Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 832: The leader arrived

Although Silk Banner’s favorite individual still prefers to sit in a movie theater to enjoy the movie, but some movies, either because they are too old or because of poor quality, can’t find a theater that is willing to show, she can only do it on the Internet to watch on demand. .

   Say that Silk Banner's favorite also once told Levi that she had a dream that she would grow up and buy a big house in the future. It doesn't matter what your room and living room kitchen are, but you must build a screening room that will make you comfortable watching movies. If you have enough money, you can build a small movie theater of your own.

In order to realize this dream, Silk Banner has never been like her classmates. As long as there is money on hand, either eating, drinking or playing, or being influenced by the social atmosphere, at a young age, they buy bags that are actually not suitable for them. And clothes. In addition to daily expenses, Silk Banner regularly receives monthly scholarship subsidies for high-powered people from the academy city, as well as bonuses earned by performing various tasks at ITEM. Go to realize your wishes.

Silk Banner also showed Levi the balance of her bank account before, and he calculated how much money he still had to build a small theater, and at the speed of his current savings, it would probably take how long. Save enough.

   When talking about these things, Silk Banner's favorite is especially envious of the superpowered Mai Ye Shenli. It is said that the academy city's subsidies for superpowers far exceed those of big powers like her. The amount of the two is not at the same level, so even if you don't rely on your family's family background, superpowers like Mai Ye Shenli can still live like a typical wealthy child in the academy city. It is only at this time that Little Loli, who doesn’t really care about her ability, will think about trying to work harder to make her ability a higher level.

   Silk Banner's favorite is generally not a big hit movie, regardless of whether the film is popular with praise or bad reviews. According to her theory, the works of famous actors and actresses, even if they are not high-cost commercial films, are also artistic films that go to awards. Both are films with impure motives for profit. What she likes is the kind of directors and actors who are relatively awkward and do not have such a deep sense of utilitarianism, just to show themselves and want to tell something about the film.

   But this film, which has been widely vomited recently, just happens to be more in line with Silk Banner's favorite requirements. Although this film seems to be directed by directors and actors to compete for awards, it does not conform to Silk Banner's concept. However, the result of'who obviously wants to make a good film seriously, but has ruined the film for various reasons', but it is the most appealing thing that makes Levi always feel that watching the film has a grief and misfortune mentality. Li's heart.

   Of course, Silk Banner loved herself never admitted that she watched those movies with a grief and misfortune mentality. Levi also felt that gloating and gloating could not keep a hobby for so long. It can only be said that although Silk Banner likes alternatives, it is indeed a veteran fan. When watching movies with her, some of Levi’s broken shots that made her feel embarrassed, she can also interpret a very connotative concept, and let Levi feel that it is likely that the director is indeed like her What I said so much was only due to the lack of capacity or the problems of funding, etc., and there was no way to present the ideal beautiful picture.

   "Think of it, it is most appropriate to wear such clothes."

   knotted and patted Yuki's shoulders, but Yuki's appearance was not exaggerated at all. Fortunately, everyone in the SOS group has long been accustomed to the style of this alien girl, otherwise this scene is a bit embarrassing to be honest.

   "Yoah! Not bad! Everyone came early!"

   This style of shouting loudly regardless of the presence of others in the shop is clearly a sign of Haruhi Suzumiya. Levi had just seen the Liang Palace and Super Bell sound walking into the store through the glass wall outside. The result of the bidding was to patronize and say that there was hope, but he was taken aback by Liang Gong's voice before he even found it.

"I also thought that during this vacation, everyone might sleep at home and become slack. I didn't expect you to come earlier than me. It's because the vacation time is too boring. Is it all right to be idle at home? But I I think it should be the super performance of our SOS team!"

  The people in the Liang Palace couldn't sit down and kept talking. But it is estimated that she also noticed that it shouldn't be so loud in the store, the volume is much lower than before. In fact, there are not many other guests in this shop besides Levi’s table. If it is full of people sitting like lunchtime on Haruhi Suzumiya will never ignore his surroundings at all. Case. Although she certainly wouldn't be so embarrassed because others stared at herself, but the basic etiquette this girl also knows and understands why she should obey, and has her own opinions.

   "Long vacation time will definitely make some people feel bored, but for their sake to arrange more holiday homework, everyone is unwilling. It is quite a headache to consider how much work is suitable before each vacation."

  Levy said with a serious rubbing his head. This kind of remark will attract a light-eyed wink. However, it seemed that those who were disgusted with the holiday homework at the venue were awarded a sign, which gave people the feeling of a distinctively different summer palace.

   "Ah, thank you."

  Nagato Yuki sat down a little more, and when Lianggong saw her like this, she knew that she had moved her seat as the leader of the group, and she was relieved to sit down beside Youxi. The super ringtone that just followed behind the Liang Palace and greeted everyone with a smile, sat on Levi's side. After sitting down, she quietly reached under the table and scratched Levi's thigh. The two of them also disappeared for some days.

   "Although no one who is a student basically likes homework, especially when they are on vacation and they are too much vacation homework to make it fun."

   Haruhi Suzumiya rarely stood in the perspective of her classmates, but the words made people sound as if she was not a group with her classmates.

   "But I think I have reached this age, and I was admitted to a school where I am going to study. It must be understood that if there is no holiday homework, the whole person will be completely relaxed as soon as the holiday is taken. After the re-opening of school, the results of the study will definitely plummet."

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