Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 27 Intelligence exposed! Big earthquake in Yanyun County! The function of a broken bowl!

Qin Wang looked into the other two white porcelain bottles.

I found that the Qi and Blood Pill inside was still there.

"Try again!"

Qin Wang's heart moved, and he immediately picked up a white porcelain bottle again and threw it into the bowl.


Suddenly, the lip of the white porcelain bottle flashed with red light, and Qin Wang could clearly see that a streak of red flew out of it, entered the bowl, and disappeared. He looked at the white porcelain bottle again and found that the Qi and Blood Pill inside was gone.

"This bowl"

Qin Wang picked up the broken bowl with a thoughtful look in his eyes. He remembered that the intelligence showed that this bowl would help him practice.

Qin Wang looked at the bowl again.

I found that the bowl was intact, but it was dirty, the original color could not be seen, and it could not be washed away.

After absorbing the elixir, it was still empty.

"It's a little weird."

Qin Wang looked at the bowl in his hand carefully, hoping to find clues in it.

at the same time.

East of the city.

High Roller Tavern.

"What? Ji Zhang, the leader of the Heijiang Gang, practices magic skills and sucks human blood every 12 hours? Zhang Fan, the shop owner of the bun shop in the north of the city, died at his hands? Isn't this too scary?"

"The Flying Eagle Martial Arts School was plotted by the Electric Sword Martial Arts School and the Iron Clothes Martial Arts School? Du Xiang's third disciple, Lin Yunfeng, rebelled? Leading enemies to massacre his fellow disciples?"

"Chen Kun, the head of the Chen family, has his Zi Yang Kung skill halved every night? In order to make up for his shortcomings, he cut off his descendants to practice the Zi Kui sword technique? Has his temperament changed drastically?"

"Who posted this news? Isn't it awesome? Is it true?"

"I don't know who posted it, but it was also posted on the door of Storyteller Teahouse over there. I have to say, this person is very brave!"

Dozens of people gathered around the door of the tavern, looking at the three notices posted above, and talking about it.

North of the city.

Yachu Street.

In a secluded residence.

A tall middle-aged man in black clothes with a square face and sharp eyebrows sat cross-legged on the bed, his eyes closed tightly, exuding a powerful blood evil aura. At this moment, a respectful voice sounded outside. "Gang leader, my subordinates have something urgent to report!"

The body of the man in black was shaken, and the bloody evil energy in his body suddenly shrank back into his body. With a wave of his hand, the door opened wide and he spoke lightly. "What's the matter?"

"Master, look at it!"

A middle-aged man with a thin build and wise eyes came forward respectfully and handed over a piece of paper.

The man in black took the white paper and unfolded it. His face gradually darkened, his inner strength was shaken, and the paper in his hand became shattered!

"Where did this come from?"

Ji Zhang stood up and slowly held up his hands, his joints crackling.

"Gang leader, I don't know who posted it at the entrance of the tavern and teahouse last night. It is probably spreading everywhere now. There are a lot of such information posted, but my subordinates only got 2 pieces. I don't know whose hands the others are!"

The thin and wise middle-aged man spoke respectfully.

"Ji Bo, an elite member of the Shrinking Gang, is on call at any time! And send someone to investigate the person who posted this message!"

Ji Zhang's face was extremely gloomy, he put his hands behind his back and said.

"Yes, Gang Leader!"

Ji Bo clasped his fists respectfully, turned and left.

"It seems that someone can't stand my Heijiang Gang!"

Ji Zhang's expression was gloomy. He knew in his heart that practicing magic skills to suck people's blood was a taboo in the world. Once word got out, everyone would definitely beat him up like a rat crossing the street. The bloodthirsty magic skills he practiced were passed down by the Snow Lotus Holy Envoy. No one else knows.

The Snow Lotus Holy Envoy should not say that.

Who is this mysterious person?

How did he know?

at the same time.

In Yanyun County, one of the four major families, the Chen family.


