Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 47: Finish off! Kill four second-rate Chen family members! [Please vote for recommendation]

"Here they come!"

Qin Wang looked at the five figures and suddenly became alert. He subconsciously grabbed the two packs of Beisu San Gongxiang and Huozhazi in his hands!

Watching the fight between tigers, looking for an opportunity to finish off the enemy!

As long as the strength of the Chen family can be weakened, it will be a big gain!

"Uncle, second uncle, second brother, fifth brother, the poison in Tianyu's body is the same as the poison of the Jinghong Feidao of Su Dingfeng of the Su family!"

"Besides, it's time to redistribute the family interests in Yanyun County!"

"Later, we will concentrate our strength and kill them by surprise!"

"First, surround and kill Su Dingfeng, who has the highest cultivation!"

Chen Kun looked at the two gray-haired old men and two men in black beside him, and whispered.

There was a flash of resentment in his eyes.

The two old men and two men in black beside him nodded one after another.


Led by Chen Kun, the five people jumped over the wall of the Su family and killed them.

"Bang, bang, bang!!"


"Who are you and why did you attack my Su family at night?!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"


Qin Wang sat in the fork of the camphor tree and looked through the gaps in the leaves. More than a hundred feet away, the Su family erupted in fierce clashes of weapons and energy, mixed with shouts of anger and screams.

One by one, the masters of the Su family were awakened from their sleep and fought desperately.

Many people were killed in their sleep.

The two sides fought, and no one noticed that a cloth bag emitting sparks was thrown into the battle.

"Zi Kui Sword Technique! You... You are Chen Kun!"

"Mr. Chen! I didn't kill your son! I haven't been to Qingfeng Forest at all! Why are you forcing me!"


A middle-aged man of medium build and thin, holding a flying knife with a faint glow in each hand, trembling all over, his eyes were bloodshot.

In his ears, he heard the screams of the Su family, and Su Dingfeng's heart was bleeding.

He even heard the screams of his fifth brother.

Before, he was worried about Chen Yi, the youngest son of the Chen family, entering the immortal gate, so he swallowed his anger for the provocation of the Chen family. Now, Chen Kun has come to bully him!

It's just too much bullying!

"Humph! Su Dingfeng! Don't you dare deny it!"

"The poison my son was poisoned with is the same as your Jinghong Flying Knife! Tianyu is dead, and all the members of your Su family must be buried with him!"


Chen Kun snorted coldly, and the long sword in his hand turned into a flash of lightning and stabbed Su Dingfeng!

Since he was recognized, Chen Kun didn't pretend anymore.


At this moment, a scream came into Su Dingfeng's ears. Su Dingfeng saw his youngest son being pierced through the chest by a sword from the corner of his eye, and he yelled immediately. "Yuer!"

"Chen Kun, if it weren't for your son's good fortune, he would have been able to get into the Immortal Gate! How could Su allow you to be so presumptuous!"

Su Dingfeng looked at Chen Kun, his eyes were bloodshot. The Chen family was pressing forward step by step, and he kept retreating. What he got in return was not the safety of his clansmen, but the encroachment!

Chen Kun was planning to destroy the Su family!

There was no way to retreat, no need to retreat anymore, at worst, the Su family would leave Yanyun County afterwards!

"A stunning knife!!"

Su Dingfeng shouted, his eyes bloodshot, his whole body full of blood, exuding a terrifying and fierce aura!

His cultivation level actually rose in an instant, breaking through the second-rate perfection and directly advancing to the first-rate realm!

He raised his right hand!

A flying knife with a cold glow turned into a stunning knife and shot towards Chen Kun!

"Xuelian Sect, Blood Burst Method?"

Chen Kun narrowed his eyes when he saw this, and used the Purple Sunflower Sword Technique. The sword in his hand drew a strange angle, and a purple sunflower-like light and shadow swung towards the Jinghong Flying Knife!

He suddenly burst out with the breath of the first-class realm!

After his breakthrough, in order to defeat the enemy by surprise, he has been hiding the first-class breath!


The Qi force exploded, and the sword in Chen Kun's hand was pressed into an arc by the powerful flying knife Qi force. His black clothes fluttered, and his figure stood still!

The Jinghong Flying Knife was shot into a rockery by the recoil, and the rockery was blown to pieces.

"You actually advanced to the first-class realm!"

