Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 72 The first spiritual stone! Demon-killing alliance Zhao Xuanting! Too much bullying! [Plea

He knew it in his heart.

Only with a strong cultivation can one safely deal with future crises!

To become stronger, one must have more spiritual stones!


Qin Wang had a storage bag from Master Qingyao in his hand, but he did not have the cultivation of the middle stage of the Qi Refining Period, and he did not have the birth of divine consciousness, so he could not open the storage bag at all.


Before the fourth level of the Qi Refining Period, he had to work hard to earn spiritual stones to improve his cultivation.

Five days later, the opportunity of Cuiyun Mountain must be obtained, which is the first spiritual stone to come to Xiaodan Mountain.

Xiaodan Mountain, Buling Hall.

Located at the crossroads on the east side of Xiaodan Mountain, it is responsible for renting spiritual fields and collecting spiritual seeds.

As Qin Wang came to Xiaodan Mountain for the first time, he received a bag of spiritual seeds, as well as a "Spirit Rain Technique" spell and spiritual planting details. Of course, this spiritual rain spell is not given for free, because when planting spiritual fields, it is necessary to use the spiritual rain technique to sprinkle water on the spiritual seedlings to promote growth.

Give it in advance, and deduct it when the spiritual grain is harvested.

There are two monks guarding the exit of Xiaodan Mountain every day. If the monks who have registered want to leave, they must register in advance. Once they run away with the spiritual grain seeds, they will inevitably be hunted down by the patrol guards of Xiaodan Mountain.

Of course, no one would do this. In the secular cultivation, where is the spiritual energy as abundant as that of Xiaodan Mountain?

At night.

After Qin Wang cooked some of the wild boar monster meat that Gao Yuan gave him yesterday and ate it, he felt that the essence contained in it was very sufficient. After just eating a bowl, he felt hot all over and had a strong sense of fullness.

"It's worthy of the meat of the wild boar monster!"

Qin Wang looked at the wild boar monster meat that was still more than three pounds, and his eyes were shocked.

The meat was very firm. It didn't taste very good, but the energy contained was strong, which was very suitable for improving strength.

On the third day.

Qin Wang planted all the spiritual grains in the one-acre spiritual field five miles away from his cabin, and he also started to learn the spiritual rain technique.

[Spell: Spiritual Rain (beginner)]

[Progress: (16/800)]

[Effect: Condensation of mana, spiritual rain, promotion of seedling growth, small success in 2 years.]

Day 4.

Early in the morning, Qin Wang went out and saw Gao Wenjing sorting out medicinal materials and Gao Yuan wiping the long sword in his hand. He immediately stepped forward and greeted him with a fist. "Good morning, Uncle Gao!"

"Good morning, Xiao Qin, how is the spiritual grain in your spiritual field?"

Gao Yuan said with a warm expression.

"All done."

After Qin Wang finished speaking, his eyes flashed and he said. "Uncle Gao, I want to trouble you with something."


Gao Yuan was a little surprised, nodded and said. "You say."

"Uncle Gao, I want to hire you to take me to Cuiyun Mountain tomorrow, okay? I don't have spiritual stones now. When I harvest the spiritual grain, I will definitely pay you 4 spiritual stones. Do you think it's okay?"

Qin Wang looked at Gao Yuan with expectation in his eyes.

Tomorrow is the fifth day of the intelligence display.

Cuiyun Mountain is about 15 miles away from Xiaodan Mountain.

It is dangerous to go alone, but it will be much safer if Gao Yuan goes with you.

Another thing.

Gao Yuan went with them to harvest the wild boar monster and the demon python to avoid others' plotting against him. He is only at the second level of Qi Refining Stage. If he picks up a wild boar monster and a demon python, he might be plotted against and killed by someone with ulterior motives!

Although Gao Yuan will take away some of the harvest, it is better than being plotted against and killed by others.


Gao Yuan frowned slightly. Qin Wang's cultivation level is only at the second level of Qi Refining Stage. Just to go to Cuiyun Mountain to take a look, he spent 4 spirit stones. This is four months' rent!

Gao Wenjing on the side also looked puzzled.

"Uncle Gao, to be honest, my uncle also entered Xiaodan Mountain before. He was killed by a demon python in Xiaodan Mountain. My grandmother kept saying that she couldn't find my uncle's remains before she died."

"I want to see if I can find my uncle's remains and bring them back to the ancestral land. Please, take me to see it once. I will come back after I see it. I promised you four spiritual stones. When I harvest the spiritual grain, I will definitely fulfill it!"

Qin Wang looked determined, and his eyes were red.

"So that's it. Alas!"

Hearing Qin Wang's words, Gao Yuan sighed and said. "Well, the two Taoist friends who will kill monsters with me tomorrow have to heal their wounds and can't go out. I'm fine too. I'll just walk around the periphery and take you to Cuiyun Mountain. As for the spiritual stones, forget it!"

Gao Yuan was originally a member of the monster hunting team.

The other people were injured in the last monster hunting and needed to rest for a few days. He was fine alone. He went to Cuiyun Mountain to see if there were any lonely monsters, and took Qin Wang to fulfill his wish.

