Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 75 Kill! Big harvest! Black teapot lid! [Please subscribe! ]

"Eh? Isn't this the boy who was with Gao Yuan that day?"

"A boy in the second level of Qi Refining is also going into the mountains? To collect herbs?"

At this time.

Zhao Xuanting also looked at Qin Wang in the distance, and his eyes narrowed immediately, muttering. "Hehehe, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat"

Zhao Xuanting thought of this and immediately rushed forward.


Qin Wang pretended to walk away, and did not see Zhao Xuanting, so he rushed carefully to the location shown in the intelligence.

More than an hour later.

Qin Wang came to three miles west of Cuiyun Mountain, but found that there was a black wild boar demon on the rocks five miles away. He was immediately confused and frowned and muttered. "Why are there so many black wild boar monsters? Could it be that Liao Bi Da was eaten by wild boar monsters?"

"It seems that this demon-luring psychedelic incense cannot be saved!"

"I hope Liao Bi Da's package was not eaten by wild boar monsters."

Qin Wang thought to himself, and then he turned the Fire Spirit Knife, lit the demon-luring psychedelic incense in his hand, threw it into a stone pit, and hid away.

"What tricks is this kid doing?"

"Did he find me? It doesn't seem like it!"

Zhao Xuanting followed Qin Wang from a distance. Seeing Qin Wang turning left and right, he didn't look like picking herbs. He frowned and thought to himself. "Whether you find it or not, you can't escape from my palm today!!"

Zhao Xuanting's figure flashed, and he used the wind control technique to chase Qin Wang.

"This is."

Suddenly, Zhao Xuanting found that the black wild boar monster, rabbit monster, and armored monster in the distance were desperately rushing over from all directions!

Seeing nearly a hundred monsters rushing towards him, Zhao Xuanting's scalp suddenly went numb, and he ran towards Qin Wang. Although he was a perfect cultivator of the fourth level of Qi Refining, he couldn't stand so many wild boar monsters!

There is a saying that ants can kill elephants.

These wild boar monsters are very cruel.

"Zhao Xuanting!"

"He actually followed me?"

Qin Wang saw that the monster-luring psychedelic incense worked, and he was extremely excited. He rushed to the place where the intelligence showed. Suddenly, he saw a figure chasing him from the corner of his eye. He was shocked and found that it was Zhao Xuanting!

"Damn it!"

"The first time I came out alone, I was followed by a robbery cultivator!!"

Qin Wang's heart was pounding, and he stretched out his hand to hold a stick of sad and crispy Fengling incense in his hand, while rushing forward.

The effect of the monster-luring psychedelic incense is very strong.


Qin Wang didn't know how long it would last. If these monsters turned back, it would be too late. He had to speed up and get Liao Bi Da's things!

At the same time, he also had to use the Sad Sealing Spirit Incense to deal with Zhao Xuanting!

Not long after.

Qin Wang came to a pile of rocks.

The wild boar monsters just appeared here. Qin Wang jumped onto the rock, looked around, and at the same time paid attention to Zhao Xuanting from the corner of his eyes, and found that Zhao Xuanting was one mile away!

He was galloping towards him.


"This is."

Suddenly, Qin Wang saw that in the crack of the stone five feet away from him, a large package was scattered, and there were talismans and spirit stones inside, all scattered on the cracks and stones. There were also a few spirit stones that were only half eaten, obviously eaten by the wild boar monster.

In the crack of the stone on the other side, a skinny corpse was lying there, with both legs missing, obviously visited by the wild boar monster.

A dark harpoon magic weapon was thrown aside.

At this time.

Qin Wang found.

Zhao Xuanting was only fifty feet away from him!

Qin Wang's figure flashed and he stood beside the spirit stone. At the same time, the sad and tender spirit-sealing incense in his hand was ignited by the fire spirit knife, and wisps of colorless smoke spread and spread around Qin Wang.

"You are the little bastard who follows Gao Yuan, right?"

"You fucking run!"

Zhao Xuanting's figure quickly landed three feet away from Qin Wang. He looked at Qin Wang with a grim smile, and with a wave of his hand, he took out a long sword magic weapon, looked at Qin Wang with a smug look.

