Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 82: Dig a hole for Jin Shifeng and get a chance to kill Zhao Haifeng! [Please subscribe!]

"Right now, the most important thing is to get rid of Jin Shifeng! And the sniffing spirit Gu!"

Qin Wang thought to himself after reading the information.

This danger must be eliminated in advance. Qin Wang doesn't like the feeling of being followed.

According to the information display.

The reason why Jin Shifeng was able to track him was entirely because of the sniffing spirit Gu.

The sniffing spirit Gu has an extraordinary origin. It is the former owner of the Five Elements Divine Light Jar, which is also the Three Corpse Gu King Jar, Venerable Gu. Because he cultivated the evil Gu King, he was besieged and killed by the powerful powers of the right path. His body collapsed and he was simply poisoned by humans. 1. Incarnate into the 'Sniffing Spirit Gu' and undergo nirvana and rebuild.

"Currently, the Sniffing Spirit Gu can track the Five Elements Divine Light Jar, so why don't I attract a large number of monsters from the depths of Cuiyun Mountain to devour the Sniffing Spirit Gu? Or even get rid of this Jin Shifeng?"

Thinking that Jin Shifeng was about to return to Xiaodan Mountain, when Qin Wang was anxious, a bright light flashed in his mind.

Don’t you have the psychedelic incense that lures demons?

Make a few more copies.

Make 10 copies, bury the Five Elements Divine Light Jar deep in a suitable place in Cuiyun Mountain, then put 10 copies of the monster-baiting psychedelic incense on top, arrange an ignition mechanism, and wait for Jin Shifeng and the Sniffing Spirit Gu to find it and trigger the monster-baiting. Just light the psychedelic incense.

By then, before they get the Three Corpse Gu King Jar, they may be torn to pieces by the swarming monster beasts.

Wait for the monsters to retreat.

Just go there and dig out the Five Elements Divine Light Jar yourself.


The device of igniting the psychedelic incense that lures monsters requires careful planning to ensure that everything is foolproof.

Do this sooner rather than later.

"Wait until daybreak, first buy 10 copies of the psychedelic incense materials to lure monsters, and then buy a large bag of papyrus, saltpeter, phosphorus, etc. for backup. When Jin Shifeng finds Xiaodanshan, he can be lured into a trap."

Qin Wang made up his mind and fell asleep.

The next day.

early morning.

Qin Wang rushed to the Demon Slayer Square, bought 10 psychedelic incense for luring monsters, 5 pieces of Sorrowful Soul Sealing Incense, and many other materials, and rushed to Cuiyun Mountain.

Qin Wang came to Cuiyun Mountain and went ten miles deeper into the wild boar demon's lair before finding a hidden stone wall that was as tall as a person.

He carefully avoided the nearby monsters.

While using the Shocking Knife, he dug a deep hole in the stone wall, stuffed the Three Corpse Gu King Jar into it, and then covered it with a stone. Two hidden small earth-colored ropes were tied to the ears of the jar, and the There are 10 movable bolts on both sides made of fire, saltpeter, phosphorus, etc.

As long as Jin Shifeng finds the Three Corpse Gu King Jar and takes it out, his mechanism will be activated to instantly ignite the monster-baiting psychedelic incense, attracting many nearby monsters.

"It's finally set up."

"Now we just wait for Jin Shifeng to take the bait!"

"So many monsters are enough to tear it into pieces!"

After being busy until the afternoon, Qin Wang looked at the trap he had set, moved away and checked again and again to confirm that it could ignite the fire. Then he carefully avoided the monster and turned around to leave.


You must always pay attention to whether Jin Shifeng has arrived at Xiaodan Mountain. When Jin Shifeng goes to the trap, follow him at a distance, wait for the beast tide to subside, and then go to the scene to retrieve the Three Corpse Gu King Jar. This is the best way. .

The next day.

Foreign Affairs Hall.

Five Spiritual Medicine Sect Qi Refining Stage disciples, all with the Spiritual Medicine Sect logo embroidered on their chests, were sitting behind the counter, with Zhao Haifeng standing out among them with his hands behind his back.

"Senior Zhao, the spiritual fields I rented before have been subleased. Shouldn't I pay out the previously leased spiritual stones and spiritual grain seeds?"

Qin Wang looked at Zhao Haifeng with a respectful expression on the surface, but he had murderous intent in his heart.

This piece of shit.

It's so shameless. I sublet the Lingtian and Linggu to make a fortune. I have to rent it again. The last loss of the Lingtian and Linggu seeds has to be counted on myself. How can this make sense?

"Because you didn't come back for so many days, the spiritual field was sublet, and the spiritual seedlings were wiped out and replanted by others. You will naturally bear the losses incurred before."

"If you want to rent it, rent it. There is only one vacant spiritual field. If you don't want to rent it, others will rent it."

Zhao Haifeng frowned, very impatient.