Chen Kun, the head of the Chen family, who was of medium height and dressed in brocade clothes, smashed the jade coffee table in front of him with one palm, stood up suddenly, looked at the housekeeper in front of him, his face was extremely gloomy, and said. "Third brother, can you find out who posted this?"

"Brother, I don't know yet. It was posted last night."

Chen Feng cupped his fists and bowed, but he was secretly looking at his eldest brother. He felt that his eldest brother was indeed wearing more brocade robes recently. Moreover, his beard had fallen off sparsely, and his voice was not as strong as before.

Could it be that this information is true?

The eldest brother has already committed suicide?

Zikui's sword technique caused a bloody storm in the world back then. Masters from all walks of life robbed it, but in the end it disappeared. Could it be that it fell into the hands of the eldest brother?


"This person must be found out. He dares to expose the weakness of my Chen family's Zi Yang Kung! He slanders me, Chen Kun! He must be someone from within my Chen family!"

"I want him to regret coming into this world!"

Chen Kun's aura surged, and the powerful aura swept across all directions. The house he was in was torn apart by the aura!

"yes, Sir!"

When Chen Feng saw his eldest brother's power, his heart suddenly trembled, his expression became even more respectful, and he turned around and left.

"At the same time, pay attention to the Lin family, Su family, and Zhang family! Heijiang Gang, Tianhe Club!"

"They must be interested when they learn about the weakness of our Chen family's Ziyang Kung!"

Chen Kun then warned.

"Brother, I understand!"

Chen Feng clasped his fists again, turned and left.

Yanyun County Government Office.

County Magistrate Chen Hao was sitting in a study room, looking at a piece of white paper in front of him, his brows furrowed deeply.

He glanced at the lean and monkey-like master standing next to him and asked. "Ji Wuyuan, do you think it's true that this mysterious person exposed Gang Leader Ji's practice of blood-sucking demonic skills?"

As a county magistrate, Chen Hao naturally met Ji Zhang, the leader of the Heijiang Gang.

The Heijiang Gang pays him a lot of tribute every year.

However, in recent times, people have often been sucked dry and turned into mummies, which has had a huge impact.

If it was really Ji Zhang who did it, then Ji Zhang must be arrested, and the people of Yanyun County must be given an explanation to stabilize the people's hearts.

"I also think it is impossible for Gang Leader Ji."

Ji Wuyuan clasped his fists and said. "Sir, the Chen family's patriarch Chen Kun was also exposed. It is said that the weakness of Zi Yang Gong is midnight, and he also castrated himself and practiced the Zi Kui sword technique of the year. And the rebellion of Lin Yunfeng, a disciple of Du Xiang of Feiying Martial Arts School."

"Let me investigate first and report to you later, how about it?"

"Well, go ahead, ask Gang Leader Ji to come to the county government."

Chen Hao waved his hand and said.


Ji Wuyuan nodded and turned to leave.

East of the city.

In the yard where Qin Wang rented.

"Can a broken bowl purify pills?"

In the morning, at about eleven o'clock, Qin Wang sat on the bed, looking at the broken bowl in front of him, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

At this moment.

In the broken bowl, there were three bean-sized Qi and Blood Pills, no, it should not be called Qi and Blood Pills now.

These are the three pills that Broken Bowl spit out after absorbing the three pills in the white porcelain bottle for an hour.

New pills.

The surface is smooth and white, without the impurities of Qi and Blood Pills, and it feels that the quality has been improved many times.

"Take a purified pill and try it."

Qin Wang picked up a purified pill with his index finger and thumb and threw it into his mouth.

The pill melted in his mouth and instantly turned into a warm current that flowed down his throat.


A powerful medicinal power swept through the eight meridians. Qin Wang hurriedly operated the route of the Little Red Yang Gong and began to refine the medicinal power of this 'new Qi and Blood Pill'. As he continued to refine, Qin Wang felt that the toothpick-sized internal energy in the meridians gradually became as thick as chopsticks.

Asking for recommendation votes, many brothers said that it was watery before, I got up at four o'clock in the morning and deleted some of the watery parts, please forgive me for the inconvenience or2 or2 or2

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