Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 870: The discovery of Ryoko

  If you just ask Levi's personal opinion. He believes that it is very likely that he will be promoted to the third year of Rin Tosaka because of the academic and school conventions as the president of the student council. This half-year-old school has been quietly accumulating a lot of popular Yamato Fuzi squads with the moisturizing method. It will be one of the most advantageous contenders for the vacant student union president seat.

   Anyway, compared with the first-year members of the student union, anyone who goes to see it will agree that Asakura Ryoko is more suitable as a student president. For example, as long as the class is over, the student who is holding the palm to play the game is more dead than the spring. The student union will account for Shiina Zhendong-I am afraid that even those boys who are controlled by hormones and don’t care about anything else Do you think that a serious school student president can let such a girl come?

   Actually, not only did Levy feel that Asakura Ryoko was capable and had the opportunity to take Tosaka Rin’s class. In fact, Miss Tosaka, who didn’t want to be a student president for a long time, was also very optimistic about the school girl whose ‘nature’ in school had many similarities with herself.

   Blessing of Tolévi. Rin naturally already knew what kind of person Ryoko Asakura was, in her eyes, who was just a superb squad leader. After all, Ryoko has also been a frequent visitor to McDowell House for a while. Rin is not the kind of woman who is about to rot in Penglai Shanhui Ye who has little chance to get out of the room at home. She also had several long conversations with the school girl at her school at home.

  Although it seems to be a daily chat between insignificant girls. But the wrist of the young lady of the Yuanzaka family, which must also be a hidden machine front, rely on these to find out the bottom of many of her school girls.

  Rin Sakahara knew that if this school girl would be the student president. She certainly can't really put all her thoughts into the work of the student union like some other possible candidates, and truly do work for the student union for the students. However, ability is always cruel. Even Ryoko Asakura only fulfilled his duties as a student president in order to maintain his own image. It is likely that she is still doing better than those who work hard.

  After all, Tosaka Rin himself is such a person who doesn't really care much about that seat. However, in fact, her "reigning" achievements in these years are far better than most student unions in the past. Otherwise, as mentioned earlier, it is impossible to convince almost all students by their appearance and image. Not to mention the older teachers who don’t care too much about her appearance.

   "Oh? Then tell me what did you find?"

   Levi saw what Ryoko was looking at on her cell phone, and wanted to come that it was probably some of the records she made casually. With her ability, she doesn't need to do these things that humans worry about memory. This also shows that Ryoko is very careful and meticulous about ‘how to play a human being’. Even Levi, if she hadn’t jumped out of her own ‘self-exposure’, she might not be able to see how different this student is from other students.

  The information amalgamation misses these alien girls. They have magical abilities, but they don't have the ‘power’ that can be felt like magicians or warriors. As long as they don’t move, it’s hard to see their difference at least at Levi’s level. Even if Levi already has a long-term and hopeful side, he still can't make a judgment as a standard.

   "Directly speaking, I found the residual information of the "leading force" used by people from different worlds that you said."

   also pointed to Levi's waist when talking to Kurakura. Although he didn’t take it out today, if necessary, for example, something has to be done, Levi’s waist now sometimes hangs that skillful tactical guide that he can’t actually use now. Powerful'.

   "Guidance? Where was it found specifically?"

   Ryoko's discovery coincides with Levi's conjecture from some information obtained from other sources. Including the "Galang Hall" which he had just asked to investigate, he sent some useful information to Levi's mailbox very efficiently last night.

   It's just that the high-efficiency work of Galan House is benefited from the'little staff' Hei Tonggan who works there. The materials sent to Levi last night were collected by Hei Tongqian and I did not know how to collect them on the Internet. It also supplements some personal analyses of those materials by Hei Tong. As for the owner of the Hall of Galan, the magical Cangqi oranges haven't helped me yet. And this is also the normal state that Levi entrusted to the Hall of that is a shop that looks like a house of everything and a detective office. In most cases, it really seems to be very useful. Eye-catching glasses youth Hei Tonggan also. Probably because of such a capable employee, Cang Qi Orange feels more and more lazy, but it can also spend more time on her own magic research. After all, the capable employees in the Hall of Galan are more than Hei Tong. The Levy estimated that it would not take long to become a young girl with Hei Tong in a family. For those entrusted with practical actions, not just search and reasoning, they always gave a satisfactory answer to the client. Calculating so carefully, there really isn't much need for the boss of Cangqi Orange to come forward.

   "There are many places where there are residues. If you want to find a specific law, it is mainly those important places that have been recorded in various legends and religious legends."

  Asakura Ryoko turned the phone around so that Levi and Nagato could see the screen. A map of the United Kingdom is displayed on the phone screen. The locations marked with red dots on the map must be the ones she found.

   "Religion and legend? That is to say, what are they looking for in places where the legends are related to mysterious events?"

The legends handed down in ancient times often have a certain fantasy color, and there will often be some lives that are believed by humans who master modern science and do not exist, and various phenomena that cannot be caused by humans or other creatures . That is, monsters such as dragons and superstitions such as magic.

  Most of these legends are indeed derived from the lack of ancient scientific knowledge, as the modern people analyzed, the ancients did not understand and cannot explain the phenomenon, and completed the explanation in the imaginary way and recorded it as a myth.

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