Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 308 The terrifying power of the curse! Wu Shenji, the leader of the Wu clan!

The great elder of the Wu clan placed all his hopes on the resurrection ceremony.

As long as he can successfully resurrect the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the benefits he will receive will be unimaginable.

What's more, after the Twelve Ancestral Witches are resurrected, they will surely be able to lead the Witch Clan back to its former glory.

More importantly, he can go one step further. By then, purifying the blood of Zhulong and becoming a real Zhulong will no longer be a dream.


Now everything has been destroyed by Qin Wang.

At this moment, the great elder of the Wu clan wanted to cut Qin Wang into pieces.

"Tell me, who do you want to die?"

A clear voice came from behind the great elder of the Wu clan.

The great elder was suddenly startled and looked back subconsciously.

Among the ruins of the altar, Wan Yanmeng was suspended in mid-air, surrounded by the power of a dark curse.

Those cursed powers beside Wan Yanmeng were like the most obedient pets.

"Let me ask you, who... do you want to die?!"

Wan Yanmeng's tone gradually became more serious.

When she said the last word, a curse flew towards the great elder.

The great elder was suddenly startled and hurriedly raised his hand, using his magic power to form a shield and block it in front of him.

However, the dark curse power easily penetrated the shield, circled around the great elder, and then disappeared.


The great elder was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but sneer.

"I thought you were so strong, but it seems you were just bluffing."

After the great elder finished speaking, he suddenly felt that the original injury in his body had recurred.


The great elder spat out a mouthful of blood.

Not only that, after he spit out this mouthful of blood, the injuries in his body not only did not improve, but became more serious, and even began to shake the origin of his life!

how so?

Could it be because of the power of the curse just now?

That is to say...

"You put a curse on me?!"

The great elder's eyes widened and he looked at Wanyanmeng in disbelief.

Logically speaking, Wan Yanmeng didn't have any cultivation, so why could he be hurt?

This is unreasonable!

However, curses are inherently unreasonable, and this is also a manifestation of the rules of heaven and earth.

Existence is reasonable.

The great elder felt that the injuries in his body were getting worse and worse, so much so that he could no longer hover in the air.


The Great Elder slammed the ground hard, and a dark curse wandered on the surface of his body.

He could clearly feel that he was going to die.

Just the power of a curse can put a strong man like him in the integration stage into a state of near-death, which is really terrifying.

"If you want to hurt him, then go and die."

Wan Yanmeng looked at the great elder on the ground and spoke slowly.

Her tone was very calm, as if she was doing an insignificant thing.

As soon as she finished speaking, Wan Yanmeng raised her hand again and issued a curse at the great elder.

Seeing that the second curse was about to hit the great elder.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the side and blocked the power of the curse.

The power of the curse rushed back and forth in the opponent's hand, trying to break free.

However, the palm of the opponent's hand is like a cage. No matter how much the power of the curse collides, he cannot break out.

boom! ! !

A flame burned in the opponent's hand, quickly burning away the power of the curse.

A stout man appeared next to the great elder.

He sighed and glanced at the great elder.

"Why dwell on the glory of antiquity?"

The stocky man shook his head.

When the other elders saw this sturdy man, they all saluted.

"Clan leader."

The elders said in unison.

"Clan leader!"

"The patriarch is here!"

"Meet the patriarch!"

The surrounding Wu tribe people also spoke one after another.

For a while, the scene was a little chaotic.

Qin Wang was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Jiu Zi and gave him a questioning look.

Jiuzi noticed Qin Wang's doubts, she smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"I don't know either."

Jiu Zi said helplessly.

If I had known this, why would it be so complicated?

Wouldn't it be enough to just ask the father to take action and stop the great elder's behavior?

Thinking of this, Jiu Zi even complained about his father.

The clan leader Wu Shenji looked at Wan Yanmeng carefully.

"You are still incomplete in this state. If you continue to stay here, you will inevitably be strangled by the rules of heaven and earth."

Wu Shenji said very seriously.

"So what? As long as I'm still around, no one can hurt him."

Wan Yanmeng's tone was full of determination.

The "he" in his mouth naturally refers to Qin Wang.

In Wan Yanmeng's view, the entire Wu clan was no more important than Qin Wang's finger.

"But what happens after you leave? If we want to harm him, after you are strangled by the rules of heaven and earth, will he be able to escape from the Witch Clan again?"

Wu Shenji shrugged his shoulders.

"Then I'll kill you all!"

Wan Yanmeng clenched her fists, and the power of the curse on her body surged and became stronger and stronger.

"You can kill other people, but you can't kill me. You should know this."

Wu Shenji said with a smile.

When Wan Yanmeng heard this, she couldn't help but fell silent.

She knew that what the other party said was true.

"Let's do this, let's make a deal. You let the Wu clan go, let the great elders go, and I guarantee that Qin Tiedan can survive and live well. How about that?"

Wu Shenji said slowly.


Wan Yanmeng nodded directly.

This sudden agreement caught Wu Shenji off guard.

He was even ready to give in, and at worst, abandon the Great Elder.

Although talents like the Great Elder are very rare, he can be said to be the second strongest combat power in the entire Wu Clan.

But when it's time to give up, Wu Shenji won't be sloppy.

But now, Wan Yanmeng directly agreed.

It was obvious that Wan Yanmeng could no longer hold on.

Thinking of this, Wu Shenji sighed secretly, and after working on it for a long time, it turned out that he was frightened by the other party.

At this time, the entire sky became dark.

Terrifying calamity clouds gathered in the sky, and their target was naturally Wanyan Meng.

Wan Yanmeng glanced at Qin Wang one last time, then tore open the space with both hands, entered the crack in the space, and disappeared.

After Wan Yanmeng left, the calamity clouds in the sky dissipated.

Wu Shenji sighed, a little helpless.

He looked at the great elder on the ground, and then punched out.

A fist flew out and hit the great elder hard on the chest.


The great elder spit out a large mouthful of blood and spit out the curse power in his body.

The Witch God Machine released flames and burned away the power of the curse.

After all these hardships, the great elder became even older. He used to have a childlike appearance, but now even his skin has become full of wrinkles, and his face has no color at all.

Wu Shenji did not continue to pay attention to the elder, but looked at Qin Wang, smiled and nodded.

"I know you have a lot of questions, we can talk slowly." (End of Chapter)

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