Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 42 Advancing to the Second-rate Realm! Tianji Pavilion!

Qin Wang looked at the first and second pieces of information, which showed that he was sure that taking the Dragon Blood Pill could advance to the second-rate realm, and he was looking forward to it.

"Chen Hao is arresting me in the whole city?"

Qin Wang looked at the third piece of information, narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice. "It seems that after the breakthrough, this Chen Hao must be exposed! This dog official simply doesn't know the difference between right and wrong!!"

Qin Wang ignored the 4th, 5th, and 7th pieces of information.

"Xiaodanshanfang City?"

"Master Qingyao? Does the place where he rests in Yingchoujian, Jinzhou, have the skills and savings to cultivate immortality?"

When Qin Wang saw the 10th piece of information, his eyes suddenly lit up and his heart pounded.

Cultivation skills!

He didn't expect that.

I actually got news about the techniques for cultivating immortals!

This is great!

"After I rescue my sister, I will go to Yingchoujian in Jinzhou and get Master Qingyao's immortality cultivation technique!"

Qin Wang's eyes were full of expectation.

As far as he knows.

Jinzhou is far away from Youzhou, and you have to pass through Liangzhou to finally reach Jinzhou. At the same time, Qin Wang knew that Jinzhou was also the fiefdom of King Jin.

"I'm tired after taking Tiger Blood Pills continuously. Let's rest for a night and start taking Dragon Blood Pills tomorrow!"

Qin Wang took a deep breath, cleaned up his belongings, checked the doors and windows, and fell asleep.

The second day.

In the afternoon, the sun sets in the west.

Qin Wang was sitting on the bed in the small courtyard room. Waves of heat emanated from his body, his skin was red, his whole body was trembling slightly, and he was sweating like rain!

at the same time.

An increasingly strong aura spread from his body.

He kept running the Little Red Yang Kung, absorbing the powerful and powerful power of the Dragon Blood Pill and turning it into internal energy. At this moment, the hot internal energy in his body was like a big snake swimming along his meridians!

faster and faster!

Qin Wang felt like a furnace at this moment, and his body was trembling more and more violently. He gathered all his mind and energy, running the Little Red Yang Kung, and the aura in his body continued to rise!

Because the Dragon Blood Pill is much more powerful than the Tiger Blood Pill, more and more internal energy is converted in the Dantian, becoming more and more powerful!

Dantian can no longer hold any more internal energy!

The majestic internal force is like a big snake, rolling into the dantian along the meridians, and then rushes from the dantian into the meridians, running rampant!

The internal force rolled over and washed away.

Severe pain in meridians!

Qin Wang gritted his teeth and persisted in using the Xiao Chiyang Kung Fu.


I don't know how long it took, but Qin Wang suddenly heard a sound in his mind. It seemed that something had broken!

at the same time.

He felt a shock in his abdomen, and his Dantian instantly became empty. The internal energy flooding in his meridians was like a mountain torrent that had found an outlet, and it was like a sea of ​​rivers pouring into his Dantian!

Qin Wang immediately activated the Little Red Yang Kung, gathered the internal energy pouring into his Dantian, and stabilized his cultivation bit by bit!

Half an hour later.

"Finally entered the second-rate realm!"

Qin Wang opened his eyes and felt extremely excited as he felt the internal energy in his dantian that had increased five times compared to before.

With second-rate cultivation.

We are even closer to rescuing sister Qin Xuemei!

"Try the inner strength of the second-rate realm first!"

Qin Wang calmed down his mind and stood up. There was a sound like exploding beans all over his body. He performed a few moves of Taizu's long fist. Suddenly, "嚯嚯", "嚯嚯" fierce fist roars arose, which was much more powerful than before. Times!


Qin Wang clenched his fist, and his inner strength spread all over his fist. He punched the wooden table in the room. Suddenly, the wooden table shattered into pieces. He came outside the courtyard again and saw a piece of wood three feet thick on the wall. Long bluestone slab.

He immediately moved the bluestone down, used his internal strength, and punched out.


