Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1112: He did it on purpose

A girl like Koizumi Huayang is obviously a girl who only likes to secretly indulge in something. Even if she knows that there is an idol research department in the school that suits her own interests and extracurricular activities, if there is no one to push it behind her, she I am afraid that high school may not have the courage to participate in three years. Even she didn't even have the interest to participate. After all, not everyone felt that it was joy to share with like-minded peers. Some people just like to enjoy the things they like quietly and do not like to be disturbed.

  As for Yazawa Nicole, who originally joined the fellowship and later became minister, most people imagine that most of them are the type who are passionate about attracting more like-minded partners.

   likes to share his special interests and hobbies with others, but it is not annoying. On the contrary, it is not that there are people who have a lot of friends. In Levi’s school, there is a fairly high degree of otaku, who is comparable to Quan. He always puts on a standard otaku look unabashedly, and can chat with others anytime, anywhere. Your favorite two-dimensional world. But the boy not only did not despise and be isolated like the common "annoying dead house", but not only did he have a very good relationship with his classmates in his class, even other classes, other grades, and even foreign schools I have made a lot of friends, as if I can meet anyone wherever I meet, let Levi, who is a teacher, admire his communication skills.

  But think of girls like Yazawa Nicole... Obviously most of them are unlikely to have that kind of ability. It's not just speculation to look down on this petite twin ponytail girl. But because of the status of her bare-bones commander who is now the Minister’s idol research department, can you see how bad her ability is in this respect?

Especially according to Yazawa Nicole herself, when she first joined, the idol research department seemed to have a lot of people, so she could get a large classroom enough for the nine muses to practice dancing from the student union. When the activity room.

  You should know that even the sole leader of Haruhi Suzumiya, but from the school, got a small classroom in which six or seven people sitting alone felt a little crowded as a function room.

  The idol research department can have such a large activity room, it can be seen that the Nono Musaka College is not a ‘soil’ without an idol house. At least it was true that so many idols existed.

   As for the same big one later, it will be reduced to the rest of Yazawa Nicole. It is indeed the school environment that has changed, making it impossible for people to recruit new members. As a minister, Yazawa Nicole's ability is indeed lacking. Anyway, this is the case, there is no need to be held accountable, is it?

   "You are also a teacher! Since you know what might happen, don't do that and watch good shows!"

   Levi is here to regret Yazawa Nicole. The proud young girl with her hands on her hips suddenly turned around and pointed the gun at him again.

"Look, see what I'm doing! Don't you just stir up their emotions just because you know they will be very excited? Don't, don't think I don't know, when I was in the car, Rin said so many things to you, thought, thought I could not hear it! Huh, huh!"

  It is estimated that Maki Nishino is also fast-talking, and it is only halfway to remember that this is a teacher, and is not yet a teacher of his own school. However, the so-called arrogant people are all face-to-face, and this training has begun to make her suddenly hold back all the words. Despite vomiting and vomiting, his face became more and more red, but later his ears were covered with rouge, and Miki Nishino did not stop, very accurately speaking of Levi's thoughts.


   Xunxie Eri, Yuantian Haiwei and Nan Xiaoniao are rushing to pull their little pride girl in the past. These three girls can be regarded as the most normal people in this school idol group. Let them talk to a teacher in this way... Even if Xunxie Eri is the president of the student union, they won't do it for no reason.

  Although these young girls have already known Levi, they feel that he looks different from the teachers he usually sees. But none of them had been chatting with Levi like Xing Kong Rin, how do you know the real side of this man?

  Although Starry Sky is certainly not quite familiar with Levi, this is also the skill that Levi has worked out for many years. It's just for a short time that I didn't see the little girl whose hairstyle is a little like Silk Banner's favorite. I almost forgot the man who was with her in the car all the way to the south and the north. Is he actually a teacher?

"It’s okay, it’s okay for classmate Levi waved his hands so that a few girls wouldn’t be so nervous. Especially Haeki Sonoda, if she said that just like that It wasn’t Maki Nishino, but Nao Takasaka. At this moment, she was afraid that she would have to press her green plum to come and apologize to Levi?

  Although the relationship between these nine girls is indeed very harmonious and harmonious, it is not easy for each other to have no distinction between seniors. But after all, no matter how good the relationship is, there is also a close distance. Only a fool with a simple mind will treat new friends who have just met for less than half a year and seem to be quite compatible, as old friends who have known each other for more than ten years.

   Besides, there are different ways of coping with different people. Haven't you seen Levi's habit of calling the man whose name is most common to everyone, but also very rarely call the proud girl "Classmate Nishino"? A piece of starry sky Rin and Koizumi Huayang met in the expressway service area, Levi directly called people Rin and Huayang.

   The little details that are not noticeable by others, maybe she will be shy and arrogant. When I first met, I had to be careful like Levi. Even if it’s a lot of age difference, it’s still the relationship between the teacher and the student. If you call her directly, you might be shy for a while.

"I also said just now that I really wanted to tease the two of them. I didn't pay attention to the situation here, nor blame the two of them. People who like to chase idols hate the big star as long as they are not, Everyone is so excited to hear that it is possible to meet her. Hua Yang and Nicole are already very restrained."

  After all, that is now the most popular female idol in public perception. Not to mention that idol houses like Koizumi Huayang and Yazawa Nicole are ordinary normal female high school students, and it is not impossible to be excited when you see such a big star.

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