first-rate, and martial arts innate.

Each realm is divided into initial, middle, late, and perfect.

Third-rate martial artist: internal strength is just formed, punches and kicks, swords and swordsmanship are standard, with 1-5 years of internal strength.

Second-rate master: has 6-20 years of internal strength, has a unique skill to practice to perfection, or piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, for my use, side door, sword!

First-rate master: has more than 20 years of internal strength, has practiced several martial arts to the pinnacle, round and smooth, integrated, knife, sword, fist can be restrained, can be released one foot, picking flowers and leaves can hurt people!

Martial arts innate: martial arts enlightenment, return to nature, condense innate true qi!

Advanced to the third rate, finally see the results.

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