Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 253 Chapter 254255 Peerless Beauty Helian Xianyun! Purple Air Space! Teleportation Array Ope

Chapter 253 Chapter 254-255 Peerless Beauty Helian Xianyun! Purple Air Space! Teleportation Array Opened! Barbarian Shield Fragment!

Chapter 254

[4: You arrived at the Nanzhan Tribe yesterday and obtained information that the leader of the Nanzhan Tribe, Altaïr, had a Barbarian Shield fragment in his hand. ]

[5: You touched the cloth bag sewn by Qin Xuemei yesterday and obtained information that Qin Xuemei and her master had returned to the Wanhua Immortal Sect, and that the people of the Medicine Sect secretly followed Qin Xuemei and lurked in the Wanhua Immortal Sect. ]

[6: You practiced Qingping Swordsmanship yesterday and obtained information that you still need to practice for a year before you can enter the Qingping Swordsmanship. ]

[7: You talked about the Dayan Immortal Dynasty with Yan Cangwu yesterday and obtained information that the Dayan Immortal Dynasty had reached an agreement with the Daqi Immortal Dynasty to divide the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty. Now the situation in the southern region has changed. ]

[8: You told Xiao Chuan's name yesterday and got information. Xiao Chuan has arranged people to inquire about Qin Tiedan's information. There will be news in three days. ]

[9: You used the Qingyou sword yesterday and got information. Because of Chen Yi's death, the Hidden Killing Pavilion stopped inquiring about you. The information about you was sealed indefinitely. ]

[10: You used the Qingyou sword yesterday and got information. Xiao Chuan had seen three other Qingyou swords. ]

Qin Wang saw the content of the information and a cold light flashed in his eyes.


Originally, as long as Xiao Chuan didn't come to provoke him, he would let him go.

However, it seems that Xiao Chuan still has to pay the price. Who made him a member of Wujimen?

He dared to target Qin Xuemei, so there is no need for this Wujimen to exist.

Qin Wang also knew that with his current strength, he could not resist Wujimen.

However, if they could collect some interest from Xiao Chuannan and attract the attention of Wujimen, would it be possible to ease the crisis of Wanhua Xianzong?

And the ancient evil thoughts...

Qin Wang originally thought that this was just a simple collection of the condensed purple qi, but now it seems that there are other secrets in it.

And the fragments of the Barbarian God Shield...

Just as Qin Wang was thinking, there was a knock on the door.

Qin Wang released his divine thoughts and found that it was Zhang Fujiang who was knocking on the door.

"Come in."

Qin Wang said lightly.

Zhang Fujiang pushed the door open and entered.

"Master, there is a man who claims to be the first warrior of the Nanzhan tribe, Asule, asking for an audience."

Zhang Fujiang spoke respectfully.

Qin Wang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He didn't expect that the people of the Nanzhan tribe would take the initiative to come to him, and he was the first warrior in the tribe.

Qin Wang knew that the person who could get the title of the first warrior must be one of the strongest in the tribe.

He came late at night, could he have some plan?

"Let him come."

Qin Wang said slowly.

"Yes, Master."

Zhang Fujiang took the order and left.

After a while, a burly man followed Zhang Fujiang and came to Qin Wang.

Qin Wang saw the other person's figure and nodded secretly.

As expected of the Western Barbarians, they are indeed burly. After all, most of the barbarians are body cultivators, and they look more burly than the Qi cultivators in the Southern Region.

"Are you their leader?"

Asule looked at Qin Wang curiously.

Although he couldn't see Qin Wang's specific cultivation, he felt that Qin Wang was not strong.

Thinking of this, Asule was a little disappointed.

"Why did you come to me?"

Qin Wang looked at the other person with interest.

"I just came to ask if you are interested in joining us to teach those Zhongzhou cultivators a lesson."

Asule said straight to the point.

For him, since he had come here, there was no need to hide, anyway, the strength of these Qi cultivators could not be seen from the surface. Perhaps this thin young man has some special secret method to control five Yuanying ghost cultivators.

"Lesson? Just a lesson?"

Qin Wang looked at Asule with a smile.

"Of course, otherwise you still want to kill them? That won't work. The strong men in Zhongzhou, our Nanzhan tribe can't afford to offend."

Asule shook his head.

Although he was straightforward, he was not a fool, and he naturally knew what was important.

He also knew that Xiao Chuan and his people all came from powerful sects in Zhongzhou, and there were many Yuanying Zhenren and even Huashen Zhenjun in the sect.

Although the leader of their Nanzhan tribe, Ataier, was a Yuanying Zhenren, his injury had never healed, and his strength had declined. He was not a match for those powerful sects at all.

"Just because you can't afford to offend them doesn't mean I can't. If you are willing to pay some compensation, I can take action and kill Xiao Chuan."

Qin Wang didn't waste any words and directly expressed his thoughts.

Such straightforwardness made Asule stunned.