As for the spirit stone, Qin Wang didn't have any at the moment. They were all neighbors, so it was convenient to take one with him.

"Thank you, Uncle Gao!"

Hearing Gao Yuan's promise, Qin Wang was relieved immediately.

Just wait until 3 pm tomorrow to go to Cuiyun Mountain three miles east to pick up monsters.

The next day.

Eleven o'clock in the morning.

After Qin Wang finished eating a piece of stewed wild boar monster meat, he followed Gao Yuan and Gao Wenjing to Cuiyun Mountain.

Gao Wenjing was in the third level of Qi Refining and used a sword, while Gao Yuan was in the fifth level of Qi Refining and used a knife.

Both of them used low-grade magic weapons.

Carrying the Soul-Shocking Knife and dry food, Qin Wang followed the two and walked towards Cuiyun Mountain.

Along the way, Gao Yuan explained to Qin Wang the monsters near Xiaodan Mountain. Most of the monsters outside Cuiyun Mountain were wild boar monsters, rabbit monsters, and armored monsters. Among them, pig monsters reproduced the fastest and were extremely ferocious.

When Qin Wang arrived at Cuiyun Mountain, he wandered three miles east in the name of looking for his uncle's remains.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Suddenly, Gao Yuan heard the howling of a wild boar demon and the sound of falling trees in the distant mountain stream. His expression changed immediately and he said to Qin Wang and Gao Wenjing. "Wait for me here, I'll go take a look!"


"Okay, Uncle Gao!"

Qin Wang and Gao Wenjing nodded and stayed where they were.

Gao Yuan clenched the Fire Soul Blade in his hand, and did not dare to get close. He slowly walked to a high place and looked down at the mountain stream. Suddenly, his whole body was shocked and inexplicably shocked. "Is it an adult wild boar demon and a demon python?"

At this moment.

In the mountain stream, the python demon entangled the body of the wild boar demon, but the wild boar demon's sharp steel teeth bit the python demon's seven inches and refused to let go.

Just now, the python demon rolled around the wild boar demon, causing the shock!


Gao Yuan discovered.

The struggle of both sides became smaller and smaller, and gradually stopped moving.

"Together destroyed?"

"Thanks to Xiao Qin, I made a fortune this time!"

Gao Yuan looked at the huge wild boar monster in the mountain stream below. This wild boar monster was a circle bigger than the wild boar monster he killed a few days ago, and there was also a python monster that could compete with the wild boar monster!

"From this movement, it seems that the two monsters are fighting for territory? If there is no movement, it should be mutually destroyed!!"

Qin Wang stood not far away and saw that the sound in the mountain stream in the distance stopped, and said to Gao Wenjing beside him.

"If this is true, then we will make a lot of money this time!"

Gao Wenjing was also very excited when he heard it.

"Xiao Qin, Wenjing, come here."

Just then, Gao Yuan, who was watching from the top of the mountain stream in the distance, shouted to this side.

"Xiao Qin, let's go over!"

Gao Wenjing looked expectant, said to Qin Wang, and the two rushed towards the mountain stream.

Not long after.

Qin Wang saw a demon python as thick as a bowl, with black scales all over its body and a triangular head, rolling up a black wild boar demon like a calf into a dumpling. The sharp teeth of the black wild boar demon deeply penetrated the demon python!

Blood also flowed out of the mouth of the black wild boar demon.

The blood of the pig demon and the python dyed the mountain stream red!

The two demons were obviously dead and there was no movement.

"Wow! Dad! Xiao Qin, we actually picked up two demon beasts!"

Gao Wenjing was surprised to see the pig demon and the python demon who died together in the mountain stream.

"Xiao Qin, this time, thanks to you, if you hadn't come here, we wouldn't have encountered such a great thing!"

"These two demon beasts, take them and sell them, at least 100 spirit stones!"

"Let's go down and take a look!"

Gao Yuan waved his hand to Qin Wang, with a happy look in his eyes.

He was going to rest at home today, but Qin Wang said he wanted to find his uncle's remains, so he thought of going out for a walk. Unexpectedly, he would get such a huge harvest!


The three of them went down the mountain stream.

Gao Yuan jumped first, stabbed the wild boar's butt with the Fire Soul Knife in his hand, and then stabbed the python's seven inches. The two monsters were motionless, obviously dead.

"Xiao Qin, uncle estimated that this wild boar monster and python monster can be sold for at least 100 spirit stones. I came out today at your invitation, otherwise, we would not have this good opportunity. The credit is yours. After selling it, uncle will give you 70 spirit stones. What do you think?"

Gao Yuan looked at Qin Wang, thought for a while, and said.

Such a wild boar monster.

With his strength of the fifth level of Qi Refining Period, he may not be able to kill it alone, and he needs to fight with the other members of the hunting team.

"Uncle Gao, no problem."

Qin Wang nodded.

Uncle Gao has a storage bag, so even if I were to move it back by myself, I couldn't move it back by myself.

100 spiritual stones, I have to take 70.

With these 70 spiritual stones, I wonder if I can advance to the third level of Qi Refining?


"Then I'll put it away and go back first."

