Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 258 Chapter 260261 Purple Qi Space Rules! Mysterious Dark Magic Blade! Powerful Barbarian Go

Chapter 258 Chapter 260-261 Purple Qi Space Rules! Xuanming Phantom Blade! The powerful barbarian shield! Nether Shadow Thorn

Chapter 261 Nether Shadow Thorn! Golden shield! A means of transforming into a god!

No one expected that there would be someone in the purple energy space who could break through the limit of cultivation and reach the golden elixir stage.

This is violating the rules of the Purple Air Space, and will inevitably be oppressed and strangled by the Purple Air Space!

boom! ! ! !

When the protector burned his life and erupted with a momentum that surpassed the fake elixir realm, the originally peaceful purple energy space became violent.

Purple clouds appeared in the sky, and purple thunder flashed among those clouds.

At the same time, the protector felt that he had been locked by the purple energy space. Even if he took back his power and returned to the fake elixir realm, it would be of no avail.

For Zi Qi Space, there is only one outcome for challenging the rules, and that is death!

However, it takes time for thunder to fall from the purple air space.

Judging from the current situation, it will take at least a quarter of an hour.


The guardian was confident that he could kill Qin Wang within a quarter of an hour.

It's just a fake alchemy realm, plus five ghost cultivators, why should you be afraid?

The guardian who has restored the power of the golden elixir stage has enough confidence.

"Boy! You're dead!"

The protector stared at Qin Wang. He had already planned to torture Qin Wang severely, otherwise he would pay the price of his life just to kill Qin Wang, which would be too cheap for him.

boom! ! ! ! !

The majestic power spreads, and a whirlwind hangs with the protector as the center.

Even Helian Xianyun and others below could not withstand the terrifying pressure and had to retreat some distance.

"Is this the power of the Golden elixir monk?"

"It's too strong, really too strong."

"It turns out that the Golden Core cultivator is so powerful, why can't I feel it on weekdays?"

"Nonsense, your own protector will still attack you with all his strength?"

"Now, Qin Tiedan is dead."

"He is proud enough to be able to trade the fake elixir realm for the life of a golden elixir monk."

Everyone was talking a lot.

Helian Xianyun's eyes shone with a strange light.

In her opinion, Qin Wang should not die so easily.

Perhaps, Qin Wang will sacrifice his ghost cultivator, let the ghost cultivator also break through the rule limit of the purple energy space, and then kill the opponent?

Not only Helian Xianyun thought of this, but also some of the more astute Central Continent monks also thought of this.

Since Xiao Chunan's protector can sacrifice himself and burst out with the strength of the golden elixir, why can't Qin Wang's ghost cultivator?

"Are you so confident?"

Qin Wang chuckled and looked at the protector with interest.

"Perhaps you want the ghost cultivator to unleash his original cultivation strength, but let me tell you, that is asking for death. Challenging the rules of the purple energy space will inevitably bring down terrifying thunder. The aura of me, a golden elixir cultivator, has already caused the purple energy to explode. The space is furious. If there is one more, the thunder will fall instantly and kill you all!"

The protector smiled ferociously.

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly realized.

No wonder this protector is so arrogant.

What they didn't know was that before this, Xiao Chunan's Nascent Soul Protector Elder Wang had done a test in the Purple Air Space. He only allowed himself to forcibly break through to the Nascent Soul's aura, which immediately aroused the fury of the Purple Air Space.

If Elder Wang hadn't reacted quickly and spent a huge cost to forcefully leave the Purple Air Space, he might have been left in the Purple Air Space.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Chunan's defenders are so unscrupulous.

Because at this moment, he is the only one who is in the golden elixir stage and can kill anyone!

Qin Wang chuckled and shook his head.

"Why waste my ghost cultivation on you?"

Qin Wang shrugged his shoulders and put away the five ghosts.

The sudden move stunned everyone.

In this case, if you put away the ghost cultivators, are you giving up resistance and accepting the slaughter?

After seeing Qin Wang's actions, the protector couldn't help but frown.

Is there some trap here?


So what if there is a trap!

In the purple air space, he is the only monk with golden elixir strength. In this quarter of an hour, he is the strongest person in the purple air space!

"go to hell!"

The guardian didn't waste any more time and struck with all his strength.

"Xuanming Phantom Blade!"

The protector held the magic formula with both hands and struck Qin Wang.


A translucent black blade condensed out and flew towards Qin Wang.

The blade seemed to be able to cut through space.

