Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 98 Yellow Bird, Control Zhao Haifeng! White Jade Mouse! Big Harvest [Please Subscribe! ]

"Zhao Haifeng, this old guy, is actually plotting against me?"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information and narrowed his eyes.

This old guy really can't change his habit of eating shit. He likes to occupy other people's things. When he sees others being easy to bully, he plans to kill them. However, this time he may be miscalculated.

My true cultivation level is not the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage, but the seventh level of the Qi Refining Stage, which is higher than that old thing!

"The ancient demon Fang Yantian who lived thousands of years ago left a Nascent Soul inheritance in the Immortal Dynasty of Dayu in the Nine Realms of China?"

Qin Wang looked at the second piece of information and was suddenly shocked.

The Nascent Soul inheritance from ten thousand years ago.

If one day I can go to the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain of Dayu Immortal Dynasty, I will definitely go and see it.

"Is there any opportunity for foundation building in Tianbao Pavilion to be auctioned?"

"The black broken sword is called Tiangang Sword?"

"The mysterious fragment is in the Ouyang family of the Jindan family?"

Qin Wang looked at the 3rd, 5th, and 8th pieces of information with thoughtful expressions in his eyes.

He also wants the opportunity to build a foundation, but he is currently only at the seventh level of the Qi Refining Stage. There are definitely many strong people participating in the auction, so it is not appropriate to get involved at this time.

The mysterious fragments are in the hands of the Jindan family, and they can only find ways to slowly get rid of them.

"The counter-bloody demon fragrant!"

"This is really a good thing to deceive people!"

Qin Wang looked at the ninth piece of information and suddenly became interested.

Blood-reverse demonic incense: The incense is made from the essence and blood of twelve kinds of demonic beasts, such as demonic apes, blood dragons, and blood-armored scorpions, combined with eighteen kinds of spiritual medicinal materials. After being lit, it can double the violent and bloodthirsty combat power of the demonic beasts, regardless of the enemy or the enemy. Crazy killing!

early morning.

"As expected of Qingyun Fairy City!"

As the morning sun rose, Qin Wang got up early and couldn't help but sigh.

The aura of heaven and earth in Qingyun Immortal City is indeed not comparable to that of Xiaodan Mountain. The aura is extremely rich.


It was the day when Gao Yuan, Ouyang Long and others went into the mountains to hunt monsters.

Qin Wang followed the traces of Thousand Miles Chasing Soul Incense and found that Zhao Haifeng was also heading out of the mountain.

"Old guy, you're finally out of town!"

Qin Wang felt the direction of Zhao Haifeng, and a sharp murderous intention flashed in his eyes. He immediately packed up everything, took ten copies of the psychedelic incense that lured monsters and the purchased Manyong rules for killing monsters, locked the door, and headed out of the city.

Qingyun Fairy City's east city and east gate.

It was early in the morning, and there were countless monks going out of the city to hunt monsters.

Passing through the tall and thick city wall, Qin Wang hung behind Zhao Haifeng all the way.

He found that Zhao Haifeng was with three people, the enchanting female cultivator who was with him that day, and the male cultivator who was slightly younger than him. The other male cultivator with a Chinese character Qin Wang didn't recognize him.

Not long after.

Zhao Haifeng and the others headed to the left of Manyong Mountain Range.

This direction is a white rock mountain, located on the outskirts of the Manyong Mountains. There are blood demon frogs in the stone crevices. The blood demon frogs are poisonous. The venom in their backpacks is the main material for refining poison pills. They do not live in groups and are not difficult to hunt. .

Qin Wang followed secretly.

"Yunyan, Fellow Daoist Ye, Fellow Daoist Zhang, let's look for some blood demon frogs to hunt here!"

In a white stone valley, Zhao Haifeng looked at Taoist monk Mo Yunyan and fellow Taoists Ye Jianhong and Zhang Yunyou and said.

"Well, it's safer here."

Mo Yunyan nodded, Ye Jianhong and Zhang Yunyou also agreed, and the four of them began to look for the blood demon frog and kill it together.

"Four people, two at the sixth level of Qi refining stage, and two at the fifth level."

Qin Wang hid behind a huge rock in the distance, watching Zhao Haifeng and the four people in the valley killing the blood monster frog, with a look of thought in his eyes. With his own strength, he could kill these four people and crush them, but if one of them ran away, he would be able to crush them. Oh no.

Gotta play it safe.

Right now.

Three of the four people below suddenly fell to the ground, and only Zhao Haifeng stood there and laughed.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, in vain of our many years of friendship, you actually took action against us?"

In the valley, the sturdy monk with the Chinese character face looked at the laughing Zhao Haifeng and scolded him angrily.

