Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1156: Of course I won't regret it

   Of course, even in such a world, controlling a large consortium is much more difficult than on earth. But relative because the information and intelligence of that world is far less transparent than the earth that has entered the information age. If the control is successful, the'convenience' of secret operations is harder to hide from other companies than large and small operations. Even the modern earth monitored by the state is much better.

   Considering this point is almost the benefit of "once and for all", if the association is therefore aimed at the Ryanfort family, it sounds like it is not impossible. In particular, remember that the current president of Lineforte, Irina Lineforte, is not common in changing her surname after she married her husband.

  Although Levi is not clear about the continent of Samria, which has a considerable similarity with the earth in all aspects, there are also some countries that have the custom of changing the husband’s surname after marriage. But that Irina Leinfurt is certainly not the case, but she is indeed the surname Leinfurt, is the only legal heir of this generation of wealthy family. On the contrary, her husband is the “outsider” who is equivalent to entering the Lane Folter family.

  Don't say that any woman is also an heir. Even a person like Levi who has absolutely no concept of sexism must admit that in the eyes of most people, if there is no male heir in this generation, a large family will naturally be identified as a family. Because there is no "owner" in the family, it is considered to be "good bullying", and some coveted people with various ideas will appear.

Although the people in the association are not normal people, they look at the Ryan Fort family with some normal thinking of normal people, thinking that it is an opportunity to take advantage of this and take control of this family. It is also very likely .

  In addition to possessing huge wealth, it is also possible to foresee a group that can continue to collect wealth for a long time. Lainfurt itself is also a large-scale composite production enterprise that focuses on both technology and traditional industries. Especially before the outbreak of the leading revolution in the mainland of Semiria, this enterprise was a'military enterprise' that was more biased and even focused on weapons production. Owning such a company, one would of course think that under the opponents, in addition to the apostles and executors, there is a large group of "hunter" groups similar to the mercenaries on this planet.

   can not only obtain huge funds, but also assist in the formation of certain guidance technologies that are more advanced than the mainland average. In addition to this, self-sufficiency of weapons and equipment can be achieved, which greatly enhances the combat effectiveness of the hunter group under his hands.

  No matter which one it is for, it makes people feel more and more analyzed that the association is too reasonable to have a ‘thought’ for the Ryanfort family.

   Driven by these benefits, the upper class of the association developed a plan for the Lane Folter family. Although the final outcome of the plan failed, it also led to the accidental death of Irina Reinfort’s husband. Among them, the young girl Sharon, who is also active in the figure, and may even be the actual killer of the so-called death accident of Irina Lane Folter’s husband, but after this incident, she broke away from her association and transformed herself into Lane Fly. The maid of the Celtic family...

  Don’t say such a listener as Levi, even executives such as Ling who are not interested in many things about association have ever had some doubts about what happened to Sharon. It is suspected that she was actually the "undercover" or spy who had sneaked into the Ryanfort family with the help of the planned arrangement. Even the so-called violent action plan against the Ryan Forte family itself is just a cover for Sharon to sneak into that family.

However, according to the results of Ling’s investigation, let’s not conceal anything from the renown family of Lane Folter. In fact, Irina Lane Folter, who left Sharon around, seems to have witnessed her death. event. However, the strong woman unexpectedly did not know why the girl who was "forgiving" as the murderer, and even the girl's current name Sharon, was taken by him by Irina Lanefort. Before that, Sharon's name in association was just the "dead line" Kruger-this was the last name Sharon used before joining the association. From the information revealed by Ling, a traitor, Levi only knew that the maidservant was trained by a killer organization named Moon Moon Trojan with a long history before joining the Associated Devouring Serpent. Killer. The members of this organization do not have their own real names, but are accustomed to changing their names every time they perform a task. It is a very typical assassination clique that uses disguise, deception and sudden assault.

Why did Irina Lane Forte take a person related to the death of her husband... even the person who killed his husband’s and gave her a name she did not have before, let She took care of her young only daughter instead of herself...all of this is a mystery that the other executives in the society are completely unaware of.

  On the basis of Xuelun's superb acting and true and false words, not to mention Levi, even Yiwen can't quite see what kind of past she has.

  After all, he was also a colleague. Levi knew very well what kind of traits the members of the assassination group like Sharon once belonged to. In such an organization, if you want to complete the task well, you are more fancy than acting and killing skills, but disguising your acting skills.

   Unlike Eve's sheer strength and straightforward killing the target with pure strength, nor is the traditional ASSASSIN in the Holy Grail War good at hiding the surprise and winning. Sharon and her former "colleagues" are more similar to people like spies who need to master a variety of comprehensive skills to find a way to get closer to the target.

Perhaps this can also explain why the maidservant’s housework skills are so outstanding, and at the same time it can also take into account the details of the group company’s regulation and control, and even has a certain business sense, enough to serve as a maid and also successfully complete a secretary of the president of a large group. work?

   "Indeed, family is very important. Although it used to be a lot of trouble when I was together, but after I separated, I found that life is actually not annoying at all."


   Sharon's identity and experience is certainly quite curious, but he is neither prepared to waste his brain cells and time experience in vain, nor does he intend to look for opportunities to try to let Sharon speak out.

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