In just a moment, he came to Qin Wang.

At this moment, a shield stood in front of Qin Wang, seeming to block the attack.

"It's useless! You will definitely die!"

The guardian roared excitedly.

He has violated the rules of the Purple Air Space and will definitely be killed by the Purple Air Space, and the culprit is Qin Wang.

So he was full of resentment towards Qin Wang.

boom! ! ! ! !

The black blade struck Qin Wang's shield.

The terrifying shock wave spread, even in mid-air, forcing everyone below to put up defenses to resist the shock wave.

Soon, the water vapor generated by the violent explosion dissipated.

Everyone could clearly see Qin Wang hovering in mid-air, unscathed.

A shield appeared in front of Qin Wang. This shield had ancient patterns and was an extraordinary thing.

Come to think of it, it could block the full force attack of a Jindan cultivator, so how could it be ordinary?

Qin Wang was very satisfied with the defensive ability of the Barbarian God Shield.

The black blade just now could not shake the Barbarian God Shield at all, and was easily blocked.

The protector was stunned. He never expected that Qin Wang could actually take his full force attack.

This is the power of the Jindan stage, which is a qualitative leap for the Fake Dan stage.

No matter how talented he is, he can't cross the gap between the Fake Dan stage and the Jindan stage.

And now, Qin Wang easily blocked his full force attack. How is this possible?

Xiao Chuan and the other three were also stunned.

They never expected that Qin Wang would be unscathed.

Not only Xiao Chuan and the others were stunned, but even Helian Xianyun and the others were completely stunned.

How is this possible?

Could it be because of the shield in front of Qin Wang?

Helian Xianyun thought of something and looked carefully at the shield in front of Qin Wang.

The pattern was simple and seemed to have an ancient aura.

It should be an ancient treasure.

The problem is, is this ancient treasure too powerful?

It can allow a cultivator in the false dan realm to block the full force attack of a cultivator in the golden dan stage.

It is really too terrifying.

"No!!!!!! I don't believe it!!!!!!"

The protector roared, and practiced his hands to launch a spell.

Various attacks hit Qin Wang.

Unfortunately, these attacks were easily blocked by the Barbarian God Shield, and they could not shake the Barbarian God Shield at all, and naturally could not hurt Qin Wang.

Everyone looked at the crazy protector and shook their heads and sighed.

It's a pity that a golden dan cultivator was driven crazy like this.


No one noticed that under the crazy surface of the protector, his eyes were sharp and calm.

The protector understood that these spell attacks could not break through Qin Wang's defense.

Under his seemingly crazy surface, the ultimate killer was hidden.

You are dead! ! !

The protector stared at Qin Wang intently, and the hatred in his heart reached its peak.

At this moment, the protector realized that the time had come.

Nether Shadow Thorn!

The protector swung it suddenly, without anyone noticing.

No one knew that the Nether Shadow Thorn had been mixed in with many spell attacks.


Qin Wang suddenly had a whim and felt a hint of danger.

But this hint of danger came and went quickly. Before Qin Wang could react, he felt that the Barbarian God Shield was hit hard.

This attack completely surpassed all the previous attacks and reached a higher level.

This was a full-strength attack from the late Jindan period!

Boom! ! ! ! !

The Barbarian God Shield was almost broken into many pieces under such an attack.

Qin Wang immediately used the Barbarian God's left hand.

A bloody giant hand grabbed the Barbarian God Shield and abruptly stopped the posture that was about to break.

The people below immediately noticed that a pitch-black spike was hitting the center of the Barbarian God Shield, and the two sides were competing in strength.

Can the Fake Dan Realm compete with the Golden Dan Realm in terms of mana?

How is this possible?

However, this scene really happened in front of everyone.


The guardian roared, his eyes red.

He never expected that even the Nether Shadow Thorn could not successfully break through Qin Wang's defense, and the opponent was only in the Fake Dan Realm!


The guardian burst out with all his strength.


A cloud of blood mist suddenly burst out.

The guardian has already started the blood sacrifice technique, even if the soul cannot enter the reincarnation, he must kill Qin Wang.

Qin Wang immediately felt the pressure doubled.

However, it was still within his tolerance.

Because of the system proficiency, Qin Wang originally focused on collecting various skills and then practicing.

Because of this, his mana is several times more powerful than that of ordinary Fake Dan Realm.

With the two artifacts, the Barbarian God's Left Hand and the Barbarian God's Shield, the opponent's attack is doomed to be useless.