"Haifeng, what are you doing?! Give me the antidote quickly!"

Mo Yunyan also looked at Zhao Haifeng with an anxious expression. Blood Demon Frogs were infested here, and if one came, they would be dead. On the contrary, Ye Jianhong who was next to Mo Yunyan said nothing and had a gloomy look.

"Give you an antidote?"

"Hahahaha, you bitch! You bitch!"

"You're having sex with these two bitches behind my back! Don't think I don't know!"

"Shameless bitch, aren't you addicted? Today I'm going to treat you well and cut off all your stuff!"

Zhao Haifeng laughed loudly and walked towards Taoist monk Mo Yunyan, who was lying softly on the white stone, and two friends who had been with him for many years, Zhang Yunyou and Ye Jianhong, with a look of resentment in his eyes.

"No, no, Haifeng, you have wronged Yan'er."

"We don't have that problem at all"

After hearing this, Mo Yunyan's beauty changed drastically, and she wanted to use words to persuade Zhao Haifeng to withdraw his murderous intent. However, Zhao Haifeng's murderous intent was determined, and the magic sword in his hand turned into two rays of light, piercing the thighs of Ye Jianhong and Zhang Yunyou!

Instantly brought up two balls of bloody meat!

"Ah!! Brother Zhao really doesn't have such a thing! Really!!"


Ye Jianhong and Zhang Yunyou screamed. They looked frightened, but their bodies could not move. They were poisoned by Zhao Haifeng, their magic power was blocked, their limbs were weak, and they watched helplessly as they became eunuchs.

"Bitch, you still want to make excuses! If it weren't for it, I would still be kept in the dark!"

Zhao Haifeng waved his hand, and suddenly, a cute white mouse appeared in his palm.

"This mouse is not dead"

When Mo Yunyan saw the mouse, she suddenly looked desperate and fell silent.

She knew that she could no longer deny it. This white jade mouse was quite magical. It could communicate with people's consciousness and transmit the images it saw. She had heard from Zhao Haifeng that it died during a scout mission. Unexpectedly, it was hidden by Zhao Haifeng.

It seemed that this weakling had already doubted her.

"Bitch, you can't deny it, right? Today I'll make you feel good enough!"

Zhao Haifeng rolled the magic sword in his hand, and immediately rolled a piece of meat off the thigh of his Taoist partner Mo Yunyan!


Mo Yunyan let out a shrill scream and cursed Zhao Haifeng. "Old thing, I, Mo Yunyan, am blind to find you as my Taoist partner."

"Huh? Senior Zhao, what are you doing?"

At this moment, Zhao Haifeng heard a slightly familiar voice from behind him.

"Xiao Qin, why are you here?"

Zhao Haifeng suddenly turned around and saw a young man in green clothes holding a black bowl. He frowned and gathered his magic sword in his hand.

This young man was Qin Tiedan, who came from Xiaodan Mountain and met in Qingyun Fairy City!

He had planned that day to kill Qin Tiedan when he had the chance in the future, but he didn't expect that this little guy would come here!

Maybe, he would kill him today and have a big harvest!

"Senior Zhao occupied my spiritual field and took advantage of me, how could I not come?"

Qin Wang said, his aura was very strong, and he was at the seventh level of Qi Refining Stage!

A translucent human shadow flew out of the bowl in his hand, and drilled into Zhao Haifeng's body with lightning speed, and instantly sank into it.

"Seventh level of Qi Refining Stage! You uh."

Zhao Haifeng heard this and his eyes widened. He looked at Qin Wang in disbelief. He wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

He didn't expect it.

He calculated Mo Yunyan, Ye Jianhong, and Zhang Yunyou, but was made a fool by Qin Tiedan who hid his cultivation!

The person who called him senior was actually higher than his cultivation!

Zhao Haifeng stood there, his face was grim, his whole body was trembling, and he made a sound of "uh uh", as if there was a demon in his body devouring him!

The next moment.

Zhao Haifeng stood unsteadily and fell to the ground, holding his head with both hands, his body arched like a shrimp and rolling continuously.

At this time.

Zhao Haifeng was fighting with the soul seed, and the white mouse in his hand jumped onto a big rock and wanted to escape. Qin Wang stepped forward, and a magic power surged out, immediately encircling the white mouse tightly. The mouse could not move, and there was fear in his eyes.

Mo Yunyan, Ye Jianhong, and Zhang Yunyou were all seriously injured, bleeding all over the ground, lying on the ground dying.

"Big harvest!"

Qin Wang stepped forward, took off all the storage bags on the waists of the four people, and put them into his own package. At the same time, Qin Wang also found a green bag similar to the storage bag in Zhao Haifeng's arms.

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