Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 44 Is there a traitor in the Chen family? Three hundred year old ginseng is in hand! [Please

Yanyun County.

Chen Family.

Council Hall.

At this time, Chen Kun, who was wearing a red robe, a black hat, and a white beard, sat in the main seat. A fierce and terrifying aura spread from him.

There were six people sitting on both sides of the lower part of the council hall.

Four of them were old men in their sixties, and the other two middle-aged men were Chen Kun's second brother Chen Xiao and his cousin Chen Yun.

Especially the four old men, although the aura they exuded was not as strong as Chen Kun's, it was also extremely powerful.

"What is the origin of this Tianji Pavilion and Baixiao Shenjun? I have never heard of them before!"

"Why do they target our Chen family repeatedly?"

"The key is, where did they get the news from?"

Chen Kun glanced at the senior members of the Chen family present, his expression was extremely gloomy.

Yesterday afternoon, several core members of the family were summoned to discuss the destruction of the Lin family and the Su family. The next morning, they were exposed by the Tianji Pavilion. If you say that there is no traitor in the family, he will not believe it even if he is beaten to death!

"Master, we are all the core members of the family, so we shouldn't leak the news! Could it be that someone from the Tianji Pavilion overheard it?"

"Yes, yes, could it be that someone overheard it?"


Hearing Chen Kun's words, many elders spoke up.

"Since the news has been exposed, we have to change our strategy to deal with the two families!"

"Elders, do you have any good suggestions?"

Chen Kun didn't dwell on this matter too much and spoke in a deep voice.

He was going to formulate another strategy, and at the same time, pay attention to the core members of the family present and find out the traitors!

At noon.

Yanyun County, the county government office was ablaze.

Three or four thousand angry people, holding farm tools, surrounded the gate of the county government office, smashed and burned the county government office. Deputy Chief Constable Ji Shun and nearly a hundred constables came forward, but they couldn't stop them at all and were directly drowned by the angry people.

The county magistrate Chen Hao and the master Ji Wuyuan disappeared.

"Fellow villagers! Under the protection of the dog official Chen Hao, our children, our beloved ones! We were all killed by the old beast Li Hongfei as medicine men! No one can see the body when they are alive or dead!"

"If it weren't for the Tianji Pavilion and Baixiao Shenjun exposing the truth, we would have been kept in the dark until our death!"

"Ten years ago, my beloved brother applied for a medicine boy at Tongrentang and disappeared! My parents cried until they were blind and died last year!"

"If it weren't for the dog official Chen Hao, would the old beast Li Hongfei dare to be so rampant?"

"Fellow villagers, the dynasty is corrupt and there is no tomorrow. The dog officials protect us, and we, the people, have no way to live! The current King Jin is kind and benevolent. Fellow villagers, why don't you follow me, Qi Shun, to control Yanyun County, find the dog officials and kill them, destroy the old beast Li Hongfei, and welcome General Li Jingzhong's army into the city?!"

In front of nearly four thousand people, a middle-aged man with a sturdy figure and deep eyes, holding a long knife in his hand, spoke like a bell!

His words were extremely persuasive!

The news spread far and wide!

"Kill the dog official Chen Hao! Avenge my son!"

"Use the head of the old beast Li Hongfei to sacrifice to my son's spirit in heaven!"

"Are there any kings, princes, generals, or ministers? Submit to the King of Jin! Welcome General Li Jingzhong to the city! Make achievements!"

"Kill the old beast Li Hongfei!"


Under Qi Shun's instigation, nearly four thousand people were even more excited and rushed into the county government office. Nearly a hundred constables from the arrest department were trampled underfoot!

Many people even rushed to the nearby street shops.

Yanyun County.

Near the turbulent Heijiang River.

Fifteen miles away from the Heijiang River, there is a maple forest with a radius of ten miles, so it is called Qingfeng Forest.

A mountain road about ten feet wide passes through Qingfeng Forest.

At the end of the year, the ground is covered with yellowed dead leaves. When the cold wind blows, the leaves swirl in the air.

Qin Wang squatted behind a maple tree as thick as a bowl on the roadside, wearing a hooded yellow coat, which was very different from the color of the maple leaves. If you don't look closely, you can't tell.

"It's three o'clock. They should be coming soon, right?"

Qin Wang held a dagger in his hand, and beside him were two medicine bags of sad and fragrant incense. This medicine bag was made of 36 kinds of medicinal materials. As long as it was ignited, it would make masters below the first-class realm lose their internal strength and ability to move.

It contained flammable things, which could be ignited with a flash of a fire stick.

At this time.

Two miles away from Qin Wang, two riders were galloping on the mountain road.

The first one, about 24 or 25 years old, had a sword hanging on his waist and a bag on his back. He rode along the mountain road. Behind him was a very tough man with a long sword hanging on his waist.

"Master, this trip to Qingyun County was safe and smooth!"

The man about 40 years old behind Chen Tianyu said flatteringly.

"Well, Uncle Lin, thank you for your hard work!"

Chen Tianyu nodded to the man beside him with approval.

Chen Lin is Chen Tianyu's uncle, who is at the initial stage of the second-rate realm. This time, he followed him to Qingyun County to buy the 300-year-old ginseng, and the journey was relatively smooth.


Chen Tianyu was sitting on the horse. Suddenly, the horse under his crotch snorted, and its front hooves softened and fell to the ground.


Chen Tianyu was caught off guard and fell down. He wanted to jump up, but found that he had no strength in his body and fell to the ground. He couldn't raise the internal force in his dantian. At the same time, he saw from the corner of his eye that his uncle also fell off the horse and looked at him with horror.

At this time.

A thin old man in his fifties, wearing khaki clothes and animal leather gloves, jumped to Chen Tianyu's side, pulled the package on his shoulder, opened it, and showed satisfaction in his eyes.

"This man came for this 300-year-old ginseng!"

Chen Tianyu looked at the old man, and was shocked. He didn't expect that he would encounter robbers in Yanyun County. Now, he only hoped that the robbers would let him go just for money.


He showed fear and despair.

Because his cousin Chen Lin was cut by a dagger in the throat, and blood sprayed on his face.

"Spare my life"

Chen Tianyu looked at the approaching old man and wanted to beg for mercy, but found that his voice was as soft as a mosquito's. He watched the dagger cut his throat and his consciousness gradually faded.

"Three hundred years old ginseng, got it!"

Qin Wang looked at the package, confirmed the ginseng, searched Chen Tianyu's body, found more than five hundred taels of silver, cleaned up the traces immediately, cut off the eyes of Chen Tianyu and the horse, and left quickly.

The reason for this unnecessary move.

He had heard that people might keep the last picture they saw when they died. Although he didn't know whether it was true or not, Qin Wang decided to destroy the eyes. Although it was troublesome, it was reassuring.


Seven o'clock.

Chen's house.

In the backyard, in a luxurious wing room, a skinny old woman was lying on the bed, with four pretty and youthful maids serving her.

"Chuncao, is Xiaoyu back?"

Mrs. Chen looked at the plump and curvy maid beside her, with worry on her wrinkled face.

"Madam, the eldest young master hasn't come back yet. He must have been delayed on the road."

Chuncao stepped forward and said.

I want a follow-up reading. I asked the editor today, and Xiaolong's follow-up reading is not very ideal. I beg for a follow-up reading! or2 or2 or2

PS: Thank you for the reward and the brothers who voted for the monthly ticket, or2 or2 or2

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