Su Dingfeng looked at Chen Kun, and his heart was shocked. He clenched the other flying knife in his hand. The Lord of Hundred Knows was exposed, and Chen Kun killed Zhang Aofeng with a sword. He thought Chen Kun was just sharp and powerful with the Purple Sunflower Sword Technique.

Unexpectedly, he actually advanced to the first-class realm!

Su Dingfeng understood instantly.

Even if Chen Kun didn't kill his son, he would still blame the Su family and use this as an excuse to attack the Su family and achieve the goal of unifying Yanyun County!

Such a person has a weak sense of family affection and will do anything to achieve his goal, as evidenced by his self-castration to practice swordsmanship.

"Su Dingfeng! I wonder how long you can last!"

Chen Kun looked at Su Dingfeng, narrowed his eyes, and the sword light in his hand surged.

He didn't expect Su Dingfeng to join the Snow Lotus Sect.

As far as he knows.

Although the Snow Lotus Sect's blood-blasting method can barely improve Su Dingfeng to the first-class realm, it will lose 10 years of life when used once, and it only lasts for a quarter of an hour!

He has mastered the purple sunflower sword method, and with the promotion to the first-class realm, his confidence has soared, and he has the idea of ​​being the only one in Yanyun County!

How could he be afraid of Su Dingfeng who was barely promoted by the blood method?

"Brother! It's... poisonous!"

At this moment, Chen Kun heard a panicked voice. He turned his head and saw that his second brother Chen Xiao looked panicked and fell to the ground.

At the same time,

The eldest uncle, the second uncle, and the cousin Chen Yun all fell to the ground!

Moreover, the Su family members all seemed to have lost their strength, lying here and there, with horror in their eyes!


Chen Kun was startled. He suddenly felt his internal force stagnate and he felt powerless all over. He immediately activated Zi Yang Gong and circulated his meridians. This feeling of powerlessness subsided a little.

But as he breathed in the air.

He felt that his internal force stagnate, and the feeling of powerlessness came again, and it became stronger and stronger. He immediately wanted to retreat!


At this moment, Su Dingfeng found that he was also poisoned. Seeing that Chen Kun wanted to leave, he immediately raised the flying knife in his hand and shot it at Chen Kun!


The flying knife shot at Chen Kun like a cold light!

Seeing this, Chen Kun's expression changed, and the purple sunflower sword technique was launched. In an instant, it collided with the flying knife. With the help of the powerful recoil force, he fell outside the Su family. He looked at the four Chen family members weakly and staggered away.

He felt that the mantis stalked the cicada and encountered the yellow bird!

At this moment, the first thought in his mind was to flee far away to force the poison!

If he stayed, life and death would be unpredictable!

Save your own life first!

The clan members will be rescued later!

"Which senior is helping me? Please show yourself!"

"Su Dingfeng is grateful!"

Su Dingfeng only felt his internal strength gradually dissipating. He left a word and turned away from the battlefield.

He was sure that this poison was stronger than the Su family's weak poison!

If he stayed there, the outcome would be unpredictable!

No one answered Su Dingfeng.

There were only four second-rate masters of the Chen family, three second-rate masters of the Su family, and more than ten clansmen.

The moonlight fell on everyone. Chen Xiao, Chen Yun, Chen Bolin, and Chen Bosen lay on the ground unable to move, horrified.

At this moment.

A masked man in black landed lightly on the Su family's mansion. The man in black picked up a long sword from the ground and walked straight towards Chen Xiao and the other four.

He cut the throats of all four people with a sword, then flew onto the roof and left.

"Great! Killed four second-rate masters of the Chen family!!!"

Qin Wang stood three hundred feet away, with satisfaction in his eyes.

Although this wave of Beisu Sangongxiang made up for Chen Kun, it did not kill him, but it killed four second-rate masters of the Chen family. The strength of the Chen family was greatly damaged, which was a great gain!

Qin Wang estimated.

There should be two or three second-rate masters in the Chen family!

After all the second-rate masters of the Chen family are consumed, even if Chen Kun cannot be killed at that time, we can use the intelligence to lure Chen Kun out of the family, and then enter the Chen family mansion and take his sister away!

Half an hour later.

Su family, a hundred feet away.

Chen Kun has already used Ziyang Gong to force out the poison, and his internal strength is running as before, and the feeling of powerlessness has disappeared. He came here just to wait for an opportunity to rescue his two uncles and two younger brothers.

They are all in the second-rate realm. If they die, the loss will be great and it will be difficult to explain.

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