Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 868: Same as them?

For example, the vampire who is sleeping in Levy’s shadow now and is just as blond as Lori, and the man who has just met the magician Aoqi Orange who has just met to discuss cooperation matters Sister who has a headache, Ako Saki, etc.

"The situation in this world is very special, and the information composition is very complex and there are contradictory and conflicting data of an order of magnitude. At the same time, the analysis of information held by the information integration thought body has not recorded a planet or world with an approximate degree of information explosion in the past. The presence."

  Nagato has the hope that even the information integration thought body has been continuously observing the collected information for a long time, and no example of this earth has appeared? This is indeed a very strong testimony to the abnormality of this world. After all, the thought of information integration is at least in the minds of people like Levi, it is almost ‘omniscience’, and it can be regarded as one of the few ‘races’ with the most information and knowledge in the universe. Even if they can't find a similar situation, it can almost explain that there is no world like this earth in the known.

"It’s right to say that in a world as complex as this earth, the second body of information integration has never found a second one. If you analyze it according to the laws of data recorded in the past, such a world should not have been able to last for a long time. It exists, but it will gradually be destroyed in a variety of unexpected emergencies, or suddenly destroyed one day. Not to mention that this ordinary person and the person with special power live in the same world, but they are almost indistinguishable from each other. The situation of life. No matter which theory is used to analyze from any angle, it is very irrational and seems to be impossible."

   said about the place where Levi had always been puzzled but never seriously thought about it. He also wonders why such a messy world can still operate so smoothly. Many of the planets he has visited in the past, even if there are only two or three extraordinary and ambitious forces, even if they have not caused massive destruction, they will never be as ordinary as ordinary people on earth. Living environment.

   is unreasonable, this is very, very unreasonable. What to say checks and balances the major forces to form a delicate balance. Levi felt that it was just like some so-called experts in the ordinary world, and the speculative theory found out from the result of the backwards phenomenon. Isn't the so-called delicate balance the most likely to be destroyed and the most likely to lose balance? To say that the people and things that should break the balance have never been less in recent years. But which accident that seemed to cause a crisis was not completely resolved? Even though there are many heroes that can be attributed to them. But just like the current situation creates heroes, the help of those amazing coincidences is indispensable.

   There are too many coincidences, it makes people feel that it is no longer a coincidence. It's not just people who write scripts and novels that do this will make readers spit. Such a situation always occurs in reality, and it will still cause suspicion from interested people.

"According to your opinion, it is normal to have such a situation, right? Since this world is'artificially created', then naturally in order to conform to the intention of the creator God, it would have been more unreasonable and stranger. Is it normal?"

  It doesn't matter whether the two alien girls are still difficult to convince Levy whether the words are true or not. If there is a game that creates the world, let everyone in the SOS group try it out. The result presented to everyone is the most unscientific and messy world, absolutely created by the leader of Haruhi Suzumiya, who has not run away.

  Don't look at the SOS group, there seems to be no normal human except Axu. But like the ‘abnormal humans’ such as Kuangbiao Danxi and Chao Ling Ting, what they are pursuing is very common like Levi’s, which makes people living in this peaceful society feel unnecessary. The end of the signing of Danxi was nothing more than trying to enable yourself and your friends to live in a ‘action’ without danger and without worrying about it every day. You can live the most ordinary student life. This seemingly simple and boring pursuit is like the extravagance of those who have gone astray and found that they have been unable to look back. And what the super ringtones do looks far more'exaggerated' than the signing. It's a little bit of the World Demon King that leads the world to join hands in crusade. But what she actually wanted was not much different from the end result.

  Why are super ringtones and Jiebiao Danxi both eccentric girls and Levi can talk so closely. Just because they can be regarded as the same kind of people in the final analysis. The same kind of people with similar pursuits and similar mentality. On the contrary, like the Haruhi Suzumiya, who is diametrically opposed to Levi's pursuit, he can only guard and protect her with an inclusive mentality of elders and men, like watching a lively child who is ignorant and lively.

"It's true, but the creator God is a little too unconscious. This unconscious creation does not exactly match her own expectations. Just like you humans are not paying attention When doing things, the effect is generally not the same. If she is very satisfied with this world, why should she still pursue things that she has not seen for a while?"

   Asakura Ryoko sighed deeply. Although she was not by Haruhi Suzumiya, it seemed that she was also a little tired by the girl who wanted to act. However, I can imagine that although Ryoko Asakura did not join the SOS group like Nagato Yuki, personally participated in the various actions of Haruhi Suzumiya. But with the character that she was able to do that kind of thing in the past, it is certainly impossible to ignore it seriously and to be a mere bystander who has nothing to do with herself.

  Since this semester, Ryoko Asakura must have done a lot of arrangements in secret, and he has put a lot of effort into the various events happening around Haruhi Suzumiya. She is now a bit like a big family in a novel secretly sending a mysterious bodyguard to protect her heir, or a nanny is more appropriate. In some past events, Levi could vaguely find signs of Ryoko's secret efforts. In fact, this was originally an opportunity for Ryoko to get to know Levi.

   But by comparison, it must still be near the Haruhi Suzumiya when her long-time nanny has accumulated more fatigue.

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