Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 811: Any thoughts on bee-eaters?

  The probability of small-scale injuries in the academy city is actually less than that of other large cities of the same size. This shows how powerful the equipment provided by the academy city to the security guards is to enable them to easily solve riots caused by even higher-level abilities.

   But on top of this already seemingly powerful guard, there are actually guards similar to the role of the army in the academy city. Although these can also be said to be ‘amateur soldiers’, the weapons they use, from guns to tanks and airplanes, are all powerful and advanced beyond the imagination of the outside world. And the existence of these things is not even known to politicians with vital interests. As a school city, the most important thing is at least the personal information of the seven superpowers who are most valued on the bright side. Of course, it is not a random one. The intelligence organizations of which forces can get it.

   Actually, let alone people outside the academy city, even those adolescent girls in the academy city, who are also superpowers, do not know much about other ‘like’ abilities.

  Don’t look at Mai Ye Shenli who is a member of the dark part of the urban secret organization of the academy. She has only a rough preliminary understanding of the ability of Misaka Misaka of her ‘self-considered’ enemy.

  Compared with Misaka, who only knows that the code name of the superpower who ranks behind him is called "Atomic Collapse", he knows nothing about it. Mai Ye Shenli had a deeper understanding of Misaka Miqin. At least she knew that the ability called "Super Electromagnetic Cannon" was essentially the ability to manipulate current or electromagnetics. She also knew that Misaka Miqin could use her ability to emit real electromagnetics Cannon bullets. But what about Misaka Misaka? Had Levi not existed, she might not even know what kind of abilities the words "atomic collapse" represent?

   Two such as Misaka Misaka and Mai Ye Shenli, are already considered to be two of the seven superpowers in the academy city. The rest of the superpowers are all mysterious, and there are even people who haven't even been very clear about Levi's situation.

The situation of the superpower who has the ability to control other people's minds mentioned by Levi is also very mysterious. Although the reputation of the academy city is known, the outside world knows her more than Misaka Misaka. There are fewer girls who have been hit by motivational advertisements in the school city.

   "Are you talking about "psychological mastery"? I remember one of the superpowers in that place who had this ability code called it."

  Not only knows that there are seven super powers in the academy city, but also knows the codes of their respective abilities. The information that Cangqi Orange has is quite rich indeed. But this should not surprise Levi. After all, he also knows that this woman has always had some ‘some thoughts’ about the academy city. Although it was unclear what Cangqi Orange wanted from the academy city, Levi never asked. But this woman is always the type who will try it as long as it comes in handy. It is by no means a "crazy believer" who insists on the dignity, tradition, and faith of the so-called magician, but treats the rest as nothing. This is also one of the reasons why Levi feels that Cangqi Oranges have come together with him. Everyone is pragmatism.

"Her name is Bee Eater Prayers, and her abilities are literally what you say. Mind reading, long-distance words, thinking about memory elimination, affecting others’ wills, reading others’ memories, directly replacing feelings and personality, etc. Wait, basically it's almost everything that can be classified as "spiritual" magic, she can do more or less."

   "Oh? That is really as versatile as this knife, it sounds like a very powerful girl."

   Aoi Saki took out a Swiss army knife from the drawer. This kind of knife with various equipment functions is indeed a metaphor used in the interior of the academy to describe the ability of bee-eater.

"It's omnipotent, but it's not very powerful... Besides her ability, she is a very ordinary female middle school student, and her physical fitness is even worse than that of an ordinary little girl. So under the premise of knowing her ability, she should be dealt with. Not too difficult."

   Levi seems to be very relaxed, but Cangqi Orange knows that the actual situation is definitely not as simple as he said. The ability of the girl named Bee Eater Prayers can easily imagine various convenient application methods. If it is just a weak woman who can deal with anyone casually, it is a miracle that she can live safely and freely in school.

The so-called blame... compared to other superpowers that focus on the ability to attack, Cangqi Orange thinks that this girl's ability is obviously more versatile and can be used to get a better ~At least in terms of Aoi Saki’s own opinion, this girl is actually more valuable than some other superpowers.

   Well, since Levi said all of them in person. What does he mean Cangqi Oranges still can't understand? She wouldn’t be silly and feel that it would be useful to just shoot the girl. Isn’t it obvious that someone cares about protecting her?

   "Because her ability happens to be mental, can you avoid the interference of memory after the power of existence disappears?"

"Probably so? I don’t know exactly what the bee-eating ability is. Although the academy has a scientific theoretical explanation of the principle of each ability, but you know... I'm not very good."

  Cangqi Orange nodded his head sympathetically. Not to mention Levi, she, a magician, can't say much about science.

   But in ordinary daily life, Cangqi oranges will never be like some magicians who respect tradition, and at a glance people can see that they are incompatible with the modern scientific society. She wouldn't be an electrical idiot like the old lady of Yuanban. Let’s say that the offices in this office look tattered, but they all have their own special-purpose instruments and equipment. They all existed before Hei Tonggan came here to work, and they were the ones that Orange added. It is not like the people who know her magician's identity, it is generally believed that those are all the credits of Hei Tonggan and the ordinary human magician's assistant.

   It's just that Cangqi Orange's knowledge of science is limited to the average person's level. It may be stronger than the average woman who is a housewife, but it is far from enough to help her understand the theories of the school city that even science students may not understand.

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