Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 881: Great teacher Onitsuka?

  Although Levi has always had various rumors about which female student he has too close relations with in school. However, although Levy is not very good at communication, he is also very easy-going and harmless to humans and animals. There are few colleagues in the school who will specifically target his colleagues. Levi usually does not at least openly make suspicious intimate moves with girls who have scandals with him. Even like Levi and Rin Tosaka, the objects most often rumored by gossip lovers in the school, in addition to determining when they are alone with Rin, Levi simply meets and nods and greets each other. I don't say anything in the hallway, saying "we are not familiar". How could it be like the guy of Onitsuka, especially the gossip of a girl named Kamizaki Limei in his class can make a special report on programming, and they are mixed together every day, riding together for a while, and carrying a **** the back. Go to the welfare club to grab bread or something.

Of course, Levi knew that some of those things weren’t really onitsuka deliberately taking advantage of girls. Instead, they were the teachers of the rogue family whose IQ and Chunyuan Yangping could fight. In the girl's hands, he was reluctantly forced to do this and that. But who can believe this kind of thing?

Although in reality, teachers and students love this kind of thing, it is really rare, but I really think that all the teachers have no feeling for the beautiful female students in the school, and I have never thought about it where I shouldn’t have thought. wrong!

   Isn't there a saying that is very brilliant? Men are always more specific than women, because they like young and beautiful girls at any time and in any situation.

   does have individual standard preferences in terms of aesthetics, especially in spouse selection. But most men like young and beautiful girls-that is, the fact that they are beautiful girls does not need to be proved redundantly.

   Modern society is becoming more and more developed, and the development of human beings is getting faster and more advanced under various factors. In particular, many of the more mature girls in high school students look really different from the young male teachers who have just joined the job, and the women they meet every time they go to the association. Not to mention the girls in school, for many men there is a particularly attractive attribute of ‘uniform’.

   After all, many adults also like idols like to chase stars. Aren't most of the beautiful girl idols singing and dancing under the spotlight on the stage at the level of female students still in school? The male teachers in the school, especially the newcomers who have just joined the school, have some thoughts about the beautiful girls in the school. It is really not a strange thing to be criticized.

  Everyone has a heart for beauty. As long as he does not do bad things, Levi has always felt that there is nothing to blame.

   It is precisely because these male teachers are very committed to their duties and do nothing. This made them even more hateful to Hideyoshi Onitsuka who did something they didn't want to do or just didn't dare to do.

  Why can you kiss me with those beautiful girls every day, and I even look at it twice and worry about being discussed privately by students and colleagues, or even publicly blaming the wrong mind?

  Melly often received anonymous or real-name reports of complaints about Onitsuka Onitsuka, but you can only blame the jealousy in this world that can never be resolved. If the truth about Levi and some girls in the school is exposed, he will immediately surpass 100% of Hideki Onitsuka and instantly jump to the position of the enemy of the male teacher in the school. local. Really thought Rin Tosaka was just the goddesses in the minds of some students in the school?

   "Actually, there is really nothing."

Asakura Ryoko saw Levy's weird expression, and quickly added: "It's just that Mr. Onitsuka will greet me very loudly when he meets in school, and there are some... well, there's really nothing special about it. No student teacher said anything like'sexual' harassment."

   Levi stared at Asakura Ryoko's eyes for a few seconds, feeling that she should not be acting or lying now. This is not much different from what he imagined.

   "Is it? I guess that's the case too. The kid at Onitsuka would say a few words at most to take advantage of it, really let him do something, and the kid is far less courageous."

   Yes, yes. The infamous perverted rogue teacher Hideyoshi Onitsuka of the Second Middle School is actually a typical "waste" with a colored heart and no guts.

  Not to mention the various things that happened in the school, it was the fame and status of Onitsuka Hideyoshi when he was a gangster. He doesn’t need to be so brave, but as long as he is like a normal person, he still needs to carry a photo of ‘memory of first experience’ every day... The protective props have never been used on his body?

Seriously harassing female It seems that she has dyed her blond hair and wears earrings, but she is a social hooligan Hideyoshi Onitsuka. It is far less common than some ordinary people. Pay attention to the ordinary uncle. Before the second middle school, there was actually a teacher who was expelled for harassing female students. The teacher was a teacher in charge of science in high school at the time. I wonder if it was because he already knew what he was doing later, and now I think it looks a little tedious. The seemingly indifferent teacher often used the opportunity of the female students to ask questions to unintentionally hold the girl’s shoulder, or press the girl’s hand or the like. It was later that the guy hit his idea on a girl, and the boy who secretly loved the girl saw the gas but pushed the guy straight down.

  Remember that the teacher at that time also justified and accused the boy of beating the teacher. If it were not inspired by the courage of the boy, all the students in the class would stand up and correct the teacher. Maybe the courageous boy would be raked upside down.

  As for the teacher, as he said, it was because he was so far away from the students’ age that he didn’t think about the men and women. He made more physical contact... Everyone is not an idiot. You said that it's a normal joke to pat the girl's head like Levi. But you are a man holding the girl's shoulder and rubbing it back and forth, all of which say that he has no malpractice, and that too looks down on the IQ of others.

   "Well, Mr. Onitsuka...I think others are not bad, but sometimes some behaviors make people more...disturbed?"

Asakura Ryoko rubbed his temple, it seemed that the ghost tomb really made him feel a headache, rather than the usual imitation made after the screening of “what should an ordinary human respond to in this situation”, This is not easy!

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