Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 90: The anger of Master Zixia, who spread rumors and wrongly accused me? [Please subscribe!

The sky gradually turns white.

Qin Wang walked out of his hut and headed towards the Xiaodanshan scrapyard.

The scrapyard is where many monks and shops in Xiaodan Mountain discard sundries. Qin Wang plans to throw the demon-inducing psychedelic incense in the scrapyard so that it does not attract attention.

On the street, monks would go straight to Cuiyun Mountain from time to time.

Yidanhui, Wanfa Tower, Lingdanfang, Demon Slaying Fang, etc. are not open yet.

Not long after.

Qin Wang came to the scrapyard and threw five pieces of the demon-luring psychedelic incense into the scrapyard. With a flick of his finger, a dove-egg-sized explosive fire bomb was shot into the demon-luring psychedelic incense and slowly burned. .

Qin Wang quickly left the scene.

Xiaodan Mountain, the top of the mountain.

"Although this Ziyang Technique can help break through the foundation building, its shortcomings are also troublesome. When the guard period expires and you return to the sect, you must change the technique!"

The real Zixia, wearing colorful purple clothes, sat cross-legged in the cave on the top of the mountain and slowly opened his eyes.

The Ziyang Jue was a great opportunity that he got by chance. Relying on this Ziyang Jue, he finally set foot on foundation building. However, the disadvantages were also great. Whenever the moon was full, his mana dropped by half. If he encountered the same level of revenge, , then it’s over.

"Is this a beast tide?"

"Damn it! Why are you here again?"

Suddenly, Master Zixia sensed waves of earth shaking coming from the direction of Cuiyun Mountain. He immediately flashed and his sword flew out of the cave and appeared above Xiaodan Mountain. He looked at the sky more than ten miles away from Xiaodan Mountain. There was a torrent of black, and his brows suddenly furrowed deeply!

These are all densely packed with monsters!

Today is the eighth day of the lunar month.

His cultivation level is gradually declining!

But the beast tide is coming again.

Zixia Zhenren reached out and touched the storage bag, and a cyan formation flag appeared in his hand.

As the guardian of Xiaodan Mountain during the foundation building period.

He controlled the formation flag that opened the mountain-protecting formation. As he waved his hand, the formation flag in his hand suddenly flew up and landed at the center of the mountain top. In the flash of green light, a green light curtain suddenly rose up from the top of the mountain. This light curtain Rapidly extending down the mountain.

In just a few dozen breaths, the entire Xiaodanshanfang City was enveloped by the formation's light curtain.

"Oh my god! The mountain-protecting formation has risen? No! A tide of beasts! A tide of beasts is coming towards Xiaodan Mountain!"

"What's going on recently? Why are there so many beasts every day? Can the Xiaodan Mountain Mountain Protection Formation be able to withstand it?"

"There is a tide of beasts almost every day. How can we go out to hunt monsters from now on?"

"From what I can see, I'm afraid a third-level monster appears deep in Cuiyun Mountain! It was the same way more than ten years ago!!"


The mountain-protecting formation of Xiaodan Mountain was raised, and someone suddenly noticed that more than ten miles away, densely packed monster beasts were rushing towards Xiaodan Mountain. Many monks took out their magical weapons, looked worried, and talked a lot.

Qin Wang stood among the many monks and watched the densely packed black wild boar demons, rhinoceros demons, saber-toothed tiger demons, rabbit demons, and python demons attacking Xiaodan Mountain's large array of light shields.

He saw it clearly.

Every time those monsters hit the light shield, the protective array light shield flashed with blue light and returned to its original state!

"Old guy, I want you to cut my spiritual stone, and I'll give it to you once a day!"

Qin Wang stood among the many monks, with joy in his eyes.

As far as he knows.

This protective array is very powerful and can block third-level monsters. Every time these small monsters attack and gnaw, they can also slowly consume the spiritual energy of the large array. Over time, the spiritual stones consumed are absolutely terrifying!

Master Zixia can let the monks from Xiaodanshan share the money.

Once or twice is no problem, but if there is a tide of beasts every day, split it up every day?

At that time, the casual cultivators in Xiaodanshan will not be able to bear the burden and will feel that they cannot stay in Xiaodanshan any longer. They will leave one after another and go to other Xiuxianfang cities. Xiaodanshanfang City will decline and be abandoned.

Xiaodanshanfang City is one of the three major cities under the Spiritual Medicine Sect. If it declines in the hands of Master Zixia, it will be blamed!

Therefore, Master Zixia must take action as soon as possible to deal with the beast tide.

"Xiao Qin, don't go out of Xiaodan Mountain recently. I think the tide of beasts that happen every few days is too dangerous!"

At this moment, Qin Wang's neighbor Gao Shu came over and warned Qin Wang.

His rough face showed deep concern.

If you can't go out, you can't hunt monsters. How can you lay the foundation for collecting spiritual stones for your daughter?

"Uncle Gao, I know!"

Qin Wang looked grateful. He knew that Gao Yuan was really worried about him.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, here's another opportunity for you and me to make a lot of money!"

