Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 293 Hou Tu Wan'er's shame and anger! The Saint's pursuers!

[8: You fought against the messenger from the underworld yesterday and obtained information that there are clues to the ancestor of the Witch Clan in the underworld. 】

[9: You stayed in the Saint's Mansion all day yesterday without going out. After getting information, the pursuers of Saint Nine Purple decided to challenge you after dawn. 】

[10: When your name Qin Ba spread to Zhongzhou, it did not attract any attention. It only caused a small number of Zhongzhou senior officials to learn that the Holy Son had appeared in the Wu clan. They were a little curious and prepared to arrange personnel to investigate. 】

Qin Wang looked at this information and was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that the man in black robe turned out to be the messenger of the underworld.

The underworld is said to be a vast realm with countless races in it.

It's just that if you want to enter the underworld, you need a special method, or you need to be powerful enough to tear through the boundary barrier and enter directly.


Qin Wang suddenly remembered that in a previous piece of information, the Nether Tiger had the ability to communicate with the underworld and could open the passage to the underworld at the cost of his life.

And Nether Tiger is one of the younger brothers of Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile.

It's just that after the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile became a ninth-level monster, he didn't pay much attention to this little brother.

Now it seems that this Nether Tiger still has some use.

Originally, Qin Wang had no interest in the dispute between Houtu Wan'er and the underworld.

However, the messenger from the underworld obviously came here for the Houtu Mark. After Wanyanmeng is rescued, the Houtu Mark will be passed on to Wanyanmeng.

Rather than passively waiting for the underworld to launch an attack, it is better to take the initiative and solve all troubles.

In this way, at least the initiative is in your own hands.

After making up his mind, Qin Wang continued to close his eyes and rest.

Originally, he had concerns about Jiu Zi, but according to system intelligence, Jiu Zi was just curious and did not have any malicious intentions.

If this is the case, there is no need to continue to hide the star body quenching method.

Qin Wang sat cross-legged and directly practiced the star body tempering method.

A large amount of star power converged on Qin Wang through the starlight.

As a result, Qin Wang's body emitted a faint fluorescent light, like countless stars gathering on his body, and his whole body was shining with countless streams of light.

Jiu Zi next to him suddenly realized when he saw this situation.

"It turns out that he only used the Star Grass for training. It seems that it should be some kind of body training method. In this case, then this Star Grass should not be wasted. It is better to let him absorb it directly."

Jiu Zi took out the star grass and threw it directly towards Qin Wang.

The power of the stars in the star grass was pulled, flew directly into Qin Wang's body, and was absorbed by Qin Wang.

When the star grass fell to the ground, all the power of the stars had been sucked out, and it turned into a withered yellow weed.

Morning time.

Qin Wang opened his eyes and felt the power of the stars in his body.

He nodded to Jiuzi to thank him.

Jiu Zi also smiled in response.

Neither of them mentioned the star grass last night so as not to embarrass the other.

Detaining a Star Grass is said to be a big deal, but it is actually nothing. Call it a trivial matter, after all, it was originally agreed to give out all the star grass as reward, and it is unjustifiable to withhold one without permission.

After a while, the door to the secret room slowly opened from inside.

A beautiful figure came out.

"My appearance is finally... restored!"

Houtu Wan'er looked at Jiu Zi excitedly.

If Qin Wang hadn't been there, she would have even wanted to pounce on Jiu Zi and hug him tightly.

Qin Wang noticed that Houtu Wan'er's facial features returned to normal and her skin became fair and delicate.

It has to be said that Hou Tu Wan'er's appearance is very beautiful, even more beautiful than Jiu Zi's. There is a charming feeling between every frown and smile.

Qin Wang had only seen one person in this state, and that was Helian Xianyun.

I don’t know how Helian Xianyun is doing now?

Jiu Zi said a few words to Hou Tu Wan'er, and then took Hou Tu Wan'er's hand and came to Qin Wang.

"The person you should thank the most is Saint Qin Ba."

Jiu Zi said with a smile.

"Thank you, Holy Son, for helping me. This little girl has nothing to repay, so why not..."

Houtu Wan'er's cheeks were slightly red and she was about to say those four words.

"No. I'm not interested in you."

Qin Wang interrupted directly.

Houtu Wan'er was suddenly startled.

She never expected that Qin Wang would refuse.

Not to mention that she didn't mean that at all, she just said it deliberately to tease the other person.

She used to be ugly, and she didn't look good on anyone except Jiuzi.

Now that she was back to normal and full of confidence, she wanted to tease Qin Wang, but was ruthlessly rejected by Qin Wang.

This made Houtu Wan'er quite unhappy.

At the same time, it also aroused the resentment in Houtu Wan'er's heart.

I, Hou Tu Wan'er, am so beautiful, and you actually refused me? It’s really too much!

Qin Wang didn't pay attention to Hou Tu Wan'er, but looked at Jiu Zi.

"I'm going back."

After Qin Wang finished speaking, he left directly.

Anyway, since things are busy here, it is better to return to the Zhuyin Witch Club early to prepare for the subsequent sacrificial ceremony.

More importantly, Qin Wang didn't want to be surrounded by Jiu Zi's suitors in the Holy Girl's Mansion.

However, when Qin Wang arrived at the front yard of the Holy Lady's Mansion, he was still a step too late.

He could feel that many people had gathered outside the door, probably all of Jiuzi's suitors.

After all, Qin Wang stayed in the Holy Lady's Mansion as the Holy Son and stayed out all night, which naturally aroused the jealousy and resentment of those suitors.

However, there is no need to deliberately avoid these suitors.

Qin Wang walked straight out of the Holy Lady's Mansion.

"The door is open!"

"Look, it's Qin Ba!"

"He actually had the nerve to come out."

"Damn Qin Ba, he deliberately stayed in the Holy Lady's Mansion all night just to tarnish the Holy Lady's reputation."

"The saint definitely doesn't like this guy."

"This boy is fair and tender, but he doesn't look masculine at first glance."

Everyone pointed at Qin Wang.

Although there were many people talking, none really had the courage to stop Qin Wang.

After all, Qin Wang received the title of Holy Son after clearing the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Qin Wang ignored these people and prepared to fly away.

At this moment, three men suddenly flew in from a distance.

"Holy Son Qin Ba, what were you doing in the Holy Lady's Mansion yesterday? Are you plotting against the Holy Lady?"

The leader said loudly.

His voice was so loud that everyone present heard it.

For a moment, everyone was quiet.

There is a winner!

Qin Wang glanced at the other person. It was obvious that this person was going to challenge him.

However, although the other party is young, his cultivation level is only at the peak of the Golden Core.

The only thing Qin Wanggao took a look at was the two people beside the young man. Just standing there gave people an unfathomable feeling.

At least become a god.

It turned out that he had two God-incarnation True Monarchs as bodyguards, so no wonder he had the courage to stand up.

Qin Wang couldn't help but laugh when he saw this situation.

"Who are you? How dare you question me?"

Qin Wang raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party with interest.

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