Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1158: So Huiye and Mengmeng should go together

   And those who still look mostly similar to the earth. In addition, the aliens in the science fiction novels like the earthman have the appearance of insects, octopuses or other animals. In addition, Yuna and Levi both met and knew several races that were similar in nature to the "tree people" more similar to plants.

As for the appearance of Mengmeng, which is similar to that of the earth, but it has more tails, horns, or other organs like animals, such as wings and animal ears, it is very common, and it is also Levi. The'mainstream' among the aliens I've seen.

If there are some people who are not used to be called "humans", it is probably like the information integration thought body. There is no physical form at all, and the way of existence is completely different from those of aliens who have more contacts with each other. Different lives. And between those lives that exist in different ways, I really don't know if there is a fundamental gap and there is little direct communication between each other. As President Nagato Yuki said that she cannot understand human emotions, even with the same appearance as humans, there are quite a lot of ‘conflicts’ with humans on earth.

   Even if the appearance of the difference is different, but still some aspects can understand each other in the race, they will be regarded as ‘human’ among them. And those who will conduct business exchanges and other exchanges on free planets with developed trades are naturally these barely worthy human beings.

   Such a planet, as long as it speaks light and makes people imagine, it can be guessed how wonderful, how interesting, and how intriguing. I’m afraid that even people like Penglaishan Huiyehequan who like to immerse themselves in the room when they are free and immerse themselves in the world of the second element, they will free up for a day or two when they get to that kind of place. That strange atmosphere?

  Although the fantasy town where Penglai Shanhui lived in the past was also a monster walking around, all kinds of races have a fantasy-like world.

   Levi knows that Mengmeng has never been to a planet that is definitely very interesting for girls her age. Although as members of the royal family of De Beerus, just like the royal members of those countries on the earth that still retain the royal family, they all need to undertake at least some work to maintain the diplomatic image. But Mengmeng and her twin sister Nana are still young because of their young age. These jobs, which have practical significance for the royal family and De Beerus, are only handed over to their mothers and sisters. So Mengmeng and Nana, the twin sisters, are indeed flowers in the greenhouse. They have hardly ever left the palace, and they have only had a few chances to leave De Beerus.

  In fact, even if Mengmeng grows up in the future, she can gradually share the responsibilities of her mother and sister, and she begins to leave the palace and De Beerus more and more frequently, appearing more and more in front of people on other planets. Just talking about her identity and the nature of those activities, this little pink princess can’t be like the girls of ordinary people. When you get to an interesting favorite planet, you can freely tour around to truly feel the experience. The inner part of that planet.

   After all, De Beeruk was a man who swept the universe in a short time with brutal force. If you think about it, even Eve, once known as the strongest and most terrible killer in the universe, was originally an underground organization that opposed Debbie Luke, and desperately researched and developed in order to fight Debbie Luke and Debbie Luke. from.

   Like that, the organizations that defied De Beerus are innumerable throughout the universe. Among them are the unwilling victims of the planets conquered by King De Beeruk, and there are also ambitious or delusional dreamers who want to overthrow the king himself in his place.

   After all, Debbie Luke’s reign was not long enough, and the entire planet was dominated by typical martial arts from top to bottom, and the foundation of the rule was not very reliable. In this environment, let the princesses of your planet run around casually, not only not responsible for the safety of these little princesses, but also irresponsible for the safety of the country and the planet.

  If there is no accident of running away from home, the dreams that have grown up normally may live in an environment where they seem to be very close but actually ‘isolated’ all their lives? Thinking from this aspect, people can not help but admire the girl's ability. Under the premise that King De Beeruk must have an absolutely tightly guarded security and he can escape from the palace alone, escape De Beer Luc, and escape to the distance. Debi Luke is so far away on Earth.

  Even if Mengmeng recalled it afterwards, I also found out that there was actually the help of her older sister, who seemed unreliable but a real genius inventor. But to be able to achieve this level, I don’t know if it’s too much to boast of dreams, or I should first question the protection of De Beeruk to the royal family... Maybe it’s because King De Beeruk is absolutely beyond doubt. The almost invincible strongman has never worried about his own security issues. And his daughters also inherited his blood, so that his mind is not as good as the fighting level of the "many man", but also too confident to neglect the care of the daughters?

Levi estimated that the reason why Mengmeng can safely reach the earth all the way, I am afraid that it is those forces who have been secretly planning to subvert the rule of De Beerk, or simply for revenge, did not expect De Beerk at all. The security of the royal family will be so poor that the daughter of his own Wang can escape alone.

   What kind of drama is the most common in drama novels hundreds of years ago, which is the place of the princess. Even today’s earth, not to mention the special environment of academy city and Ma Fanliang, just a level of security monitoring at the level of an ordinary developed country, it is enough to make a slightly capable person, absolutely can’t alarm anyone Quietly escaped.

Although the level of Mengmeng is definitely not a standard ordinary ability on the earth, even if I have never seriously "played" with her, the girls at home usually practice and fight in the mini villa of Ewen Jielin. In terms of scenes, Mengmengguang relies on purely talented physical abilities, and is absolutely not weak among the girls in the McDowell family.

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