Just wait until the purple air space descends with thunder, or the opponent's blood sacrifice reaches its limit.


Xiao Chuan will not give Qin Wang this opportunity!

He did not expect that Qin Wang was so strong that even his protectors could not hurt Qin Wang with their lives, and now they are in a stalemate.

However, this is also an opportunity for Xiao Chuan.

Xiao Chuan immediately ordered the other two protectors.

"Attack! Attack quickly! Kill him!"

Xiao Chuan shouted.

The other two protectors reacted immediately.

Although they could not break through the limitations of the purple air space and regain the power of the golden elixir, they could still affect Qin Wang with their current power at the peak of the false elixir realm.

The two attacked at the same time.

However, Qin Wang directly summoned the five ghosts.

Even if the other two protectors fought with their lives, they could only barely survive under the siege of the five ghosts.

After a while, the blood sacrifice reached its limit.

Without the support of subsequent power, the Nether Shadow Thorn fell from midair, and the protector who had forcefully broken through to the Golden Core was also annihilated.

It seems that Qin Wang won this battle.

The people below were quite moved when they saw this situation.

They never expected that an outsider cultivator would be so powerful, even more powerful than their Zhongzhou Tianjiao Xiao Chu Nan.

"Qin Tiedan? Why haven't I heard of this name?"

"Maybe it's not well-known."

"Do you think it's a pseudonym?"

"A pseudonym? It's unnecessary, right? He's already so powerful, so he naturally has a deep background. It's a good opportunity to become famous. Why would he use a pseudonym?"

"That's right."

Everyone whispered.

At this time, the remaining two protectors were besieged by the five ghosts. If Qin Wang hadn't given a death order to kill them, these two protectors wouldn't have survived until now.

Now, they have become the playthings of the five ghosts.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Chuan finally made a decision.

He gritted his teeth and knelt down directly to Qin Wang.

"Brother Tiedan, you are so generous, please let me go."

Xiao Chuan pleaded with Qin Wang.

Seeing this situation, everyone was silent.

After all, Xiao Chuan is also a Zhongzhou genius, and he is also the leader of their group.

Now Xiao Chuan kneels down to Qin Wang and begs for mercy, which is a slap in their faces and makes them lose face.

However, facing the matter of life and death, no one can blame them.

Put yourself in their shoes, if kneeling down and begging for mercy can get a glimmer of life, they are willing to do so.

Immortal cultivators seek longevity.

Temporary honor and disgrace are nothing to them.

Of course, there are people who are sincere and affectionate, but they are few.

Helian Xianyun looked at Qin Wang with a pair of beautiful eyes, shining with light, as if he had some ideas.

Qin Wang looked at Xiao Chuan and sighed.

"If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?"

Qin Wang said lightly.

"I am blind and I look down on people. Brother Tiedan, look..."

Xiao Chuan looked at Qin Wang with a pleading face.

"There is no need for people like you to stay in this world."

After Qin Wang finished speaking, he took out the Qingyou small sword.


Twelve Qingyou small swords flew towards Xiao Chuan.


Xiao Chuan hurriedly threw out a jade slip.

There is a magic sealed inside, which is the life-saving item given to him by the ancestor in the God Transformation Stage.


The jade slip exploded, and a golden light flew out, forming a golden shield that enveloped Xiao Chuan.


Twelve Qingyou small swords hit the golden shield and were bounced off one after another.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Chuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He stood up and stared at Qin Wang viciously.

"You let me use the life-saving item given to me by the ancestor, you are dead! The ancestor will come to find you! You are dead! Hahahahahahaha"

Xiao Chuan burst into laughter.

"This shield is absolutely impossible to break unless it is a strong person in the God Transformation Stage. And it can exist for twelve hours. Qin Tiedan, you should never, ever kill me."

After laughing for a while, Xiao Chuan spoke coldly.

He hated, and his heart was full of hatred.

Because once this life-saving item was used, it meant that he was incompetent, and the family would abandon him and cultivate a stronger person.

This was equivalent to destroying his future.

How could Xiao Chu Nan not hate him?

"If that's the case, then wait."

Qin Wang said, and glanced at the Five Ghosts.

The Five Ghosts received the order and immediately killed the other two protectors.

And Qin Wang did not leave, just quietly watching Xiao Chu Nan in the golden shield.

Soon, Qin Wang thought of something, and he looked at the people below.

"Should you give me the Dan Ning purple energy in your hands?"

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