Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 850: What about Haruhi Suzumiya, luck?

   There was a lot of words on the ticket that was not too big. At this distance, Levi’s eyes could see what was written on it. However, several other people listened to Liang Liang's words, and they all cooperated and showed a surprised look.

   "You...good luck?"

  King Biao Danxi This is the true feelings not revealed. After all, this kind of grand prize is worth knowing, whether she is interested or not, but also knows that the chance of winning is definitely super low. This can make the woman draw, and there is a sense of wonder that those people want to send themselves here.

   "Wow! Where did you get it in Kasuga!?"

  Super ringtones stood on the table with both hands, as if she also wanted to rush to the lottery to see if she could make a big profit.

   "The convenience store right next to the station opposite."

   Haruhi Suzumiya pointed at the Chuo Station across the road outside the store.

   "Convenience store sweepstakes will give such a valuable gift?"

  Kibu Danxi grew his mouth. Convenience store is a thing that most people in modern society often patronize, especially a female student like her who can't see how to cook at home at a glance. She doesn't live with her family. If you want to come to school for lunch every day, there will be The cafeteria, the rest of the breakfast and dinner, I am afraid most of them are solved by buying a bento or bread in a convenience store.

   "Why do the convenience store sweepstakes that I remembered in the past were basically giving away daily necessities and food such as toilet paper, drinks or instant noodles?"

   "I think this is also true. In fact, I have won a convenience store draw before, remember it seems to be the second prize? The prize is three months of free coffee."

   Super ringtones This is actually very good luck. People like Levi have never won a draw in a convenience store. Among the awards he has won in the past, the most is the "One more bottle" written on the bottle cap. In addition... well, count the sugar dolls in Pitt. According to Huiyehequan, Levi probably has pure African blood? Anyway, Hui Ye often finds someone at home to help her draw cards in the card-drawing mobile games, but never finds Levi.

   Well, there is Rin Tosaka. Rin, who always fell off the chain at the critical moment, did not know whether to say character or luck, but also let Hui Ye respect her.

   "Coffee that can be drawn up to three months is already a good luck. Like me, it is at most a box of toilet paper, or a very small box."

   When it comes to lottery, everyone is depressed by Haruhi Suzumiya's luck. Even if Axu didn't say it, people would look at his face and know that there were no good memories in the past.

  However, I don’t think it’s too weird to have this luck at Haruhi Suzumiya. After all, the woman's ability to "make your heart come true" has been taught several times before. Maybe this time, she felt that the vacation time was long and boring. I thought how good it would be if I could organize an interesting event with everyone. As a result, this lottery event appeared and she was not surprised. Jackpots. This kind of thing is still metaphysical to others, but the object is her Haruhi Suzumiya, even if the once firm atheist bids lightly, this possibility will not be ruled out.

"Hahaha, don't be discouraged. In fact, before this time, I occasionally participated in the promotional sweepstakes of those stores, and I never won any big prizes. Because I think I can't win anything, it is included in the magazine I bought before. I never cut the mail lottery ticket and sent it back."

   Lianggong said that the expression on Axu's face was embarrassing again. People can see at a glance that this kid is estimated to be the kind who bought comic magazines, and occasionally wondered if he would be favored by God, and filled out the attached questionnaire, mailed it back in an envelope, and waited People who come to the grand prize.

   Fortunately, Liang Palace was still happy, and had no time to pay attention to what Axu looked like. Otherwise, he must be pulled out as a negative textbook and mocked fiercely. To be honest, based on the conversation between Levi and the bidder just before everyone arrived, if they were right, the leader of the SOS group is a bit worrying about the future. Isn't this kind of behavior that likes to'bull' the people you care about to attract others' attention when the boy is in elementary school? She screamed all kinds of noisy characters all day. Wouldn’t it be that her heart was not as mature as Levi’s thought, but that she was too naive?

"Probably luck, like learning or practicing a certain skill, needs to be accumulated gradually over a long period of time, and then only after a certain degree will the results suddenly burst out at once? If Just feel safe to draw more and save more experience points, and then slowly wait for the prize to be drawn one day!"

   probably won the grand prize and was in a particularly happy mood. Haruhi Suzumiya said something rare to comfort this downcast African friend.

"However, if you collect experience points like playing RPG leveling, should different types of draws of different sizes be equivalent to playing monsters in the game? In this case, blind random drawing is not enough. You think, big In most games, defeating monsters with more levels than your current level generally results in more experience points. Relatively playing monsters with lower levels than yourself has less experience. Even in more demanding games, playing Monsters that are much lower than their level will not get any experience points."

   Lianggong really came to the fore, talking to chatter endlessly. Fortunately, everyone was the same fellow who knew her well. If she could talk endlessly like today, it would be much better than having a face on her face and taking everyone to do strange activities without saying a word.

   It's just that the woman's mind is too elusive after all. Sometimes her mood is too good and too excited, and it may not be a good thing for everyone. For example, she watched TV or magazines or didn’t know that something else inspired a strange idea. It was the other members of the SOS team who suffered in the end. The things that Haruhi Suzumiya finds interesting are often not so interesting to others. Had it not been for several members of this regiment that had their own purposes, and the Liang Palace was indeed the leader of the ‘first soldier’, every time there were strange things she rushed to the front instead of just letting the team members busy themselves while watching jokes. I'm afraid that the members of this regiment will have to unravel and rebel against her.

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