He never expected that Qin Wang would be so tyrannical and kill people at the slightest disagreement.

Zhang Fujiang, who was standing next to him, was already used to it.

Anyone who angered Qin Wang would not have a good ending.

"What? Are you scared?"

Qin Wang looked at Asule with a sneer.

"Okay! What reward do you want?"

Asule gritted his teeth and made a decision quickly.

In his opinion, since it was Qin Wang who killed someone, even if the powerful sects in Zhongzhou blamed him, they could put the blame on Qin Wang.

Qin Wang directly took out a piece of the Barbarian God Shield fragment.

"Does your leader have a piece of this thing in his hand?"

Qin Wang asked.

"Well? So what?"

Asu Le pretended to be curious and looked at the Barbarian Shield fragment in Qin Wang's hand.

He had seen this thing before, and it was in Altaïr's hand.

"As long as you give it to me, I will take action and kill Xiao Chuannan and his men."

Qin Wang said, and put away the Barbarian Shield fragment.

He was not afraid that Asu Le and others would use the Barbarian Shield fragment to threaten him.

In the face of absolute strength, all threats are meaningless.

If Asu Le and others were stupid enough to threaten him with the Barbarian Shield fragment, then there would be no need for the Nanzhan tribe to exist.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Asu Le agreed without thinking.

He clearly remembered that the leader Altaïr once said that the mysterious fragment was very mysterious, but he had never found a way to use it. Faced with such a useless treasure, it would be better to give it to someone directly and then exchange it for something that would benefit him.

This is Asu Le's idea.


In the tent of the Nanzhan tribe.

Asule came to Altaïr excitedly and told him about his and Qin Wang's plan.

After listening to him, Altaïr was speechless.

"You just agreed to it?"

Altaïr looked at Asule with some regret.

"Can't you agree? Did the leader solve the secret of the fragment?"

Asule was very confused.

Altaïr couldn't help but sigh.

This kid is really full of muscles.

Forget it, only such a simple and persistent person can have the hope of impacting the Nascent Soul stage within a few decades.


It's just right, I can use this mysterious fragment to gain Qin Tiedan's trust and lead him to Tianzhou Mountain.

Thinking of this, Altaïr couldn't help but laugh.

Qin Wang looked at the fragments of the Barbarian Shield in his hand, and then took out all the fragments.


Accompanied by a light sound.

The nine pieces of the Barbarian Shield were combined together.

Qin Wang looked at the time and decided to test the defense of the Barbarian Shield first.


Qin Wang came to a forest a hundred miles away from the Nanzhan tribe.

There was no one around.

Qin Wang took out the Barbarian God Shield and attacked with the Qingyou Sword.

The Qingyou Sword formed a long snake formation and stabbed at the Barbarian God Shield.


Twelve times in a row, the Qingyou Sword did not break through the defense of the Barbarian God Shield.

It seems that the Barbarian God Shield can already block the full force of the early Jindan.


I don't know where the limit of the Barbarian God Shield is now.

Qin Wang summoned five ghosts and asked them to attack the Barbarian God Shield.

One of the ghosts first bombarded the Barbarian God Shield with the power of the peak of the Jindan.


The Barbarian God Shield shook violently, but did not break.

Then, the power of the early Yuanying was used to bombard the Barbarian God Shield.

Boom! ! ! !

The violent shock wave spread, and even a huge pit was blasted out of the ground.

At this time, the Barbarian God Shield finally couldn't bear it, and it broke from the middle and turned into nine pieces.

However, Qin Wang's mind moved, and the nine fragments instantly formed the Barbarian God Shield, as if they had never been broken.

It seems that it is not that the Barbarian God Shield can only block the full force of the early Nascent Soul, but with Qin Wang's current cultivation, it can only exert such defensive power.

It's enough.

Qin Wang was very satisfied.

He put away the Barbarian God Shield, the Qingyou Small Sword, and the Five Ghosts, and flew back to the Nanzhan Tribe.


The central square of the Nanzhan Tribe.

Many people gathered here.

Xiao Chuan was surrounded by people and talked and laughed with a woman beside him.

The woman was wearing a light pink gauze skirt, graceful and charming. She was the jewel in the palm of the Helian family, Helian Xianyun.

The Helian family has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are several ancestors of the God of Transformation sitting in the family.

Among the many Zhongzhou cultivators present, only Xiao Chuan is qualified to chat with Helian Xianyun on an equal footing.

Xiao Chuan looked at the beauty beside him, and his heart was restless.

Such a beauty, I wish I could hold her under me.

Unfortunately, Helian Xianyun treats people with a spring breeze, friendly but polite, and it is impossible to go beyond the rules.

Even if Xiao Chuan pursued her for several years, he didn't even hold her hand.

"Why don't you open the formation and let us go to Tianzhou Mountain?"

"That's right."

"Always saying that you are waiting for someone, who are you waiting for?"

The monks of Zhongzhou spoke one after another, quite impatient.