Gao Yuan was also very happy, nodded, and went to collect the wild boar monster and python monster.

"Fellow Daoist Gao! What you did is very unkind!"

"I saw a wild boar monster and a python monster fighting a quarter of an hour ago, so I went to find my eldest brother! I didn't expect that you would take it away in the blink of an eye!!"

"In the entire Xiaodan Mountain, no one dares to snatch things from the people of my Demon Slayer Alliance!"

At this moment, a gloomy voice sounded, and then two middle-aged men in gray clothes with medium build and strong aura appeared. They stood high in the mountain stream, looking at the monster body that had not been collected in time, with greed in their eyes.

"Zhao Xuanting! A quarter of an hour?"

"I've been here for more than an hour, how come I didn't see you?"

"People should be reasonable, whoever sees it owns it!"

Hearing the words of the gray-clothed middle-aged man, Gao Yuan frowned deeply, waved his hand, put the bodies of the demon python and the wild boar demon into the storage bag, and pressed his hand on the handle of the knife.


"I said I was here a quarter of an hour ago, and you said you have been here for more than an hour. No one can tell why, but no matter what, you know the principle that whoever sees it gets a share?"

"This wild boar demon and demon python can be sold for at least 100 spiritual stones!"

"My eldest brother and I also saw it, and we don't want more, just half! 50 spiritual stones!"

Zhao Xuanting narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Zhao Xuanting, you are too much!"

"This is what we encountered, why should we share it with you!"

Hearing this, Gao Yuan's eyes were about to spit fire, and he was extremely angry.

Originally, the three of them discovered it, but Zhao Xuanting saw it later and asked for a lion's mouth!

"Fellow Daoist Gao Yuan, we are here today on behalf of the Demon Slaying Alliance. If you don't give it, you are going against our Demon Slaying Alliance! Hehehehe, I hope your demon hunting team will go out to slay demons in the future and come back safe and sound!"

Zhao Xuanting sneered and put his hands behind his back.

Although his strength is not as good as Gao Yuan's, he is completely confident with the Demon Slayer Alliance standing behind him.

"You! You've gone too far!"

Hearing Zhao Xuanting's words, Gao Yuan's chest rose and fell sharply, suppressing his anger, he said in a deep voice. "There are three of us, and we discovered it. You two will give you 20 spiritual stones later!"

He is just a member of a six-person demon hunting team.

But the other party is a member of the Demon Slayer Alliance.

Especially the leader of the Demon Slaying Alliance, Jin Haolong, is already at the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage!

If they turned against the Demon Slayer Alliance, they would be outnumbered and their own demon hunting team would really be worried about being plotted by them.

"Fellow Daoist Gao, you are sending beggars away, right?"

"I won't bother, 40 spiritual stones! Just bring them and I'll leave!"

Zhao Xuanting smiled and looked proud.

"I don't have that many spiritual stones with me. I'll sell them to you when I go back!"

Gao Yuan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

For the sake of the demon hunting team, he chose to compromise.

"Okay, have fun!"

"I knew that Fellow Taoist Gao was a man of general knowledge! I, Zhao Xuanting, have made you my friend!"

Zhao Xuanting laughed loudly and waved his hand. "Let's go! Go to the Demon Slayer!"

After Zhao Xuanting finished speaking, he and his eldest brother Zhao Xuanzhen left for Xiaodanshanfang City.

"Xiao Qin, Wen Jing, let's go back!"

Gao Yuan greeted Qin Wang and Gao Wenjing helplessly, protected them behind him, and headed towards Xiaodanshanfang City.

"Demon Slayer Alliance! Zhao Xuanting!"

Qin Wang followed Gao Yuan, his brows furrowed deeply.

The corpse of a monster can be sold for 100 pieces of spiritual stones. The Zhao brothers took advantage of their power and took away 40 pieces, leaving 60 pieces. How to divide it?

"You must have great strength!"

Qin Wang couldn't help clenching his hands.

If you don't have strength, you will be threatened and manipulated. Uncle Gao has no choice but to resort to the trap, otherwise, when his demon hunting team goes out to hunt demons, they are plotted by the Demon Slayer Alliance, and the possibility of their death is too high.

"After getting the spirit stone, while practicing, you must also prepare the Sorrow Sealing Spirit Incense!"

Qin Wang said secretly in his heart.

The Sorrow Sealing Spirit Incense can seal the mana of monks below the fifth level of the Qi Refining Stage for an hour. It has been prepared successfully to prepare for emergencies!

The five of them galloped along.

Half an hour later, they returned to Demon Slayer Square.

The Demon Slaying Workshop is located at the end of the long street of Xiaodan Mountain. This place specializes in decomposing various monster corpses, materials, teeth, bones, spider venom, poisonous snake venom, etc.

Gao Yuan took out the bodies of the wild boar demon and the python demon and sold 102 pieces of spiritual stones in the demon slaying workshop.

Gao Yuan took out 40 spiritual stones and threw them to Brother Zhao Xuanting.

"Fellow Taoist Gao, you are indeed a person who understands the general picture!"

"Next time something good like this happens, let's work together!"

Zhao Xuanting took a deep look at Gao Yuan and said with a smile.

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