Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 855: Everyone is rich, Axu

   Lianggong suddenly stood up to see if she was not in an inconvenient position here, maybe she stepped on the table like a foot. However, what she said was indeed surprising, leaving no one mindful of her strangeness.

   "Aren't you talking about off-campus accommodation... what about the destination?"

  Kiebiao Tanxi asked carefully, although she had the forefront, if she really didn't know the answer that Liang Palace would give, it would be too insulting to her IQ.

   "Will it be the UK?"

  Axu shouted the rest of the words while helping to finish the bid. This time he didn't even think about lowering his voice, and Levi had to stand up beside him, apologizing for the waiter who waved his hands together. Fortunately, there weren't many guests in the shop except for their table. Otherwise, Axu's voice is really a bit embarrassing.

   "Hum, you are not too stupid!"

   Haruhi Suzumiya didn't care if he was too noisy. With both hands on his chest, he sat down happily and sat down. He almost lifted his feet up on the table. She usually does this kind of thing in the SOS group activity room. Later, Super Bell reminded her softly that it was more dangerous for girls to wear short skirts, and Liang Gong corrected it a little bit.

"What's stupid, how much do you think it will cost to travel overseas? Even if everyone pays more for their living expenses at home, it may not be enough! And even if it's enough, don't you get hungry when you come back from the tour? Are you waiting for the start of school?"

  Axu not long ago reassured that his wallet was thick enough to afford the unreasonable ‘late punishment’ of the Liang Palace. Seeing that the wallet is about to die in an instant, where else can it be as comfortable as before?

"So I only said that you are "not too stupid." In general, IQ is still relatively low. Although many people think that IQ is naturally doomed. But I think that even if the improvement is not large, if there is a scientific I should try my best to get some help. Ah Xu, you really should be more serious about school in the future. Even if the knowledge in the textbooks is not used by most of you in the future, but this learning process It should be a little help to improve my learning ability and intelligence. I don’t deny that the teachers are nagging all day long.”

  I really appreciate your understanding and understanding of the good intentions of the teachers. Levi smiled bitterly at Haruhi Suzumiya who grinned at him and exposed two rows of white teeth. This girl seems to think she is identifying with her hard work?

"So what do you want to say? Ah, I admit that I'm not very smart. But at least it should be near the average level of our school? I didn't want to be a genius with a high IQ...well Well, I occasionally fantasize about how that will turn out. But these are not the main points. Is my IQ higher? The cost of going overseas for at least a dozen hours on a plane trip can change Is it low!"

  Axu vigorously rubbed his hair, but felt helpless to find that he didn't know how to reason with this woman. The longer you stay in the SOS group, the more familiar you will be with Haruhi. The more he found out how powerless he was in front of this woman. It felt like reasoning with a kid who brought in a mess with relatives when he returned home for the New Year. People don't listen to you at all. What's the point of falling into disregard?

   "Don't I just say that this time the prizes are for two people? The prizes for these two people can just bear the expenses of me and you both!"

   Haruhi Suzumiya's expression of "I actually overestimated your IQ", but Axu didn't have the mood to give himself a meaningless argument.

   "Even if it's two people, but here we are," A Xu raised his hand and circled around the table. "There are six people in the SOS group!"

  SOS group as a fellow club, the number of members in the second club is relatively small. After all, the minimum number of confederations prescribed in II is five. Generally, even if it is just to avoid downsizing on the way, it will lead to the risk of the number of people being removed from the department in the second year. The same party will try to recruit as many people as possible, saving the number of people who have just stepped on a passing line to make people worry. After all, young people at this age have the most changeable minds, saying that they are interested in hobbies, and they may change suddenly one day. Not to mention that there is no special little fellowship, that is, those regular clubs that can participate in various competitions and hold various large-scale activities, and some members of the members always say that they will retire.

  Although the number of SOS groups is the smallest. However, the Grand Prize of Haruhi Suzumiya can only share two-fifths of it, no, it should be one-third of the expenses. Although Levi is only a teacher, no matter Axu or Liang Palace, by default, he is counted as an ordinary member of the SOS group. Since it is the activity of the SOS group, naturally Levi is also included.

   "If I travel overseas, I have no problem!"

   Suddenly raised his hand like a pupil talking in class. She used her hands to kill A Xu's momentum in half, and the words that had been brewing to teach Liang Palace also choked back the super ringtone.

   "Before I thought the vacation time was too long, it was a bit boring. I wanted to say that it would be nice if everyone could travel together. And the family also gave me money for the vacation, but I didn't expect to go with Spring Day!"

  The money for the family preparation......Axu only envyed him. Envious of the family's family environment is so good, but actually can give the child money to travel overseas. Be aware that even students' "poor travel" will not cost the luxury of living in the best hotels like those of the rich. The air ticket from Gakuen Island to Europe alone is a number that daunts ordinary students. It is impossible for Axu's family to give him so much money to travel with friends. Even if the family travels with their parents, it used to be two days in a city not too far away. If this SOS group stay can take place, this is the first overseas trip of Axu's life in more than ten years-not counting that he is currently studying abroad.

   "Hmm... It's really boring to stay in a place where there are schools everywhere every day on vacation. If it's not too long, I also agree to travel overseas."

   Super ringtones will certainly not be embarrassing in terms of money, and the result is the same as her. The difference between the two is that Super Ringtone's money did not come from her parents who didn't know whether or not they existed, but earned it through various channels.

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