Suddenly, a slovenly, wretched young man came over and said to Qin Wang.

"Fellow Daoist Li, in my estimation, it might be a bit difficult."

Qin Wang turned around and saw that it was Li Qiye who had picked up the corpses together. He immediately shook his head. He knew in his heart that with Zixia's character as a profiteer, he would not let go of these monster corpses.

"I don't think it's difficult. I've seen that a lot of monster beasts have been trampled to death. When the tide of monsters recedes, can we rely on the patrols of Xiaodan Mountain to clean up the corpses of the monster beasts?"

"You still have to rely on casual cultivators?"

"Even if Master Zixia takes half of it, we can still earn at least dozens of dollars!"

Li Qiye rubbed his hands.

"That's true."

Qin Wang glanced at Li Qiye. Apparently, Li Qiye was ready to receive half of the proceeds from Zixia Zhenren.


Densely packed monster beasts collided and gnawed outside the light shield, knocking out and trampling countless of them.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

Outside the Xiaodanshan Mountain Protection Formation, the corpses of monster beasts piled up like mountains. The beast tide still stood outside the formation, as if they were crazy, trying to attack Fang City.

"What's going on? It's been a day and a night, and the beast tide still hasn't receded?"

Zixia Master's sword flew up and came to the edge of the protective formation. He saw that the plain outside Xiaodan Mountain was full of monsters. He frowned deeply. He was not afraid of first- and second-level monsters, but the full moon was still only a few meters away. God, his mana is gradually declining, and he must maintain his strength to prevent the third-level monsters from Cuiyun Mountain from attacking.

The tide of beasts attracted by Qin Wang's demon-inducing psychedelic incense trapped Xiaodan Mountain for a day and a night before receding.

Qin Wang, Li Qiye, Gao Yuan and other casual cultivators all went out to clean up the corpses of the monsters. As expected, Master Zixia stepped up his efforts and collected 80% of the proceeds, saying that it was for consumption of the mountain-protecting formation. Many casual cultivators had no choice but to hand over 80% of the spiritual stones were obtained.

Qin Wang carried the corpses of monsters several times, deducting 80% and earning 50 spirit stones.

These 50 spiritual stones, excluding the 25 spiritual stones that cost 5 copies of the demon-baiting psychedelic incense, are considered a pocket gain of 25.

"With these 25 spiritual stones, you can buy 5 more copies!!"

Qin Wang stood at the door of Demon Slayer Square, with a slight curve in the corner of his mouth.

That night.

Early in the morning.

Qin Wang dropped three copies of the demon-inducing psychedelic incense at the scrapyard. Master Zixia once again activated the formation and called on all casual cultivators to be ready.

The second tide of beasts took another day and night to recede.

After the beast tide receded for a long time, Qin Wang dropped 3 more monster-baiting psychedelic incense, attracting the beast tide.

This goes back and forth, making Zixia real person miserable.

"Yulong, do all the casual cultivators in Fangshi want to leave now?"

More than a month later, Master Zixia looked haggard, standing in front of the main hall at the highest point of Xiaodan Mountain, looking gloomily at Zhao Yulong, the elder of the Foreign Affairs Hall in front of her.

"Shenren, in the past month, there has been an influx of beasts every day."

"Those casual cultivators are unable to go out to hunt monsters and are still scared. Most of the casual cultivators feel that Xiaodan Mountain is no longer suitable for cultivation. They are planning to go to the nearest Jindaofang City."

"There are still rumors, say."

Zhao Yulong looked respectful and did not dare to look at the real person Zixia. He also did not dare to speak out the rumors.

I was worried that if I told him, the real person would be so angry that he would kill himself with a palm of his hand.

"say what?"

Master Zixia narrowed her eyes, and the powerful momentum of the Foundation Establishment Stage came over her. Zhao Yulong felt like he was going to crawl to the ground.


Zhao Yulong's body was trembling and he said. "The reason for this beast tide is that when you, the real person, went into the mountain to spy, you disturbed the eggs of a pair of third-level monsters, golden-backed eagles, in Cuiyun Mountain, which caused frequent beast tides. You also said that the pair of third-level monsters were about to attack Xiaoshan. Danshanfang City”


"Did I touch the golden-backed eagle's eggs? Did it cause a wave of beasts? What bastard spread rumors and wrongfully accused me?"

When Master Zixia heard this, she was so angry that she trembled all over.

I have been guarding Xiaodanshan for fifteen years, working diligently and hard without any credit.

Frequent beast tides occurred this month, causing Xiaodanshan to complain. He must have been able to hide it from the sect. He was already prepared to be punished, but now it was revealed that the frequent beast tides were due to him provoking a pair of third-level gold The back carving forced Xiaodanshan's casual cultivators to leave and go to Jindaofang City under Ba Daomen.

He couldn't afford the crime of bringing down the guard at Xiaodanshan!

"Real person, the news just came out, I don't know who it is at the moment."

Zhao Yulong remained silent and said worriedly.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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