Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 872: Yuki Nagato

  Although Levi bought the computer from Nagato Yuki, she seems to have spent a lot of time playing games recently.

   Levi has seen Yuxi playing games. She often plays a turn-based strategy game similar to war chess. The game looks very simple from the screen, that is, some very common icons and various values ​​are displayed on the screen. It feels like a small game in the initial form of the last century. I don’t know where she got it from, and she still seems to have the function of online battles. If you want to, she often plays against people on the network. It's just that Levi feels that if he is familiar with the characteristics of the game, no one should win this alien girl. It can be seen that she still plays one or two games with enthusiasm every day. It can only be said that there are indeed people outside the world in this world, and his eyes are indeed narrower.

   "There is indeed no relevant special records. Only one of the locations has a history of small villages in history. There is nothing special other than that."

  Youxi then talked to Kurakura.

"This is normal. It must be the people of the magical world combined with the magicians of the world to control the spread of the news. Not to mention that those places are the foreign strongholds of the magical world, but they are actually the most ordinary ordinary small villages. It just looks like the few people who live in it are magicians. For people who don't know the truth, there is no need to record such a place."

   Or even if there is a record, it is also something related in the local government's statistical file. These will not be put on the Internet, and the natural supernatural powers, such as Xihe Ryoko, can't be found casually thousands of miles away. This is like no matter how powerful a hacker is, it is impossible to hack into a computer that is not connected to the network and not turned on through the network. There must be a medium of communication in order to make people think of ways. If you don’t even need this, then these two alien girls are not only Levi’s so-called ‘universal’, I’m afraid it’s not far from ‘omnipotent’.

   "So, are there any special places in these places?"

   asked Ryoko. If it’s just the ordinary ‘village where the magician lived’, as Levy put it, I don’t think it’s worth searching.

"Then I don't know. As far as I know, there should be nothing special. After all, I haven't heard of any powerful magician who has lived in these small villages. If it is just out of the ordinary magic world People, unless there are some unexpected situations, they don’t know how valuable things are?

   Yes, unless like in some movie novels, an important item accidentally fell into the folk. Otherwise, like the magic world, where power is more important than the real world, although strength cannot explain everything, it can also be seen to a certain extent in the status of a person in the magic world. The lack of talent and opportunity, the weak magician, even with a noble birth lineage, it is difficult to enter the core circle by other factors. Unless it is someone who specializes in academic research, but such a person Levi has never heard of a few leaving the magic world. Then what kind of magicians will live in those small villages. Imagine a little and you will know the answer in general.

  In the real world, in addition to such a small village, there are several important large-scale strongholds. One of them is Mafanliang Academy. If you want to find some hidden clues related to the magic world, Levi feels that instead of running to the UK that seems to be'closer' to the magic world, it is better to go to the Academy Island and try your luck in Mafanliang Academy. .

   But recall that the group of people did not come to Ma Fanliang to have had any luck. And even now, Levi is still not quite sure what the group of people from the different world ran to Ma Fanliang to ask for.

  Ma Fanliang's narration to the outside world was a group of terrorists who tried to steal the magic of the world tree. However, this is nothing more than an open'confession'. On the one hand, Ma Fanliang had such a big incident and such a big movement, there must be a saying, on the other hand, this can largely wash away the responsibility of the super ring tone.

   The behavior of the original super ringtone must be severely punished. Even if she was extradited to the magic world for trial, even if she was not sentenced to death by those old antiques, it would at least be the end of her life in captivity. Anyway, no matter how light the sentence is, under normal circumstances, it is not like she is now, just being ‘forbidden’ to leave without permission on Gakuen Island, and is required to report regularly to Rong Dao, who is her class teacher.

   The current punishment for super ringtones feels like a discipline for a bad student who has made a little not very well. Normally, a child like her age is still under the protection of minors protection regulations. However, if a criminal law is violated, even if you don’t have to go to jail, you should be sent to a place like the ‘Probation House’ that specializes in the centralized management of criminal children.

   So, what did the super bell sound during the celebration of Ma Fanliang violate the criminal law?

   The answer to this question, but anyone who knows a little about things will think it's just a nonsense. Even though Ma Fanliang celebrated the incident, no one was killed in the end, and even few people were injured. But the value of the public goods that she and the external invader brain campus destroyed, if she was an adult, was enough for her to go to jail for ten or eight years.

  However, in the event report submitted by Ma Fanliang to the side of the magic world. There are quite a few super ringtone names. The occasional mention of her also describes her as a falsely assisted terrorist who was deceived and deceived by the terrorists and did not fully know. Even this crime was emphasized in the middle of the report by the efforts of the super ringtone. In order to obtain her help, the intruder agreed to avoid causing personal injury, which gave the modification a bit of a crime.

   There are all kinds of maintenance by Ma Fanliang school, and because the incident did not cause serious consequences after all. Especially in public opinion, Ma Fanliang's group of students who have repeatedly suspected IQ, thought from beginning to end that it was a large-scale festival game in which everyone participated in the celebration. Even those students who have been eliminated in the game find it very interesting. Until now, they are shouting one after another that the school celebration must be held again next time. Then they will have to be ashamed.

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