Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 791: It’s true, Hei Tong

"Judging from what his classmates said, the kid really didn't look like someone who was in the limelight, vanity, and particularly victorious. Most classmates said he didn't say much in class, but people weren't particularly strange. That is the most common class of "excellent students" in the class. Good grades will not show off and don't make people feel annoying. But they will not actively help other students. In short, it is the type that everyone can often ignore. people."

   Speaking of which, Levi looked up at Hei Tonggan, and apparently said "man like you", causing the youth of glasses to awkwardly take off his glasses and wipe them on his clothes.

  However, Levi actually did not know what kind of student Hei Tonggan was when he was in school. The first time he saw this teenager was in this office and magic workshop. At that time, Hei Tong was less than 20 years old, but he had dropped out of college on his own initiative, and started working as a full-time regular employee in this hall of Galan.

  Single Levy was also impressed with Hei Tonggan. He did not think Hei Tong would be a class of students who lacked a sense of presence in schools and classes, and were even unpopular. Levi did not know how he got his grades when he went to middle school, but since he was admitted to college, at least his grades are definitely not bad. With his gentle personality, harmless appearance of humans and animals, and his ability to take care of people, imagination alone will make people think that he should be a person who is easily loved by classmates and at least not hated by everyone.

  However, he insisted on dropping out of college, even if he quarreled with his parents and broke off the relationship, he still refused to change his mind. From this experience, it can also be seen that this is a typical external soft and internal rigid, and quite assertive, very tough person.

   A character like Hei Tonggan may also become a member of the class who lacks a sense of presence. After all, it can be seen from his stubbornness and perseverance that this is a brave but selfish person who can give up many for his own persistence. He can cut off relations with his parents regardless of everything for his pursuit. Naturally, he can not have too much contact and communication with his classmates because of his own interests. Isn't this just like the teenager who committed the heinous crime? It can be seen from the awards he received, that the child may not only be after school, but even some of the time in class and the rest time between classes may be used to prepare for various and varied competitions. Too. No need to ask him if he still has enough time to communicate with his classmates. He might not have much interest in energy just to spend time with his classmates who don't even care. This can also be seen from the confessions of his classmates. In the testimonies Hei Tonggan also compiled, no one classmate mentioned that he was a ‘friend’ with the teenager. Levi believes that this is definitely not because Hei Tong felt useless and deleted those words. This statement did not show that it only shows that the teenager has never been a friend in school.

  How can a person who does not even have friends have a high sense of presence in school or in the class? Unless he is a bad boy who is always making trouble, just like Chunyuan Yangping. Otherwise, just like Okazaki Okazaki, even if he was late for absenteeism, sometimes some students in the class didn't even notice that there was one less student in the class until the teacher named.

"But I guess that the kid probably thinks that he is a genius in his heart, and he can't even look down on the classmates in his class? After all, the smarter, the more capable and the extraordinarily inferior, the easiest to nourish the so-called inner heart Alone."

   said that the unpleasant point is the second disease, which is actually a kind of self-protection against inferiority complex. Although the teenager lacked nothing at home, he was smart and had good grades, and he looked handsome when he looked at the photos. But just because his mother abandoned him, it can be guessed that most of these people are secretly inferior. Don't look at how dazzling the other person looks before, it's not that the strong one must be strong inside. Even the strong, fragile and inferior, Levi has seen more.

"It may be true. From a psychological analysis, a child who does have such an experience can easily become inferior and inferior. In fact, from what he did later, at least it shows that his heart is indeed extremely morbid. "

   is abnormal, Levi added to Hei Tong's heart. A poor child who can kill someone in order to attract the attention of his mother, and who is still innocent. The practical perversion of such a person is not enough to describe accurately. I'm afraid this is the so-called'unworthy', right?

  To tell the truth, if the teenager didn't take the initiative to surrender himself and was locked up by the this incident hit Levi, he might just let the teenager disappear completely in this world. This is not just a man who has been married and has become a family. He must not let anyone kill a child. The important thing is that from the motivation and attitude of the teenager, Levy believes that continuing to keep this person alive will only cause more tragedy. There won't be any good results. Even after the so-called transformation, even this kind of person may turn back, but why do those innocent people in society need to increase the risk of survival for the possibility of such a person being saved?

"Although I have almost found all the classmates of this teenager at that time, including his former elementary school classmates, I have tried to find as many as possible and inquired about him in detail. But because he has not been in class since childhood Classmates communicate, so I haven’t heard too many meaningful clues from those students. But what the classmates said, combined with some of the daily communication records about his family that I investigated later, I guess probably he hopes to The purpose of retrieving my mother's outstanding achievements and awards should be that there has been no progress for many years."

  Hei Tongqian did not show the materials he had investigated to Levi and Alice. He also knew that those dull things would not be of much interest to these two people. This is different from the oral records of young students. At least it can be seen as a less interesting story. Isn't some reasoning novels like to write in this form? Constantly switching perspectives, explaining the case from the perspective of different confessors, letting readers gradually try to fake the truth and piece together the truth of the truth from the narrations of different people. A popular reasoning novel that Hei Tong saw last year, which is both a best-selling and award-winning novel, promotes the plot in this way.

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