Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 835: Hey, really a teacher?

  No...Looking at Chao Lingyin's wide-eyed eyes, Levi believes that even he is the same as he and Kianbiao thought.

  Maybe because I have been used to all kinds of incredible phenomena that Haruhi Suzumiya dreamed of, so I don’t take it for granted. However, although Levy can understand the enthusiasm and expectations of the Haruhi Suzumiya, it is casually to recognize this kind of thing as beneficial to everyone. Is it an act that violates the power and desire that she just talked about? What's wrong with those people?

  Although we all know that there is no need to emphasize it repeatedly. But it must be admitted that the leader of her Haruhi Suzumiya, who was in the SOS regiment, was a dictator empress alone. As for those sitting parties in the SOS regiment, she is properly a person who enjoys the power and arbitrarily supports the "men".

  The only thing to say is that Haruhi Suzumiya actually has not reached the point where it does not allow others to object at all. If there is any objection to her behavior and ‘decision-making’, just make reasonable suggestions in the right way. In many cases, even if the boss is reluctant on the surface, he still understands that the reason can be accepted. Of course, the premise of acceptance also depends on who is giving the opinion. If the objects proposed are Levi and Tsiao Xi, the Liang Palace can often listen to them properly, as long as the two of them take it seriously instead of letting the Liang Palace think that they are being blind. However, if the person who made the disagreement was Axu... well, this poor boy would be lucky to be caught in the ears of the Liang Palace. There is nothing wrong with the fallacies to refute him. There is nothing more to say and then to take advantage of the opportunity to squeeze it again is a lucky victory that should be celebrated with fireworks. And Axu knew this very well, so he wouldn't be confronted with Liang Palace long ago. Whenever he encountered the speech of the Haruhi Suzuki that made him feel extremely unreliable, Axu would cast a pleading gaze on Levi or the bid, hoping that the rare conscience of the two SOS groups would speak to stop the haunting Haruhi Suzumiya.

   As for the rest of the SOS regiment, there are hope and super ringtones...These two are only the head of the regiment. Never heard that the two of them expressed any dissatisfaction with the Liang Palace. Not to mention people with that personality, let's say that the super ringtone is because they have lived with Ma Fanliang for a long time. She once told Levi that the Haruhi Suzumiya in her eyes is actually a normal but somewhat melancholy girl who has nowhere to resolve. Compared with those really stupid people and lunatics who are speechless in their class, the super ring tone does not feel that it is difficult for Liang Palace to cope with it.

   "Axu is here."

  Just when Haruhi Suzumiya was whitewashing and beautifying his dictatorial image, Levi finally saw the teenager in ordinary casual clothes under the traffic lights across the road not far from the glass door.

   "Huh, although it can't be considered late..."

   Ryuzhang did not look to the side Levi pointed to, but stared at his watch instead.

"But in this kind of holiday, when there is nothing to do, it is still until the agreed time. Isn't it because everyone knows to eat and sleep every day during the holiday, does the whole person become too lazy? Treat this kind of person with proper punishment, let him understand that as a young and energetic student, even if he is on vacation, he can't indulge himself too much. Otherwise, he will definitely suffer from it!"

   Listening to the fallacies of Haruhi Suzumiya's righteous words, the signing of Danxi quietly gave Levi a glance. It’s like saying, ‘See if it’s the same as I said’.

   "I agree with Kasuga's words. Especially if there are students who intend to study in the future, and hope to be able to take a better university. The holiday should indeed be arranged well."

   I don’t know what happened today. Levi’s being a teacher, unexpectedly, with Haruhi Suzumiya, this is almost a problem in the minds of all teachers. Students have a fairly high degree of consensus.

"Like school holiday assignments, it's certainly not good not to complete them, and it's not right to delay them until the last few days. But at the beginning of the holiday, I vigorously focused and rushed to do the homework first, from the learning effect It’s no good saying."

  As soon as Levi talked about the study, he ended up looking at the window with a twist of his neck in disgust. In fact, to say the grades, the students who are present here are all excellent students with excellent grades in schools that are considered to be good. There are geniuses in ordinary people like Haruhi Suzumiya, and there are super-ring sounds and Nagato Yuki, which have mastered things in their brains that have surpassed the ‘non-humans’ of the times. Even if I usually look at the result of a girl who feels a bit bad, the results are serious, and the results obtained by taking the exam seriously can surprise the students who are impressed by her appearance and She is a very capable person who is quite rare in the academy city. It is also considered to be the strongest person with the second highest ability strength after the superpowers. When she ranks her academic performance with the strength of her ability, she is the eighth super-student in the city with nearly two million students.

  Especially the strength of the superpower developed by the academy city depends largely on one's calculation ability. This means that the more powerful people tend to have stronger computing power and higher IQ, the better their performance is. And the ability to win the bid is so strong, as long as you are willing to study carefully, the score is absolutely top wherever you get.

  To say that the results are not so satisfactory, the entire SOS group is Axu, which is generally not bad. However, Ashuna’s good and bad grades are considered middle schools in the No. 2 Middle School, but in the Central District as a whole, there is no doubt that they are good students in the eyes of most people.

"Especially if the vacation is relatively long, I will write the homework at the beginning. Although the rest of the time is free to play. But I haven’t been exposed to the knowledge I learned for a long time, so I don’t forget what I will forget when I start the school, but I’m sure They are also quite rusty. In fact, for teachers, the main purpose of the holiday homework is to allow students to spend a little time each day reviewing and consolidating what they have learned before the holiday, so that the score will not fall in a holiday. . So the most ideal holiday arrangement is to evenly distribute the assignments of each subject to each day according to the length of the holiday."

  What Levi said was actually present here, besides Nagato, who would not understand? Everyone is a learner, and it’s not clear what the teacher’s assignment is for?

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