Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 864: Still very peaceful

   If Haruhi Suzumiya picked something else and there were conflicts in time, then he couldn’t easily agree. After all, this is an overseas trip that can be regarded as a long journey. Levi will not be like the SOS group activities on weekends. If he does not attend, he will let a group of their students go to mess. In the final analysis, his instructor for club activities usually has nothing to do, but in case the students in the club have problems, he is the first person in charge. If you let the people of Suzumiya take the SOS group to go overseas to make trouble, then you must not be tossed to death by the parents of the students who went to the school outside of Meili school?

  Don’t look at the two "abnormal humans" in the SOS regiment, Takahashi and Super Bell, as well as Nagato Youki, such a universal raccoon-like insurance. If only the Liang Palace is engaged in things, Levi still believes that Yuxi is not going to make things big, and the ability to meet the unexpected bid is also sufficient. But the super-ringing girl's ability to do things, but just obtained the official certification of Mafanliang Academy, compared to her, the little things of Haruhi Suzumiya are nothing but fur.

   The Haruhi Suzumiya made things happen and most of them troubled the people around them. Even if some people say that she has the power to change the world, from the status quo, even the super ring tone thinks that the current Haruhi no longer has the idea of ​​changing the boring world in her eyes-it is said that she is going to high school Before, there was a long time that Haruhi Suzumiya had the desire to live in a more interesting world. It is said that if her desire is strong enough, even if the world is destroyed by some unknown force and then rebuilt, it is not impossible.

  However, no matter whether Haruhi Suzumiya has the kind of power that is said to be a god. In fact, she doesn't need other people to do side evidence. Levi himself could see that she absolutely had no desire to destroy and reshape the world, which sounded rather exaggerated.

  Don't say ruin the world, Levi even thinks that Haruhi should now like the world where she has been bored for a long time without knowing which muscles her head has twitched.

  The reason why Haruhi Suzumiya has become such a girl who makes her think that there is a problem in her head, Levi knows the reason. Don't look at Levi's usual lack of a serious teacher in school. In the SOS group, even an ordinary honest person like Axu sometimes forgets that Levi is actually a teacher. However, as Levi often emphasizes, it seems that Haruhi Suzumiya, who does nothing at all and does not consider others at all, is actually a very common sense and very rational person, but she is not willing to follow the things in her mind. Common sense and reason. If other young people behave like a rebellion at a similar age, they are regarded as self-awakening and resistance to those who do not understand themselves. Haruhi Suzumiya is completely opposite to them. She resists the rational and normal aspect of her heart.

  Occasionally, the Haruhiya will ‘uncontrollable’ her inner reason, and when she is upset, she will also talk to someone who feels trustworthy and dependent like a normal adolescent girl. And beside Haruhi Suzumiya, she believed that the person she could trust and depend on had no other candidate than Levi.

  Don’t look at Haruhi Suzuki, who usually looks like a student in front of Levi, but she is actually the only person in the SOS group who will never forget Levi’s identity. Unlike the super ringtones and the signing of Danxi, these two are too familiar with him, but they will not pay too much attention to the problem of identity profession. Nagato has hope that there are no basic concepts in human life... A girl like Haruhi Suzumiya, when she feels depressed, talks to a teacher to talk, it seems to be an incredible thing. However, probably Levi's teacher really has his place of success? The Liang Palace was really willing to tell him some things he didn't tell others, although it was only very rare in this semester.

From the experience of Liang Palace himself, Levi did not understand what kind of mood she was at that time, but summed it up. He thinks that the reason why the Liang Palace can be so tortuous and addicted to the unscientific mysterious phenomena in the eyes of ordinary people is nothing more than what she used to The experience led to the sudden discovery that his life was'not special enough'.

For a person like Levi who can’t afford to spend every day, he certainly doesn’t have the mood of Haruhi Suzumiya, and he doesn’t understand why just such small things lead to a cute little girl who is very optimistic. Such a major change.

  But whether it is understandable or not, at least Levi understands that no one in this world can be strange, no stranger is worth is not a psychologist, nor does he have a hobby of psychological research. He didn't care why the Liang Palace had such a psychology, as long as he knew that such psychology did exist.

   The reason why the Haruhi Temple has always been so strange in the eyes of others is that she is constantly looking for ‘opportunities’ that can make her different in order to hope to live a special life different from others. Since you don't want to be vulgar, you don't need to care about others' eyes.

  If Haruhi Suzumiya has been working as hard as she used to, and has been in vain. Maybe she will indeed, as Super Ringtone and Asakura Ryoko guessed, eventually have hidden factors in her consciousness that change the world rather than change herself?

   It's just that Levi, who is now born of this factor, feels temporarily absent. It is all because of the exaggeration of a certain person, but it is absolutely correct to say that it is because of the existence of a few people. Ever since I was in high school, I met Axu in the class and recruited the members of the current SOS group to form this blind party for all day and night. The mentality and mood of Haruhi Suzumiya. The beauty is also different from the girl who is far away.

   What kind of experts might let him study and research, can summarize the long-story truth between the mentality change of Haruhi Suzumiya. But Levy felt that things might not be that complicated at all, could it not be simply because the girl who originally felt that she was too ordinary and gradually alienated others, completely feeling the lonely girl, became no longer lonely?

  Only lonely talents will choose to give up. There are people who value him and who value themselves. Even if they encounter difficulties that are difficult to cross, they will not easily choose to give up and end their lives.

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