Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 88 The fifth level of Qi Refining Stage! A ‘big gift’ for Master Zixia [Please subscribe!]

"Hehe. Fellow Daoist Qin, isn't my name a bit unusual?"

Seeing Qin Wang stunned, Li Qiye smiled and said again. "Because I was born at night, accompanied by a rare sight, the moon disappeared, so my father named me Li Qiye!"

"I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Li's name has such origins. This name is extraordinary, and he will be blessed with great fortune in the future!"

Qin Wang immediately clasped his fists and paid no hesitation.

"What auspicious words from fellow Daoist Qin!"

Li Qiye clasped his fists at Qin Wang and expressed gratitude. Then he looked at the young man in green robes who was leaving and said. "Do you know, Fellow Daoist Qin, who that fellow Daoist with a powerful aura just now is?"

"I don't know, the aura on that fellow Taoist's body is so strong, he must be at least the ninth level of Qi refining stage, right?"

Qin Wang shook his head to express his ignorance.

"That fellow Taoist is Tang Jianzhong, leader of the Demon Slayer Alliance. I heard he is a strong man who is about to build a foundation!"

"It's really enviable to have such a strong cultivation level at such a young age!"

Li Qiye looked at the back of the green-robed young man in the distance with envy in his eyes.

"He is the Tang leader of the Demon Slayer Alliance? No wonder!"

After hearing Li Qiye's words, Qin Wang suddenly looked thoughtful.

According to the information display.

There is a mysterious grandfather in Tang Jianzhong's portable ring!

"Fellow Daoist Li, that other powerful and burly young man has an extraordinary aura!"

Qin Wang looked at the tall and powerful young man who was not far from Tang Jianzhong and was heading to the edge of the Xiaodan Mountain formation, and said.

"That one seems to be called Yan Honghao, right?"

"His strength is not bad. I heard that he can't deal with the Demon Slayer Alliance."

Li Qiye looked at the tall young man and Tang Jianzhong and frowned. "Eh? Every time Fellow Daoist Tang travels, there must be many members of the Demon Slayer Alliance following him. This time, he is actually alone. Could it be that he encountered a tide of beasts and died?"

"This is very possible!"

Qin Wang agreed.

Tang Jianzhong, the old man, could escape from such a horde of beasts, but the other accompanying members of the Demon-Slaying Alliance could not.

at this time.

Then Tang Jianzhong and Yan Honghao went to the edge of the Xiaodanshan formation and wanted to enter the formation, but the formation did not open at all.

at the rear.

One after another, many monks who escaped from the beast tide came outside the formation. Most of them were injured and weak. There were also many brave monks who saw that the formation could not be opened. In addition, Xiaodanshan and Cui There are many monster beast corpses among the cloud mountains, so I simply went to pick them up.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, you see some people take risks to pick up the corpses of monster beasts. How about you and I pick up some? We can make a profit by selling them back."

Li Qiye saw a bold monk picking up the corpse of a monster and immediately invited Qin Wang to go with him.

"I think so too!"

After Qin Wang heard this, he hit it off with Li Qiye and rushed towards the location of the demon-baiting psychedelic incense.

Although his storage bag is filled with monster materials and monster meat, it can still be carried. Carrying a larger monster back will only cost dozens of spirit stones.

Qin Wang picked up three demon rabbits and a black wild boar demon on his back, waiting outside the Xiaodan Mountain formation.

Li Qiye carried a rhinoceros demon with three demon rabbits hanging on his body and stood with Qin Wang.

I saw monks like Qin Wang and Li Qiye picking up the corpses of monsters.

More than a hundred monks who were unable to enter the formation also joined the ranks of picking up monsters.

The mountain-protecting formation was finally removed in the afternoon.

The monks who were outside were finally able to enter the market.

"These people are really a blessing in disguise! They picked up so many corpses of monsters one by one!"

"They paid for this with their lives. If the beast tide comes, they will be dead!"

"makes sense."


Seeing that more than a hundred monks, Qin Wang and Li Qiye, were carrying the corpses of monsters back with their hands and shoulders, the monks in the formation were envious and full of various thoughts.

Many monks also ran out of Xiaodan Mountain, hoping to pick up the leaks.

Qin Wang returned to cabin No. 88. Gao Yuan and his daughter saw him coming back carrying a black boar demon with several demon rabbits hanging on his back, and their eyes suddenly showed shock.

"Uncle Gao, this is for you."

Qin Wang put down the black boar demon and handed a fat demon rabbit to Gao Yuan.

"Xiao Qin, you can't do this. This uncle can't have it."