"Zhao Xuanting!"

"I am only the second level of Qi Refining Stage, I don't have spirit stones, and the spirit field has not been harvested yet. Wait until I harvest it and then I will give it to you. Don't hurt my life!"

Qin Wang saw the smoke of the sad and tender spirit-sealing incense under his feet dissipate, and deliberately said it, trying to delay the time.

"No spiritual stones?"

"You were with Gao Yuan that day, so you got a share, at least several! Hehehe, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat!"

"Give it to me!!"

After Zhao Xuanting finished speaking, his eyes were filled with a fierce smile, and he made a gesture with his right hand, preparing a fireball to kill the little monk in front of him.


Zhao Xuanting's expression changed, and he found that he couldn't mobilize the mana in his body just now!


His limbs were weak, and his hands and feet were like noodles that couldn't be supported, and he immediately fell to the ground.

"What's going on?"

"My mana?"

Zhao Xuanting was shocked, and subconsciously, he looked at Qin Wang opposite him, but saw a sneer on Qin Wang's mouth, and his heart sank immediately, and his eyes showed disbelief. "You are you!? Poisoned?"

"Haha, Zhao Xuanting, you just woke up now?"

"Die for me!"

Qin Wang stepped forward with a fierce look, and the lightning of the Soul-Shocking Knife flashed, crossing Zhao Xuanting's throat!


Blood spurted out, Zhao Xuanting's eyes showed disbelief and despair, unwilling, blood spurted three feet high from his throat!

Qin Wang killed Zhao Xuanting with a knife, then touched his waist, pulled off his storage bag, and dug out his two eyeballs with a knife.

He glanced at the storage bag.

It was a gray storage bag.

Qin Wang put away the storage bag, picked up his magic sword, turned around and walked towards Liao Bi Da's package, and immediately picked up the scattered spiritual stones, even the spiritual stones that were half eaten by the wild boar monster were not wasted, and all were put into his pocket.

After packing up everything, Qin Wang immediately turned around and galloped away.

There is a wild boar monster here.

I will come over later and help clean up the corpses.

"This trip is really a big harvest!"

Qin Wang used his body skills to gallop, avoiding the monster wild boars, monster rabbits and other monsters that were heading towards the psychedelic incense, and headed towards Xiaodan Mountain.

Ten miles away from Xiaodan Mountain.

Qin Wang hid the storage bag and magic sword obtained from Zhao Xuanting in a cave under a cliff.

This storage bag was obtained from Zhao Xuanting. He did not have the strength of the fourth level of Qi Refining Stage and could not open it at all.

If he carried it with him.

He couldn't guarantee whether there was a mark of the Demon Slayer Alliance or his elder brother Zhao Xuanzhen on Zhao Xuanting's storage bag. If Zhao Xuanzhen found it, it would be the end.

He couldn't take this risk!

Of course, if he didn't find it, it would be even better!

He hid the storage bag, marked it, and rushed to Xiaodan Mountain.

When it was getting dark.

Qin Wang rushed back to Hut No. 88 in Xiaodan Mountain.

He got some food casually, then locked the door, put up the door support, sat cross-legged on the couch, and began to count his gains today.

"Liao Bi Da, it seems that he often does robbery repairs!"

"Rather rich, there are so many poisons in the package!"

Qin Wang looked at Liao Bi Da's package, and there was a touch of shock in his eyes.

In Liao Bi Da's package, there were various poisons, drugs, pills, low-level talismans, soul-enhancing pills for restoring mana, qi-replenishing pills, and 63 spiritual stones. In his package, there were two other packages. One of these two packages contained 16 spiritual stones and some herbs, and the other contained only 9 spiritual stones, a few pills, some herbs, and a black teapot lid as big as a bowl.

"Total of these spiritual stones, there are 88, enough for me to advance to the third level of Qi Refining Stage!"

Qin Wang looked at the spiritual stones in the package and his eyes lit up.

"This Liao Bi Da is really a beast!"

"He didn't even let go of the herb collectors."

Qin Wang secretly cursed Liao Bi Da while packing up the other two packages.

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