Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1124: Girl, can't you be like that?

But there are some, or perhaps most of the girls who were very boyish as a child, and they will gradually change as they grow up. Suddenly they no longer like naughty people to run around, and suddenly they don’t hate those. Wearing a cute dress that is troublesome and unsuitable for sports, I suddenly no longer like to be mixed with a group of boys, and even start to feel shy in front of those boys... Such girls will eventually abandon themselves, even for many years. I can't think of a period of time when I was a kid. I just thought I was such a quiet lady in a light and flirty dress.

However, there are a few of these girls who cannot complete the transition from girls to girls to women because of various reasons. Just like the starry sky now, they no longer like themselves like they were back then, but because of their hearts It is difficult to completely get rid of the past.

Maybe it’s because Rin Xingkong, a little girl who looks more mature than her sweetheart and knows how to get along with others, is not as mature as she showed. It only takes the advantage of “extroverted personality”. It seems that every aspect is much stronger than Koizumi Huayang who is too shy.

  If no one helps her, Rin Xingkong spends more time on the road of growing up, and eventually it will be successfully transformed into an orthodox ‘girl’. And now with Muse, the school idol group that allows girls to experience the sense of a girl, joining the starry sky may be more smooth than she originally was. It's just that I can't abandon the entangled contradictions hidden in her heart for a while. I'm afraid it will take some time for her to struggle.

   on the surface seems to be much stronger than Koizumi's ability to withstand stress, but in fact, in the team of Muse, Xingkong Rin is probably not as professional as her idol's house.

"You don’t have much to do now. Although it’s better to practice more before the show, but in your current situation, even if you want to practice, it’s not easy to find a place. Moreover, you should not have to work hard at ordinary times. At this time it will be time to embrace the Buddha's feet again."

   Levi hasn’t even been to Nogizaka Academy. Of course, I don’t know how the girls like Muse usually practice and prepare in school. But although he hadn't seen it before, Shinoda Asada told him a lot.

The super sniper in the GGO world who admired this group of students for a long time has long known how many times Levi has told Levi how hard the nine girls are at school, even on rainy days. Rehearsal for the next performance on the unobstructed roof.

  In fact, Shinoda Asada’s love of the nine girls of Muse is a process in which typical ‘modern idols’ have fans gradually like.

   The average personal standard of modern idols is slightly less than that of traditional idols. The people behind these girl idols who have invested money and brains to'run' them are already professionals in the industry. Naturally, the audience in front of a lively TV set knows more clearly than their audience. How different are these girls from the real big stars on TV.

Most of the gaps between people are caused by differences in innate talents. Just like students who can learn well by reading books and students who are still hard to work hard. Athletes who can shine on the sports field without hard work and athletes who can only sweat and sweat while sitting on the field, There are also employees who are not too serious about their work and can be rewarded by high-level employees, and employees who are desperately working overtime but are ultimately ruthlessly laid off. Although many colleagues like Levi often encourage students in the class to instill in them that ‘human IQ is different, but high school level learning is not enough to allow these differences to be directly reflected’. The implication is to tell your students that as long as they are willing to work hard, even if they may not be naturally smart, they can at least get to the same excellent university as those who are smarter than themselves. Of course, such a theory is based on the teachers' years and years of experience. But one person needs twelve points of effort to catch up with the casualness of another person. Isn't this a manifestation of the most intuitive IQ gap?

   In fact, Levi has always believed that even one person's'effort' is also a talent that not everyone has.

   Just like some people are naturally smarter than can easily figure out the problem that others can't figure out. Those who think that they are inferior to others in all aspects and can only work hard to catch up, but they do not realize that their ability to put into reality as long as they have ideas is also not a talent that everyone can easily have.

Whether it is learning or sports or work, or just some simple common things in daily life, such as weight loss, or even just maintaining a good rest and rest time, for these seemingly no difficult things, we are determined to work hard and turn our eyes. The examples of giving up are not seen every day in reality, and there are many new ones.

   said that weight loss, in fact, as long as you close your mouth and do not eat, you can basically achieve the effect. It sounds very simple, and few people can really achieve it. This ability to work hard as long as you think, in Levi's eyes, is the best ‘ability’ you have acquired since birth.

Just as athletes in the professional sports world are not children who know nothing, they all know to maintain good diet and living habits, and hard training can extend their professional career as much as possible, and they can earn more money for the future. Life after retirement is even better. But it is still not too much to look at the examples around you and be able to do it together.

After a night of riches and nights, there was even a serious song, and even the point of "five poisons" was behind, and the early bright road was blocked early. Such an athlete who once made people shine, but eventually became a regretful athlete. It is never uncommon. Can these people say they lack talent? The reason why they became famous in a young age and made a blockbuster is not because of their talents that other people can't match, only to seize the fleeting opportunity to capture the hearts of the audience?

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