Gao Yuan's vision, he declined again and again.

"Uncle Gao, didn't you give it to me too?"

Qin Wang didn't say anything and was sent directly to cabin No. 87. After all, Gao Yuan had given him meat and broth before, so he couldn't always eat other people's food.

Uncle Gao was blackmailed by Zhao Xuanting into losing their spiritual stones to the demon python and black boar demon he picked up last time.

"Xiao Qin, you are too polite!"

Gao Yuanyuan couldn't refuse, so he had to accept it, and was extremely grateful to Qin Wang.


Gao Wenjing brought over a large bowl of stewed demon rabbit broth.

The next five days.

Qin Wang changed the identities of the monster materials and other things in the storage bag and took them to the Demon Slaughter Shop to sell them, in exchange for a total of 1,780 spiritual stones.

Including the 750 spiritual stones left by Zhao Xuanting, the former master of Qingyao, the total number of spiritual stones on his body reached 2530!

Qin Wang carefully got rid of the materials during the day. At other times, he absorbed the elixirs purified by the treasure bowl to improve his cultivation proficiency. His cultivation proficiency improved by leaps and bounds.

This day.


Qin Wang bolted the door, sat cross-legged on the bed, looked at the proficiency of [Realm: Qi Refining Stage 4 (3998/4000)] on the panel, continued to absorb the two spiritual stones in his hand, and took a purified soul-enriching pill.


After an unknown amount of time, Qin Wang only felt a shock in his dantian, and a light sound rang in his mind.

In an instant.

He felt that his mental consciousness became more acute, and his spiritual consciousness suddenly expanded and expanded a lot, and he could "see" the scene around two feet outside his body!

The dantian has doubled in size than before, and can accommodate more mana.

Even the physical body has become more full of blood and qi!

Realm: Qi Refining Stage 5 (1/5000)]

"Qi Refining Stage 5!"

Qin Wang looked at the display on the panel and his greatly increased strength, and his eyes showed satisfaction.

In a short period of time.

After his cultivation broke through the fifth level of Qi Refining, Qin Wang used the Soul Locking and Breathing Concealing Method to lock his cultivation at the third level of Qi Refining. In this way, in the eyes of the Qi Refining cultivators around him, his breakthrough from the second level to the third level of Qi Refining was not too noticeable.

Qin Wang had just hidden his cultivation at the third level of Qi Refining and was about to stabilize his cultivation when suddenly a familiar voice sounded outside the door.

"Hello, Manager Zhang!"

Qin Wang opened the door and saw that the person standing at the door was Zhang Lingbu who came to collect the spirit stones last time. He immediately clasped his fists and greeted him.

"Xiao Qin, according to statistics, you used the beast tide to pick up a lot of monster corpses five days ago and sold them for a large amount of spirit stones, right?"

Zhang Lingbu held a book in one hand and a spirit pen in the other. When he saw Qin Wang, he immediately laughed and said.

"I did carry back a black wild boar monster and two monster rabbits, and sold them for dozens of spirit stones."

Qin Wang clasped his fists and admitted that the black wild boar monster he brought back in public could not be concealed.

"It's like this. The beast tide was resolved by Master Zixia. Master Zixia spent a lot of energy to drive away the beast tide. Therefore, anyone who brought back the monsters this time needs to give half of their profits to compensate Master Zixia for her losses."

"Anyone who made spirit stones from the beast tide will have to give half."

"I hope you understand."

Zhang Lingbu smiled and said.

"This is what I should do, Manager Zhang. I only made 60 spirit stones in total, so I gave him 30."

Qin Wang cursed Master Zixia in his heart, but on the surface he still took out 30 spirit stones and handed them to Zhang Lingbu respectfully.

This is necessary.

Currently practicing in Xiaodan Mountain, if you don't hand in the spirit stones, you will be expelled from Xiaodan Mountain, which will be even more serious.

"Well, very good!"

Zhang Lingbu made a list behind Qin Wang's name, collected the spirit stones, and turned away.

"Intelligence shows that in order to refine the best spiritual tools, Master Zixia will collect spiritual stones under various pretexts in the near future. Sure enough, this bastard is really not a human being!"

"Let you, a bastard, cut off my spiritual stones. My thirty spiritual stones are not so easy to get! I will give you a big gift first!"

Qin Wang looked at the cave at the highest point of Xiaodan Mountain with a cold and murderous look in his eyes.

How shameless.

He said that he drove away the beast tide?

It was obviously because the magic incense that tempted the monsters dissipated, and the monsters retreated on their own!

Please give me a monthly ticket!

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