This is what he has been doing all along. The harvest of spiritual farmers who died while out collecting medicine fell into his hands. Over the years, relying on his relationship with Zhao Yulong, he has made a lot of money, and This has made a lot of female cultivators miserable. In order to stay in Xiaodan Mountain, those female cultivators did not dare to provoke him, so they could only knock them out and swallow them in their stomachs.

Let him play with it.

"Senior, I'll rent it."

"I haven't harvested it yet, so I'd better wait until I harvest it and then replenish the spiritual stones, okay?"

Qin Wang said quickly.

His current identity is a spiritual farmer. If he does not rent a spiritual field, a second-level Qi refining period will definitely attract the attention of interested people. It is best to plant some spiritual fields as a cover.

"Well, this No. 74 spiritual field will be rented to you."

"This is your brand of Linggu Seed, take it!"

"When the spiritual grain is harvested, the two rents will be paid at once!"

Zhao Haifeng took out a black plate representing the spiritual field number and a bag of spiritual grain seeds, and threw them on the counter.


Qin Wang took the wooden sign and seeds, turned around and left the Foreign Affairs Hall.

A quarter of an hour later.

Qin Wang walked through his spiritual field. He found that the spiritual rice seedlings he planted in his previous spiritual field had not been erased, and they all exuded greenness. There was a man with a thin build and about thirty years old. The third-level male cultivator in the Qi refining stage is using the spirit rain technique to irrigate the spirit grain seedlings.

"Dear Friend, I just rented No. 74 Lingtian. Can you tell me where it is?"

Qin Wang walked up and said hello.

"Well, that's the third piece over there."

The male cultivator glanced at Qin Wang, but he didn't stop using the Spiritual Rain Technique in his hand. He was very skilled.

by understanding.

Qin Wang learned that this male cultivator is named Yu Qingfeng, who is also from Da Cang. He has four spiritual roots and has been in Xiaodan Mountain for more than ten years. He is still at the third level of Qi Refining Stage. In order to earn more spiritual stones, he rented this seed. When Qin Wang asked him how he could rent three spiritual fields, he laughed it off and kept it secret.

"I guess I rented it from Liu Lan."

Qin Wang and Yu Qingfeng chatted for a while, and without asking any more questions, they went to plow their spiritual fields, sow the seeds, and use the spiritual rain technique to irrigate them.

Yu Qingfeng didn't want to say it, and he didn't tell his real name either.

He only said that his name was Qin Tiedan.

I just came to Xiaodanshan, please give me some support.

Qin Wang planted the spirit valley, returned to the hut, and began to ponder the few spells he had acquired. His cultivation had reached the fourth level of the Qi refining stage, and he had to improve his proficiency in other spells to be prepared.

The next afternoon.

Qin Wang looked at his panel with a look of satisfaction.

【Qin Wang】

【Lifespan: 18/99】

[Realm: Fourth level of Qi refining stage (163/4000)]

[Spell: Spiritual Rain (Introduction)]

[Progress: (156/800)]

[Effect: Mana is condensed, spiritual rain is given, and seedlings are promoted to grow. It can be completed in 2 years. 】

[Spell: Explosive Flame Technique (Introduction)]

[Progress: (1/800)]

[Effect: The method gathers fire into a fist fire bomb, shoots out in the air, explodes when it hits the ground, and the flames burn. It can be completed in 3 years. 】

"Introduction to the explosive flame technique, it will be a good helper in destroying corpses and eradicating traces in the future."

Qin Wang looked at the Explosive Flame Technique displayed on the panel. It took him more than a day to get started, and he was very satisfied.

At the fourth level of Qi refining stage, the upper limit of life span is 99 years.

The Qi refining period breaks through one level, and the life span is increased by 8 years.

This made Qin Wang even more looking forward to the foundation life span in the future. Who doesn't want to live forever?

[4: You laid a trap for Jin Shifeng yesterday and obtained information that Jin Shifeng had cultivated to the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage and had already left for Xiaodan Mountain. 】

[7: Yesterday you saw the spiritual field that you rented before. After getting information, Liu Lan sublet your spiritual field to Yu Qingfeng and earned 5 spiritual stones. Last night, in order to thank you, Liu Lan and Zhao Haifeng were in the wild. Have fun in a hidden place. 】

[9: Zhao Haifeng cheated your spiritual field and obtained information. Zhao Haifeng was still full of ideas yesterday and planned to invite Liu Lan to a hidden place in the wild for fun. 】

"Zhao Haifeng, this bitch, is using my spiritual field to play with female cultivators!"

"You need to pay more attention to see when he goes out!"

Qin Wang looked at some useful information from last night, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Zhao Haifeng dared to seek pleasure in the wild. He was going to hunt for their tails and seal them with the incense of grief. If that didn't work, he would use the demon-baiting psychedelic incense to attract the black boar demons and bite them to death!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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