Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 875: What is Rin Tosaka not a fox?

   There is hope in Nagato, and the Liang Palace robbed people's activity room, how could it be harder to chase away a lonely little girl again. What's more, the appearance of Xi Na San Wu is very special in the eyes of the Liang Palace, and it is also an attractive attribute. On the contrary, Levi, the instructor, is actually the one with the weakest attributes and the least prominent features in the SOS group.

   Others may think that Levi, a teacher who is full of rumors and rumors in school, is a special person worthy of attention. But the Liang Palace, which is not obsessed with common customs, will certainly not be so superficial.

   Haruhi Suzumiya will not care about the various rumors of Levi and the student council president Rin Sakamoto who are talking about it. But according to her own confession, after listening to these rumors, she really liked the relationship between Levi and the student union. In order to avoid the future SOS group will be troubled by the student, he only found Levi. Instructor of club activities.

   It's just that this reason doesn't feel the same as her reason for finding a knot, Dan Xi and Chao Ling? It's not that Levi struggled with these things himself, which he actually found quite boring. It's just that the other students of the SOS group occasionally chatter about this when they are idle.

  However, regardless of the truth, Haruhi Suzumiya sees that people do not value personality and appearance. That is certain. As for the pursuit of "attributes", Liang Palace also understands the reason why Ning Que is not indiscriminate. Just like the girls in Levi’s family who are going to the school before the final exam, they have to look at the attribute of the “turned student” attribute. It seems that compared with the semester, the transfer is not too long. Danxi is more peculiar. However, it seemed as if the people of the SOS regiment were completely enough for the SOS group, and they did not move at all to pull people in to increase staff. You know, when Ah Xu joked about this incident with Liang Palace, she didn't know that the girls who suddenly transferred to the group were actually related to Levi.

   "I thought you would participate in an extracurricular activity that is helpful to your image, such as a tea ceremony club."

   Levi continued with the expression that did not see Asakura Ryoko. He really did not expect this class leader, who looked perfect in every aspect, but did not participate in an extracurricular activity club. Generally speaking, students who do not participate in extra-curricular activities feel that they are more lazy, or they are out of character. Unless they have a job as a student union like Tomasaka Tosaka, ordinary students will join some popular clubs even if they are not really interested in all extracurricular activities in the school. Even though No. 2 Middle School is a school that places more emphasis on further education, the number of students belonging to the homecoming community is still relatively small. Among them are mainly bad students like Okazaki Tomoka and Hara Hara, and some of them are contrary to them. They rush to go to various cram schools as soon as they are out of school, and work hard to get into an excellent university.

People like Ryoko Asakura certainly don’t need to go to any cram school. Levi originally thought she would participate in a relatively quiet and elegant extracurricular activity that was in line with her impression. After school, she spoke with the female classmates Yingge Yanyan after school every day. In the activity classroom as if having an afternoon tea party.

"Originally, I did consider whether to join an extracurricular activity club. But then I felt that it didn't make much sense, and even if I didn't join, as long as I usually showed easy access to social networking, I wouldn't be treated as a solitary person. Moreover, as the class leader, if you really want to do something, there are many things in the class that can pass the time. Without participating in extracurricular activities and after school, I still work for the class, which may give a better impression?"

   "A wholeheartedly good class leader who is thinking about the class wholeheartedly, even giving up his personal interest for this, can't attend extracurricular activities?"

   This sounds very powerful and touching, but this squad leader is not the squad leader in the army. It's just an ordinary class in an ordinary school. Is it really necessary to make it too exaggerated? Especially teenage students, most of them are in a stage of relatively rebellious personality. Although others talk about rebellious students, they always mention S2 and S2. This is not to say that only children in the second grade of junior high school have those problems, and they are also in the first few years of age, but the degree may not be so serious, and some specific performances are a bit different.

  Teenage teenagers are at a time when their personal consciousness has just grown up, which is a period of so-called strong personality. Teenagers of this age generally have parental protection at home and abroad, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has the protection of teachers in the school, and it is more selfish, self-willed and bold because of its lack of "crisis". This kind of personality formed by teenagers generally has to wait for them to go out of their families, leave school, and enter the society, only to find a society where no one'let you' and no one really cares about you , How exactly does one exist. Levi has always felt that there is such a meaning in the so-called smoothing of corners by society.

   One of the most obvious manifestations of young people of this age with special personality is that they like ‘questioning’. Questioning the classics, questioning the authority, ranging from questioning the actions of the classmates to questioning the true merits of the heroes.

   This spirit of doubt does not mean that this age of youth has any bad thoughts or malicious thoughts. It can only represent their desire to prove themselves and their desire to be noticed by others. However, under the influence of this mentality, many behaviors that are not of a performance nature will be questioned as having ulterior motives and inner feelings. It's like those students in the class who are particularly outstanding in some respects will be said to be deliberately flaunted by jealous people, although they are just ordinary or even have no intention to express their purpose at all.

"That's just talking. It's really exaggerated. It's easy to cause some classmates to resent it. Even our student council adults have people who have a very negative view of her in private. If I overdone, I said Not allowed to be rejected or even bullied by some students."

  Asakura Ryoko said how pitiful he was, and he struggled every day to maintain his good image among his classmates. But her words are indeed true. Rin Tosaka had a high reputation in school, but she did not have a cold for her. She even thought she was a female fox wearing a mask to school every day.

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