Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 284: Using all means to fight for thirty breaths! Witchcraft Destroying Thunder Dragon!

Chapter 284: Use all means to fight for thirty breaths! Witchcraft·World-destroying Thunder Dragon!

The Cyclops saw the Qingping Sword coming straight at him and subconsciously dodged.

However, the Qingping Sword was as fast as lightning, leaving the Cyclops no time to dodge.


The Qingping Sword passed through the Cyclops' cheek, leaving a deep white mark, with faint blood seeping out.

Qin Wang was stunned when he saw this scene.

He never expected that the Qingping Sword could not break the Cyclops' defense.

What realm is this Cyclops?

Although such a scar did not cause the Cyclops to suffer a serious injury, it still angered it.


The Cyclops roared, his eyes turned red.

It raised the giant axe in its hand high and chopped towards Qin Wang.

Qin Wang hurriedly dodged.


The giant axe fell to the ground, chopping out a huge crack.

The shock wave swept out, mixed with flying debris, splashing in all directions.

Qin Wang hurriedly put the Barbarian God Shield in front of him.

Boom boom boom.

The Barbarian God Shield could not withstand the flying debris alone, and it broke into nine pieces.

On the other side, Jiu Zi had to burst out her hidden cultivation.

She raised her hand, and the powerful magic power condensed into a shield, blocking in front of her, which blocked the flying debris.

Qin Wang came to Jiu Zi's side with the impact of the debris.

"Join hands."

Qin Wang said directly.


Jiu Zi nodded in agreement.

She also understood that in this situation, if they did not join forces to fight the enemy, they might not be able to leave here alive, let alone enter the palace.

"Buy me thirty breaths of time."

Jiu Zi said very seriously.


Qin Wang agreed immediately.

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Wang immediately summoned the five ghosts.

After the five ghosts appeared, they rushed towards the Cyclops.

The Cyclops swung the giant axe in his hand and swept it across, easily sweeping away the five ghosts who were rushing towards him.

However, the five ghosts were flexible, and they immediately changed direction after dodging and rushed towards the Cyclops again.

This time, the Cyclops had no time to react, and was hit by the five ghosts on his limbs and neck respectively.


The ghost claws of the five ghosts could not even leave a mark on the Cyclops' body. Such an attack was like tickling.

The Cyclops also discovered this, so he ignored the five ghosts and walked straight towards Qin Wang.

Qin Wang saw that the five ghosts could not stop the Cyclops, so he could only summon the Candle Dragon.


Accompanied by a dragon cry, the Candle Dragon rushed out from the back of Qin Wang's right hand.

The sudden change made the Cyclops slightly stunned. There seemed to be a glimmer of doubt in its one eye.

It didn't understand why the Candle Dragon wanted to attack it.

The Candle Dragon did not hesitate at all and spit out a breath of dragon breath.

The Cyclops raised his palm, went against the dragon's breath, grabbed Zhulong's neck directly, and then threw him down.

Boom! ! !

Zhulong was thrown to the ground by the Cyclops, and a lot of cracks were smashed on the ground.

A casual grab made Zhulong unable to resist, and even Zhulong's body became more illusory.

Qin Wang saw this situation and understood that the Cyclops should be an existence beyond the transformation of the gods, otherwise, how could he defeat Zhulong so easily?

He never expected that the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid would be so difficult.

"How long will it take?"

Qin Wang asked loudly without looking back.

At this time, Jiu Zi's hands flashed with a lot of lightning.

"Twenty more breaths!"

Jiu Zi gritted his teeth and answered loudly.

Qin Wang couldn't help but clench his fists.

The series of attacks just now only blocked the Cyclops for ten breaths.

In this case...

Qin Wang did not hesitate at all, he took out the magic weapon in the storage bag and threw it at the Cyclops.

Although these magic weapons are only the magic weapons of Yuanying and Jindan cultivators, the power of each one is not great, and it can't even tickle the Cyclops.


Qin Wang threw these magic weapons out to make them explode.

The power generated by the self-explosion of the magic weapon is ten times that of the original attack of the magic weapon.

Only Qin Wang can make such a luxurious attack.

After all, he has accumulated many magic weapons along the way, and they are very useless.

And now is the time to make these magic weapons work!

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The continuous bombing forced the Cyclops to raise his hands and block his head.

Qin Wang saw that it was effective and continued to throw magic weapons.

Many magic weapons exploded, and the terrifying power bombarded the Cyclops.

No matter how strong the Cyclops was, he was shaken by the explosion.

Time passed by breath by breath.

Every breath felt like a year to Qin Wang.

At this moment, Qin Wang's hands were empty.

All the magic weapons in the storage bag have been used up.

Not good!

Qin Wang immediately put the Barbarian Shield in front of him.

At this time, the Cyclops had recovered from the continuous explosions. It roared and raised the giant axe in its hand, smashing it towards Qin Wang.


The Barbarian Shield was smashed again and flew around.

Even the Qingping Sword, which served as the second line of defense, was smashed into twelve small Qingyou swords.

The terrifying shock wave hit Qin Wang's body, knocking him back.


Qin Wang spat out a mouthful of blood and stared at the Cyclops in front of him.

Damn, how can it be so strong?

"Five more breaths!"

Jiu Zi shouted.

At this time, the lightning in her hand had condensed into thunder, like a small thunder dragon, shuttling back and forth between her hands.

Qin Wang saw this situation and knew that there was no other way except to trust Jiu Zi.

"Time is still!"

Qin Wang roared, pouring all his magic power into the Zhulong mark on his right arm.

The Zhulong, which had fallen to the ground and stopped moving, immediately burst into a dazzling light.


In an instant, the Cyclops stopped, as if it was solidified.

The huge axe it raised high could not fall.

Just as Qin Wang was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard a crisp sound of crackling.

Could it be...

Qin Wang looked at the stationary Cyclops.

At the same time, the Cyclops' body was moving slowly, and even the surrounding space was broken and cracked.

The original five breaths of time stopped, but it turned out that it only imprisoned the Cyclops for one breath!


The Cyclops broke free from the restraints of time stop, raised the giant axe high and smashed it towards Jiuzi.

Because it felt that Jiuzi was more threatening than Qin Wang.

Seeing this situation, Jiuzi knew that she could no longer accumulate strength.

She gritted her teeth and made a decision in an instant.

She directly spit out a mouthful of blood and sprayed it on the thunder dragon in her hand.

In an instant, the thunder dragon turned blood red.

"Witchcraft·World-destroying Thunder Dragon!"

Jiuzi roared and threw the thunder dragon in her hand.


Accompanied by a dragon cry, the blood-red thunder dragon shot towards the Cyclops.

During the flight, the blood-colored thunder dragon became thicker and thicker, and finally formed a blood-colored thunder dragon that was ten feet long.


The blood-colored thunder dragon and the Cyclops collided fiercely!

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