Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1151: But Mengmeng still understands

"Especially the various application services on smartphones are too convenient now. In the past few years, I was only able to buy some specific products online. Recently, I have not only bought something, I just want to eat, drink something, and also Snacks and afternoon tea snacks can be delivered to the door of the house in the fastest time by moving your fingers at any time."

  Regardless of the students in the school, Levi is already an'old age' person. But in terms of experiencing the convenience brought by the modern information society and smartphones, it can be said that the students in the school are far less authentic than Levi.

   After all, the students in the school did not live with their families even if they were studying abroad by themselves. In the middle school, most of them either lived in the dormitories like Chunyuan Yangping, or lived like the Fujimiya sisters. Although they are outside the school, they are actually centralized management of apartments exclusively for students to rent.

   lives in these places because of security issues and some management restrictions. Even if the students are not with their parents, there are still various inconveniences, and no adult is as free as a single person.

  Not to mention that for students, in addition to their own wishes, the willingness of their wallets is also an important limitation.

  There are so many convenient and quick service items. Whether your environment allows you to enjoy is one thing. It is another matter if the money in your wallet is enough to cover the expenses after enjoyment.

  Especially students are not like adults who can go to the bank to apply for credit cards, and can have various short-term small loan methods. Except for a few who are willing to go out to work and earn money on their own, most of them are limited to what they can do by the monthly living expenses sent by their families. There simply aren't too many ways that you can consider to dominate.

  As long as he is a student, he will not starve to death on Gakuen Island. Even if all the money is spent at the beginning of each month, as long as the skin is thick enough to give birth, there is always a way to get through. But occasionally one or two accidents just go away. More often than not, the school and the central district management responded to the family. At that time, the parents would not allow themselves such children who could die in the dormitory if they were not cared for by the school and government. It is also a matter not to think too much about staying in schools in the Central District.

   And Levi is an adult with income and extra extra money in addition to normal work. First of all, you don't need to worry too much about spending. In addition, there are just a few people who love the house all day long in his house.

In the past, Ewen Jielin had to make a phone call and open her mouth when she needed something at home. Now she saves even opening her mouth. She can just wait for a few clicks on the phone screen to wait for someone to ask for what she wants. Sent to the door. And it's not the same simple fast food takeaway. Now all kinds of on-site services have evolved to provide even some complicated meals. The staff of the other party can bring you semi-finished products to help you process them. Even the direct chefs come to the site to cook for you.

  As long as they are willing to spend money, under the conditions of the modern society, they really want to experience almost everything they can do at home. This is a happy and beautiful era for the house ladies like Ewen Jielin and Penglai Shanhui Ye. I'm afraid now that I have suddenly found a way to return to Fantasy Township, Hui Ye may treat it as something she didn't see and didn't know, and she didn't even think about going back.

"So, the teacher means that many people actually like to stay at home. But in the past, because the living environment was not so convenient, there were many things that forced them to go out, so many people became what they looked like. . And when there are more and more convenient services now, can they return to what they were?"

  Mengmeng didn’t have long time to come to the earth, although I often watched TV with other people in my family, and I have seen some of the previous earth from TV shows. For example, in the era when there was no mobile phone and only fixed-line telephones were used, Mengmeng was surprised to see it at first.

Unlike children of this age on the earth, even if they have not experienced that era in memory, but because their parents came from that period, they have listened and watched much since childhood, and naturally do not think how distant it is. thing.

   And the dream of Debbie Luxer is a planet whose technology is far more advanced than the earth, and I don’t know how many years it should be. For people on the planet like De Beerus, who have turned interstellar navigation into a random trip, there is no communication terminal that can be carried around is a bit too much Long ago. To them, it may be as far away as the time when the earth people traced back to the stage when they just got rid of Ru Mao's blood drinking and barely stepped into a civilized society. And if it’s not that you have studied history in depth, or if you have a hobby in this area, even if those who have higher education on the planet, how many can casually say that humans are still in the low civilization stage for thousands of years. Things before?

In fact, even in a society that is quite developed and progressive, such as the earth people, in the eyes of Princess Mengmeng from Debbie Luke, it is probably like the plot in the popular traversal drama. In the ancient feudal society period when there were no lights or cars, traffic depended on horses to run.

   is not just a dream. In fact, for Levi and Eve, they who have traveled between the stars, now the earth is indeed a place that is quite backward and gives them a sense of time. And they are different from Mengmeng, that is, these two people have visited more places because of the relationship between their past work, and have long been accustomed to traveling between the different planetary civilizations in the technological stage. Whether it is advanced, backward, or something else, the planets Levi and Eve have been to a lot. It's like a person who has the ability to travel through time and space. Frequent travels through various historical periods have long been strange. In contrast, the Earth has never shown even a bit of strange dreams. It really makes people admire her natural temperament and where she grew up in the royal environment.

   How many teenage girls in this world can suddenly travel through the ancients thousands of years ago, and instantly integrated into the society of the time without flaws? When a girl like Eve transferred to the second middle school, many students still noticed the strangeness in her.

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