"No one is here yet, what's the hurry?"

Asule rolled his eyes and said unhappily.

He was also a little anxious, fearing that Qin Wang would run away after getting the mysterious fragment.

If Qin Wang really ran away, then he could only kneel in front of the leader and take the blame.

At this moment, a slight vibration came from the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in the distant land.

It seems that there are strong people fighting?

The Yuanying old man behind Xiao Chuan frowned.

"It's a Yuanying strongman."

The old man said in a deep voice.

Xiao Chuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Elder Wang, how about you go investigate?"

Xiao Chuan thought for a moment and said.

"No. If the other party is making a feint to the east and attacking in the west, and the target is the young master, then it will be bad."

Elder Wang refused directly.

Xiao Chuan nodded slightly, and he looked at Helian Xianyun next to him.

"Sister Xianyun, don't worry. With Elder Wang here, unless the True Lord Huashen takes action, we will be safe."

Xiao Chuan said with a smile.

"Thank you, Brother Xiao."

Helian Xianyun smiled, showing her gentleness and charm.

Xiao Chuanan couldn't help but feel moved.

After a long while, a figure flew from a distance and landed on the square.

It was Qin Wang.

Asule was relieved when he saw Qin Wang arrive.

"Okay, everyone is here, ready to start the formation."

Asule said loudly.

A cultivator from Zhongzhou saw this situation and immediately understood.

"After all this time, it turns out that you are waiting for Qin Tiedan."

"Qin Tiedan, you are so powerful that you made so many of us wait for you."

"If you don't want to enter the purple air space, then don't go in. Why waste everyone's time?"

"You wasted so many of our time, what crime should you be punished for?"

The cultivators from Zhongzhou spoke one after another.

The condensed purple air of Tianzhou Mountain only appears once in ten thousand years. A large amount of purple air condenses into a purple air space. As long as a cultivator in the foundation-building stage enters it, he can absorb the condensed purple air and have the opportunity to condense the golden elixir.

Of course, if the cultivation is not enough, it is also very difficult to digest the condensed purple air.

Because of this, most of the strong people in the fake elixir realm will enter the purple air space.

And to enter it, each person must pay 10 million spirit stones to the Nanzhan tribe to be eligible to enter.

For these young masters in Zhongzhou, 10 million spirit stones are nothing.

As long as they can condense the golden elixir, they can afford even 100 million spirit stones.

To enter the purple air space, you need to pass through the teleportation formation of the Nanzhan tribe.

Others have also gone to Tianzhou Mountain to look for it, but they did not find the location of the purple air space. In the end, they could only come to the Nanzhan tribe honestly and pay spirit stones to enter.

In addition, the purple air space is opened once every five days, each opening time is twelve hours, and a total of six times.

After six times, the purple air space will disappear and wait for the next ten thousand years before it will open again.

These are the news passed down by the Nanzhan tribe, and no one can verify it.

But after three tests, they are all true.

And now it is the fourth opening.

After Asule opened the teleportation formation, an arched door appeared.

Looking over, the arched door was filled with colorful whirlpools, and nothing else could be seen.

"Only cultivators below the Jindan stage can enter, everyone, please go in."

Asule said lightly.

Everyone prepared to enter.

At this moment, Xiao Chuan suddenly stopped everyone and looked at Qin Wang.

"If I remember correctly, Brother Tiedan can summon Yuanying ghost cultivators, right?"

Xiao Chuan stared at Qin Wang intently.

"So what?"

Qin Wang asked back.

"We are all below the Jindan stage. If Brother Tiedan summons Yuanying ghost cultivators in the purple air space, then we are doomed, right?"

Xiao Chuan spoke slowly.

As soon as this was said, everyone reacted.

That's right!

Only cultivators below the Jindan stage can enter the purple air space. If Qin Wang summons Yuanying ghost cultivators in it, wouldn't he be able to kill everyone in all directions? It's really too dangerous.

"That won't happen."

A voice came.

Everyone turned their heads and found that the person who spoke was Altair, the leader of the Nanzhan tribe.

"In the Purple Air Space, all magic weapons and powers above the Foundation Establishment Stage will be restrained and restricted. Even if he summons a Nascent Soul ghost cultivator, he will be forced to be restricted to the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, the False Pill Stage. Didn't the Jindan cultivators who entered before have their cultivation restricted?"

Altaïr spoke slowly.

Everyone nodded, it was true.

After entering the Purple Air Space, the Jindan cultivators still had their understanding of magic, but their cultivation was restricted to the False Pill Stage, and their strength was only one tenth of what it was.

This is very dangerous for Jindan cultivators.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Chuannan's Nascent Soul guardian, Elder Wang, has never entered the Purple Air Space.

After entering, he was only at the False Pill Stage. If he was besieged by the Foundation Establishment Stage, wouldn't he be in trouble?

Be safe than sorry.

It is precisely because of this that Elder Wang has never entered the Purple Air Space.

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