Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1167: Unfortunate and happy

   "This matter was discussed by many people on social networks some time ago."

  Mengmeng continued.

   Her cell phone looks like the kind that traditional girls love to use before smartphones appeared in previous years. But in fact, this is uncommon and even a bit like a toy mobile phone. Its performance and function are far more than the products of the highest technological level of the school city, that is, those insiders can use it, even the ordinary students of the school city can not buy it. It is much more advanced.

Let’s say something from an outer planet that is likely to work completely differently from the earth’s electronic equipment. It can be connected to the network on the earth and receive signals on the earth, which is quite difficult. Many people think it is difficult.

   In fact, Levi is now accustomed to carry the tactical force director, some of its own models also have communication and network functions similar to mobile phones. In particular, the latest models produced by the Ryan Forte family company that Sharon served in the past have been able to make real-time video calls, fully catching up with developments in this area on the planet today.

  However, these tactical force directors that look exactly like the mobile phones on the earth, after arriving on the earth, they are only left with their original core powers that trigger the spar to assist the battle and drive the guidance magic. The rest of the communication uses have become the ‘out of service area’ state where the mobile phone on the earth has reached a place where there is no signal.

  According to Ling, at the beginning, when their group of people from different worlds came to the earth, they tried to set up temporary communication base stations because their tactical thrusters could not communicate. Of course, these attempts were soon discovered to be unnecessary in vain. Every time when they talked about how they gradually explored from the beginning, they entered the society of the earth and discovered the lifestyle of people in this world, and they were busy tossing the expressions of those people who were on the phone. Even Tio, who was in charge of second-hand narration, couldn't help laughing.

   Until now, those who ate the Snake Snake Association are said to have stopped the research on how to apply the tactical maneuver to the world in addition to combat, and how to apply this strategy. On the contrary, Tio, who is not with them, is still experimenting on his own.

  Although Tio herself told Levi she was just idle anyway. But Levi quite agrees with her precautionary attitude. After all, what they will face next is always unknown. In particular, Tiouben is not yet a true fighting faction, her ability lies in the aspects of information and network that are particularly consistent with the status quo of the earth society. If there is a certain breakthrough progress, maybe at some point in the future, Tio can also play a more important role than the seemingly powerful executives of the Devouring Snake.

  Of course, Tiou said that he was fighting under the ground of the academy city. In fact, it was not really just that she was tossing there in a silly way. When Ling came to this world, he often followed the other people in the group for the first time. Later, except for the occasional actions she was interested in, most of the time she had to go around in a haunted place, or stay with Tiou, and rarely contact the people in the association. After all, the little loli who loves to do things is now just like Sharon, taking a break from the executive position of association. Although I don’t know why both of them just took a break and didn’t quit directly, maybe the ally of the association, or an apostle, does have a trait that they can attract people to follow. Otherwise, it's just because some like-minded people have assembled so many powerful executives. That Seminya continent is not exactly an era where heroes in troubled times are born. Just listening to Tieu’s popular science explanation, in fact, in addition to the occasional occasion of some major events that can make headlines in the world, the whole time should tend to a period of peaceful and stable development.

   Such as the world’s two major powers in the Cold War, as well as military powers and neighboring powers that are not weak, occasionally wipe out guns and fire, such incidents even happen now on the earth. Except for the poor people who happened to be in the place where conflicts and disturbances occurred. Not many people in the rest of the world are watching the news and joining in the lively state of mind?

   There is even a lot of people who don’t think it’s too much to watch the excitement. I don’t feel that I’m not personally involved. Anyway, it wasn't him who died after the fight. This kind of person's mentality is actually quite complicated. Perhaps it seems to be quite cold-blooded, after all, taking other people's pain or even death as their own entertainment. Generally speaking, this kind of attitude has nothing to do with it because the distance is too far away, and the special effect caused by the lack of real Those who seem to usually take the misfortune of others as a pastime in the news, If some people's misfortunes happen to them, they are likely to be quite concerned. Maybe I will give some help when I can, such as generously donating something that I can’t use, or even participating in a fundraiser or something.

  Thio, which happened on the continent of Semiria, specifically mentioned that it was considered a major conflict. In fact, the other people on the mainland who are not involved in the continent are the spectator mentality similar to those of ordinary people on the earth. Even the large-scale border wars that occurred in their own country, as long as they were not implicated in the inland, they were at most tense at the time. It was all talks with friends after tea.

   But perhaps under the calm of the surface of the world, there are also some unknown unknown harbingers of great changes, or what will eventually break out. Just as there is nothing special in the eyes of ordinary people, and it will make girls like Haruhi Suzumiya feel boring, in fact, those strange strange people and things that only appear in myths, novels, and film and television dramas are actually real. Or at least it once existed.

  Although Levi doesn’t think there are many other worlds as strange as this earth, it is so unreasonable but I don’t know why it exists. But if there is any Thio lurking on the continent of Semiria, and the group of people who know it all know it, and they are willing to gather together to work together for secrets... this is not a low probability thing. After all, the fake cat girl had an unpleasant and dark experience despite her childhood. However, after the "religious church" that used her and other children as experimental props was destroyed, the rest of the time Tio's life was very peaceful, and could even be called happy.

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