Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 820: The leader who hasn't seen for a long time

   Levi was originally thinking about which station and what program to watch, but suddenly found that he was not quite sure which station will broadcast something at this time-except for those few channels that can't be beaten.


  Levery hadn't waited until his emotions were over. During this time, his life changed a lot, and the mobile phone that he just threw on the coffee table shook. At one glance, Levi’s eyesight saw the words lit by Haruhi Suzumiya on the screen lit up by the incoming call.

   It was a holiday and suddenly called at this time... Levi could guess what was going on without answering. He shook his head and smiled, picked up the phone, pressed it to connect but did not immediately put it in his ear.

   "Meet at the cafe at the station entrance of Chuo-ku in an hour, fine for being late!"

  The handset earphones are still tens of centimeters away from the ears. The full voice of the head of the SOS group still shakes Levi's eardrums unhindered. No wonder Axu complained that his hearing seemed to have deteriorated a bit. I am afraid that the head of the group was noisy. In the entire SOS group, apart from the teacher Levi, the only boy left is the poorly poisoned worm.


  Levy didn’t even have the name of Haruhi’s name, and a prompt to end the call was displayed on the screen. He stared at the phone for a moment, not because he was hung up because he didn't say anything, but because he was curious about what the thought of the leader of the Haruhi Suzumiya came up today.

The   SOS group is like its full name, ‘Haruhi Suzumiya Group that makes the world more lively’. So it is basically an organization with the head of the Haruhi Suzumiya as the sole dictator. The leader had an idea, all he needed to do was to inform the members, and he never had to consider the wishes of the members. Naturally, the style of calling and hanging the time and place was also common to everyone. If, as usual, Levi could not participate in club activities, he would call back and explain to Kasuga, and most of them would get the understanding of the head leader.

  Although Haruhi Suzumiya feels like a lunatic who loves chaos completely without common sense. But as long as you are familiar with her, you will find that this is actually an unexpected quite common sense girl.

Kasuga is not unaware that her words and deeds will make most people uncomfortable. She is just like those geniuses who have been secretly mocked for their high IQ and low emotional intelligence. , Too lazy to do those'extra things' that allow others to treat themselves correctly.

   Levi is a teacher, not a student. He does sometimes have temporary work or family affairs that cannot be separated. Although Haruhi Suzumiya as the leader always hopes that all members of the SOS group will be present when there is an event. But I also knew in my heart that Levi was different from them, most of the free students who had left their parents alone. Although their mouths were always unpleasant, they were very sensible and would not let Levi not let him be himself. Things. From this point of view, Kasuga is actually more mature than some of the young people who have grown up and only say so.

   "Xuelun, I don't need to prepare my share for lunch later."

   Levi happened to hear the footsteps behind him, and quickly notified Sharon that he was not at home to eat at noon. The maidservant of her house is busy every day, and Levi has long been familiar with her unheard of footsteps. If ordinary people can't really find that Sharon is passing behind him. But on the first day of her arrival, Huiye told Levi that this woman must have been a person like an assassin or a spy. Levi also felt that this should be true. Although there are legendary excellent maids in order to achieve the ubiquitous effect of allowing the host and guests to ignore themselves and feel more comfortable, they practice hard to make themselves as quiet as possible.


   turned back with a laundry basket ready to go out to dry her clothes and answered Levi with impeccable etiquette. But today the pair of maids and sisters who have now become her apprentice did not follow behind, it is estimated that they went out to buy food after breakfast.

   Ram and Reim, the maids and sisters, were actually a little dissatisfied with Sharon when they first came home. Although the one who was not convinced was mainly due to poor family abilities, she always relied on her sister Ram to help her make up. But the girl with some poisonous tongue but only a hard-hearted and soft-hearted mouth, did not take much time to be conquered by Sharon's unparalleled ability, and persuaded to learn how to become a really good maid by her side.

  Although Levy thinks this kind of thing is nothing to learn at all. He is not the kind of old antique aristocrat who stays in the mansion and loves to sit and play If he is not good at these, it is a little too lazy. The house does not need any maid at all, and he can do housework. Did it all. Now there are just too many people in the family, and they have their own things. They need someone to help with the housework. Levi has never asked Ram and Reim how to learn to enhance their abilities.

   It's just that the twin sisters are somehow serious about being a maid. After discovering that Sharon's skills are far superior to the two of them, especially her sister, Ram, she has become a little girl and is following her every day to consult and learn.

   also had to praise Quaxun not only for his ability, but also his ability to teach others. It didn't take many days for even the slower people like Levi to realize that Ram was already skillful in doing housework. And Reim, who is very good at tidying up and cleaning up, also has more experience in cooking that can not be said to be too outstanding but not bad.

It seems that the two sisters, mainly Reim, if they can learn more from Sharon for some time, maybe they can achieve the kind of Sharon just doing ordinary housework, but it makes people look kind of pleasing and elegant Sense of hierarchy.

   Wait for Xuelun to go out to dry her clothes, and see that Levi, who is about the same time, also sets off for the meeting point designated by the head of Haruhi Suzumiya. This is a very ordinary coffee shop, the decoration is similar to the common family restaurant. It's not like those shops that are sought after by others generally come up with a variety of literary atmosphere or other dazzling features.

   Haruhi Suzumiya's daily taste is also similar to her simple and decisive style. She likes a simple and direct style, does not care about the bells and whistles, and does not have the literary and artistic tone that girls of the same age are keen on. Despite the essay art, there may be more poems that Spring has read than books than some literary girls who always express emotions in their compositions.

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