Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 80 Shameless Zhao Haifeng! Zhao Xuanting's storage bag! [Please subscribe! ]


This copper plate only records the formulas for the Qi refining period, but for the current Qin Wang, it is definitely enough.

The next day.


"It's finally done."

Qin Wang slowly opened his eyes, feeling the cultivation in his body that had reached the second level of the Qi Refining Stage, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

From yesterday afternoon to today's afternoon, Qin Wang used the Soul Locking and Breath Hiding Technique to hide his fourth-level Qi-Refining Stage cultivation in the second-level Qi Refining Stage.

If we go back this way, there will be no problem.

At the same time, he went to the place where Zhao Xuanting's storage bag was hidden, took out Zhao Xuanting's storage bag, pulled out the magic sword and harpoon magic weapon, and put them into the storage bag.

Because Zhao Xuanting is dead.

The mark of Zhao Xuanting's consciousness on the storage bag dissipated. Qin Wang's consciousness enveloped the storage bag and he quickly opened it.

"Oh my God! This Zhao Xuanting is such a beast!"

"So rich!"

"How many low-level cultivators must have been killed to have such a wealth!"

Qin Wang opened Zhao Xuanting's storage bag with shock in his eyes.

The size of the space is the same as that of Qing Yao Master's storage bag, but it is packed to the brim.

There are more than ten bottles of spirit-accumulating pills, body-tempering pills, and qi-replenishing pills alone.

I did a rough count of the spirit stones and estimated them to be three to four hundred yuan.

There are more than ten wind blade talismans and defensive talismans.

Monster materials, low-level elixirs, and a few jade slips.

At this moment, the forty spiritual stones that Zhao Xuanting extorted that time were brought back with their own money.

"Fortunately, Zhao Xuanting didn't take me seriously at the beginning. Moreover, the Sorrow Sealing Spirit Incense was quick to take effect and powerful, causing Zhao Xuanting to lose his combat effectiveness. Otherwise, my things would have become part of Zhao Xuanting's storage bag. "

Qin Wang looked at Zhao Xuanting's storage bag and felt very happy.

at the same time.

He even secretly told himself in his heart that the road to becoming an immortal is like walking on thin ice, so one must have multiple perspectives and multiple guarantees. Don’t make a move without complete assurance!

One wrong step and your body and soul will be destroyed!

Qin Wang packed up everything and headed straight to Xiaodan Mountain.

In Xiaodanshan, scattered cultivators live in shanty towns.

In cabin No. 88.

"Chiyang magic? Martial arts? Map of Da Cang's power? A pile of banknotes? Damn! What a poor guy!"

A tall, middle-aged monk with a big belly was cleaning things in the room, muttering dissatisfiedly while cleaning.

Qin Wang was a few feet away from his shanty when he saw Gao Yuan next door dealing with a rabbit monster at the door. He had just skinned it. When he saw Qin Wang, he immediately stood up and said in surprise. "Eh? Xiao Qin! You're okay. That's great!"

"Uncle Gao, I was trapped in a cave these days. I just got out today. Thank you for your concern, Uncle Gao!"

Qin Wang smiled slightly at Gao Yuan.

In Gao Yuan's room, Gao Wenjing heard Qin Wang's return and walked out of the room. She smiled back at Qin Wang and motioned to the door of Qin Wang's room No. 88.


Qin Wang followed Gao Wenjing's gaze and looked at his cabin. He frowned immediately. The intelligence showed that Zhao Haifeng was coming to his room to enjoy the autumn breeze yesterday. However, due to delay, he came today and unexpectedly happened to bump into him.

"Huh? Your kid hasn't come back for a few days. I thought you were buried in the belly of a monster. I didn't expect that you are back!"

"My name is Zhao Haifeng, from the Foreign Affairs Hall of Xiaodanshanfang City. According to the regulations of Xiaodanshanfang City, any monk who has been missing for more than half a month, members of the Foreign Affairs Hall of Xiaodanshan, have the right to take back the rented shanty house. Rent someone else again!”

"We heard that you were missing for seven or eight days, so we came to take a look."

"Now that you're back, the shanty lease continues."

Seeing Qin Wang appear at the door, Zhao Haifeng, who was looking through Qin Wang's package, suddenly showed an embarrassed look on his face and laughed, as if nothing was wrong.

"Junior Qin Wang, thank you for your concern, senior."

When Qin Wang heard this, he remained silent and respectfully clasped his fists at Zhao Haifeng.

Behind Zhao Haifeng is his family member Zhao Yulong. Zhao Yulong is a monk at the ninth level of Qi Refining Stage. It is not appropriate for him to provoke him now, so he can only look for opportunities to trick him.


Zhao Haifeng nodded arrogantly, put his hands behind his back, and said suddenly. "Also, let me tell you that the rent of shanties has recently increased by half. Also, because you have been missing for so long, your spiritual field has been rented to someone else. You need to go to the Foreign Affairs Hall to create a new registration and rent a new spiritual field. field."


"Rented it to someone else? Rented it again? Senior Zhao, what about my spiritual valley?"

Qin Wang's heart sank. Intelligence showed that Zhao Haifeng intended to rent his spiritual field at half price and occupy the spiritual valley that had been planted. Unexpectedly, this old guy would take action so quickly!

"You can only blame yourself for this. After missing for so long, you can only rent a spiritual field and buy spiritual grain seeds to plant again!"

Zhao Haifeng left a word and turned around to leave.


Qin Wang looked at Zhao Haifeng's back and was speechless for a long time.

"Xiao Qin, forget it. Zhao Haifeng is the descendant of Zhao Yulong, the steward of the Foreign Affairs Hall. He has always been domineering in Xiaodanshan. Let's just follow him. There was an old man Zhang who opposed him before, and he suffered a disaster on the third day. Xiuhey!”

Seeing Qin Wang's expression, Gao Yuan came over and patted Qin Wang's shoulder, fearing that if Qin Wang was so strong-willed that he would offend Zhao Haifeng, it would be the end of him.

"Uncle Gao, I know."

Qin Wang smiled gratefully at Gao Yuan. In his heart, he had already decided that Zhao Haifeng was a dead man. As long as there was a chance, he would definitely kill Zhao Haifeng!

Gao Yuan said nothing more, nodded to Qin Wang, and went to get the rabbit meat.

Qin Wang returned to his hut and found that some of the things left behind were all messed up by Zhao Haifeng. He immediately became more murderous!

Fortunately, he carried the treasure bowl, the soul-gathering bowl, and the mysterious fragments with him.

What was left behind were some mundane things, such as the secret book of the Chiyang Divine Art, the secret book of the Flying Eagle Body Movement, silver bills, and gold jewelry, which Zhao Haifeng did not look down on.

Qin Wang packed everything up and prepared to clean up the big harvest of this outing.

Suddenly, there was a sound at the door. "Xiao Qin, open the door."

"Gao Wenjing?"

Qin Wang opened the door, but found Gao Wenjing standing at the door, holding a large bowl of rabbit soup in his hand, exuding a rich fragrance.

"Xiao Qin, this is how the world of immortal cultivation works. We'll rent a spiritual field tomorrow."

"Drink this while it's hot!"

Gao Wenjing walked in, put the soup on the table in the room, and ran back quickly.

Qin Wang looked at the bowl of soup and felt a warm feeling.

Although Zhao Haifeng was vicious, Gao Yuan and his daughter were very nice people.

"Clean up the harvest!!"

After Qin Wang finished drinking the soup, he locked the door, went to the back room, and took out all the spiritual stones in the storage bag.

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