The foot-thick bluestone suddenly fell into pieces. Qin Wang's eyes showed satisfaction and he murmured. "As expected of a second-rate cultivation, with the inner strength of a fist, a foot-thick bluestone would break into pieces. If this hit someone, wouldn't the sternum collapse? Would it kill him with one punch?"

"Try the Flying Eagle Body Technique!"

With a thought in Qin Wang's mind, he immediately filled his feet with internal energy, stepped on the ground, and performed the Eagle Spread Wings!


In an instant, Qin Wang felt like he was flying off the ground like a flying eagle, and landed steadily on the green tiles of the roof. He lifted up his energy and lightened himself according to the flying eagle movement method, and jumped down towards the courtyard below. It was light and fluttering, with only a slight landing sound!


"I can now be like Lin Yunfeng, flying more than ten feet high in one leap, flying over cliffs and walking over walls!"

Qin Wang jumped onto the roof again and jumped off again, testing it several times.

To know.

More than two months ago, Lin Yunfeng from the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School made him envious of his performance. Now, he can do it too.

[Realm: Second-rate realm (111/2000)]

"There are also two dragon blood pills. If you take them, you should be able to advance to the middle stage of the second-rate realm!"

Qin Wang looked at the panel with anticipation in his eyes.

In the third-rate realm.

Taking a dragon's blood pill can increase proficiency by 400 points. When you reach the second-rate realm, the effect will probably be weaker. However, after taking it, it should be no problem to advance to the mid-second-rate level.

"If you want to advance faster, you have to continue to get dragon blood pills and old elixirs!"

"At the same time, you also need to master swordsmanship and swordsmanship. The only offensive one is Taizu Changquan. After all, when your cultivation level is low, there is still an advantage to being one inch longer and one point stronger."

Qin Wang thought to himself.

"It's been a long time since we've been exposed. Tonight, let's expose the Chen family first!"

"Let the Chen family be in chaos!"

"Only when the Chen family is in chaos can I have a chance to rescue my sister!"

Qin Wang made up his mind and went back to his room to write the information to be exposed.

With his current cultivation level, plus the Sadness Powder Incense, there is a certain chance that he can control Chen Kun, the head of the Chen family. However, Chen Kun has practiced the Purple Kui Sword Technique, and his cultivation level has greatly increased. He can kill Zhang Aofeng, the head of the Zhang family, with one sword. It is very likely that he has broken through the first-class realm.

The Sadness Powder Incense is most effective for masters below the first-class realm, and the effect on first-class masters is not so good. If Chen Kun is not controlled, he will be defeated by his counterattack.


According to Qin Wang's investigation.

The Chen family also has several second-class elders. It is safer to use the information to expose a wave of information and continue to weaken the strength of the Chen family, or to lure Chen Kun away from the Chen family, and then wait for an opportunity to use the Sadness Powder Incense to rescue his sister.

[Tianji Pavilion: Knowing everything]

[1: Chen Kun, the head of the Chen family, has mastered the Purple Kui Sword Technique. He secretly attacked and killed Zhang Aofeng, and is considering secretly destroying the Lin family and the Su family to dominate Yanyun County. ]

[2: Chen Hao, the magistrate of Yanyun County, had a twisted mind and became fond of pedophilia because of the three-breath affair in the bedroom. He once tortured and killed three pedophiles. When Li Jingzhong's army was about to arrive, Chen Hao planned to abandon the city and flee. ]

[3: Zheng Kecheng, the chief constable of the arrest department, also had another identity. He was a spy of the Tianyun League under the Jin King. For more than ten years, he passed the Youzhou intelligence to the Jin King and made great contributions to Li Jingzhong's capture of Youzhou. His son Zheng Lingyun was Li Jingzhong's thirteenth adopted son. ]

Qin Wang wrote 10 pieces of each of the three pieces of intelligence.


His cultivation level has advanced to the second-rate level. He can fly over the eaves and walk on the walls. Posting intelligence is even more handy.

After writing the intelligence, Qin Wang dried it, got some food, and began to practice the Flying Eagle Body Movement and the Little Red Yang Kung.

At night.

Eleven o'clock.

Qin Wang took 30 pieces of intelligence and disappeared into the night.

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