Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 291 Strong physical strength! Mysterious means, curse!

The man didn't answer, but stabbed Qin Wang in the chest with a dagger.

Qin Wang did not dodge.

Because he had confidence in the third-level star body tempering method, and even more because he did not notice the danger to his life.


With a crisp sound, the dagger broke into several sections, but it only pierced a small hole in Qin Wang's clothes.

Through the small hole, you can see Qin Wang's body skin. There is no trace of blood, only a shallow white mark.

After a while, the white marks were automatically smoothed out and restored to their original appearance.

If it weren't for the small hole in his clothes, it wouldn't even be possible to tell that a Jindan monk had stabbed Qin Wang with a dagger just now.

"You, you, are the devil! Ahhhhhh!"

The man screamed in horror.

Qin Wang shook his head.

"You are so weak, it seems you don't know much."

After saying that, Qin Wang used his fingers slightly to crush the opponent's head.


The other person's head exploded like a watermelon.

However, Qin Wang had already been prepared and used magic power to form a barrier on the surface of his body to block the splashing blood.

Qin Wang looked towards the entrance in the distance.

"Assassination has no effect on me. Why don't you show up?"

Qin Wang said with a smile.

After a while, three people came over from a distance.

The three men were all wearing night clothes and hoods, leaving only a pair of eyes.

Seeing this situation, Qin Wang shook his head.

"You are really as cowardly as a mouse. You dared to curse Houtu's bloodline. Why don't you dare to show your face?"

Qin Wang said disdainfully.

The three people did not respond to Qin Wang. They glanced at each other and then took action at the same time.

A man raised his hand, and a flying sword shot out, heading straight for Qin Wang's face.

One person squatted on the ground and slapped his hands on the ground.

Complex runes extended on the ground, and the entire ground began to shake like water waves.

Qin Wang immediately understood that the other party must have used some kind of ability to make the ground look like a swamp, making it difficult to move.

At the same time, the flying sword had also arrived in front of Qin Wang.

Qin Wang raised his hand and popped out his fingers.


With a soft sound, the flying sword flew out.

"With only this little ability, you dare to attack the Houtu bloodline?"

Qin Wang looked at the three of them doubtfully.

He didn't understand how these three mere cultivators in the Golden Core realm had the courage to target Hou Tu Wan'er.

No matter how bad Hou Tu Wan'er is, no matter how weak Hou Tu's witch tribe is, it is still a witch tribe that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, or even more than a hundred thousand years. It is the blood of Hou Tu, one of the twelve ancestral witches.

Unless there is something behind all this...

At this moment, the third person finally moved. He roared angrily and rushed directly towards Qin Wang.

Every step he took was solid ground.

In this way, the ground reduced to a swamp is no longer an environment that restricts the third person.

When the third man rushed to Qin Wang, he had already transformed into a tiger man. His whole body was covered with black and yellow hair, and even his hands had been transformed into tiger claws.


The tiger's claws grabbed at Qin Wang.

"Well done!"

Qin Wang's eyes lit up, he clenched his fist and punched out, hitting the center of the tiger's claw.


With a muffled sound, the tiger man was hit back by the huge force of the shock, and took three steps back before he stood firm.

Qin Wang, however, stood still, motionless.

"He is restricted by the swamp, good opportunity! Kill him!"

The man who activated the witchcraft said in surprise.

When the tiger man heard this, he rushed towards Qin Wang again.

At the same time, the flying sword also turned back and stabbed Qin Wang from behind.

A double attack!

Qin Wang did not use the Barbarian Shield, nor did he use the twelve Qingyou small swords.

Because he wanted to test how strong his physical strength is now!

Qin Wang stood there, blocking the tiger man's attack with one hand, and swatting away the flying sword that came with the other hand.

The tiger man launched a fierce attack on Qin Wang.

However, every move he made was easily blocked by Qin Wang.

To Qin Wang, the flying sword next to him was just a simple harassment and no threat at all.

After a quarter of an hour, Qin Wang suddenly exerted his strength and directly knocked away the tiger man and the flying sword.

"If you only have these strengths, then go to hell."

Qin Wang said lightly.

He was willing to play with these three people just now, just because he wanted to experience the feeling of close combat after cultivating immortality.

After all, since he entered the Immortal Path, he rarely engages in close combat.

Spells and flying swords are used more because it is easier and safer to kill enemies.

It was just a long-awaited search for a feeling.

It has to be said that the star body tempering method not only makes the body strong and hard, but also makes the reaction speed much faster. Compared with before, it is completely in the sky and on the earth.

After Qin Wang finished speaking, he used a little force to pull his foot out of the mud very easily.

He walked on the swamp as if walking on flat ground, and was not affected by the swamp spell at all.

At the same time, the flying sword shot towards Qin Wang's temple.

Qin Wang raised his hand and directly grabbed the sword body of Feijian.

A sudden force.


With a crisp sound, the flying sword broke.


The man driving the flying sword spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his breath suddenly fell to the bottom.

After all, his mind is connected to Feijian.

Now that the flying sword was destroyed, it naturally affected his mind and caused him to be severely injured in an instant.

Qin Wang dodged and came to the tiger man. He clenched his fist and blasted it out.


With a muffled sound, the tiger man flew out and hit the far wall, blasting a big hole in the wall. Moreover, his abdomen had been pierced by Qin Wang's punch, and even the golden elixir inside was shattered.

Instant death!

"It seems like you're trying too hard."

Qin Wang shrugged his shoulders and continued walking forward.

The remaining two men in black trembled when they saw this situation.

They knew that they were no match for Qin Wang after all.

Bang bang.

Following two muffled sounds, the two men in black fell to their knees.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me."

"If you have any requests, please put them forward directly. I will definitely satisfy you."

The two men in black kowtowed to Qin Wang and spoke.

Qin Wang ignored these two people and looked at the figure on the roof in the distance.

"It seemed like that person would know better."

Qin Wang smiled slightly.

At this moment, the two men in black who were begging for mercy suddenly widened their eyes and opened their mouths, as if they wanted to say something. But they didn't say a word before they fell to the ground, completely dead.

Even the golden elixir was not destroyed and he died.

Qin Wang glanced at the two people on the ground and frowned.

"Poison? No, it should be a curse. But this curse is so strong that it can directly kill the soul?"

Qin Wang narrowed his eyes slightly.

He dodged and came to the opposite side of the person in the distance.

"Who the hell are you?"

Qin Wang asked. (End of chapter)

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