Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 884: Is this going to explore?

Even Levi knew that there was a **** who was completely disappointed in the world he created. All he could do was use his own strength to transform himself into a world-destroying demon like myth, destroy the world with his own hands, and then Reshape again. Since even one's own world cannot be transformed at will, how can one decide the destiny of others and influence the power of others with illusory luck?

   "It may exist, but because of the lack of observable information, it is impossible to correctly analyze the rules."

   There is something that even Nagato has no hope of explaining. This is a rare thing. Levi listened with a dumb expression on his face, and then looked at Ryoko Asakura on the other side. The latter immediately nodded and agreed with the hopeful statement.

   "So it really exists, but you haven't researched the truth about your information integration thought body?"

   "The thought body of information integration is not omniscient. Even in this world, there are many things that the thought body of information integration does not know."

   talked to Asakura Ryoko looking up at the sky. As if I could not see how far away above this sky, I could see that there is no physical existence of information that unites the thought body. However, her expression didn't mean to miss it at all-Levi had already noticed it. Youxi may be said that it is because of emotional obstacles, and people can't feel the ‘feelings’ that allow her to appear in this world in a unified body of information. However, Ryoko is absolutely right for her to be born and understood from the logic of human beings. It should be regarded as the information integration thought body of her parents, and there is nothing that belongs to the bond between human children and their parents. On the contrary, Levi always felt that Ryoko was actually a little thankful for the situation in the world where he is now. Outside the world, or not too far from the earth, there is a barrier that almost completely isolates the earth from the outside world. It can also be understood that this is actually a'small world' whose size is limited to this earth and a piece of space with a small outer range.

   In this world, there is no direct connection with the thought unit of information integration. In this case, Nagato Yuki always thought that it hindered some of her actions, but Asakura Ryoko should like this state.

   What Asakura Ryoko did in the past seems to be just a radical route. But she herself once said to Youxi the word "tired". She was really tired of her duties. She had hoped that she would end her life as soon as possible no matter how good or bad the outcome was.

  With Levi's personal understanding, he thinks Ryoko hopes to have his own life. There can be no tasks or duties, no one can force herself, even if that is her theoretical ‘parent’.

   There are still many examples of people in the earth who have rebelled against overly powerful parents. Without hurting others, hoping to have your own life that you decide is not an excessive idea. Ryoko should have thought about it more than once if she got in touch with the information integration body again?

  Levy guessed that even if she really waited until that day, she would no longer obey or obey, or choose violent ways to retaliate. It is to escape or fight in your own way.

   Deserters are not always wrong. If you can escape the bad fate and go to where you want. That kind of escape is not shameful at all, but very wise.

   But Levi had a hunch that he didn’t think that day would come. Just like in this chaotic world, it seems that there are hidden dangers that can move the whole body in one stroke. Levi never worried that he would completely lose the life he is enjoying now.

   The so-called hunch is just like the luck that Yuki and Ryoko said that even the information integration thought body cannot be explained. Or maybe it’s a hunch that a person unwittingly got a glimpse of something that could not be explained but actually got luck?

   "That's right, if you know everything about information integration, you won't fall into any self-discipline evolution as you said... bottlenecks or the like? You don't need to bring you here."

   Levi said there was a lot of luck in his tone. He was not afraid that the two girls heard what they said. Especially when I saw Ryoko's appearance of being "not like an alien".

   "Yes, if the information integration thinking body is omnipotent and omnipotent, then there will not be our existence."

   looked back at Kurakura and smiled at Levi.


   The airport in the Central District of Gakuen Island, this is the second time Levi has stepped here since the school was on holiday.

   The last time I came to the airport was to take a group of students from the school to travel overseas. This time when I came to the airport, I still took a group of students from the school to travel, but this time the group and the last group obviously have a huge difference in number. At this time, there were a total of five students who followed Levi's side, or did not follow him, and ran away from the distance, plus Levi's own number of active members of the SOS regiment.

   "It always feels like I've been to this airport two days ago."

   Standing in the airport lobby, Axu pressed two large suitcases with both hands, and carried a bag that felt heavy at first glance. It was hard to imagine that the destination of his trip was a modern metropolis like London. Instead, he asked casually what his thoughts were. Most people thought he thought he was going to a ski resort to overcome dangerous peaks. It was a dangerous and stimulating adventure to a secret area with few people.

   "It wasn't long before, although I also feel that it has been on holiday for quite a long time."

   Axie standing next to Axu was so different from his equipment. It is estimated that a small shoulder bag contains some daily necessities, certificates and wallets that may be needed at any time. The suitcase at the feet is also very small and looks more like a high-end business person who does not have to change clothes for business trips, lives in a high-end hotel, and delivers the clothes directly to the hotel for dry cleaning every day.

   "Is it? I think the vacation time is a bit short, if it can be more... At least as long as the summer vacation!"

  The super ringtone is also similar to the result of Dianxi. It is the suitcase that is slightly larger than hers, which is the most standard appearance for short-term travelers.

"Although I don’t like to go to school too much, it’s unlikely that people of this age will go to school. The vacation time on this island is relatively longer than the schools in other places. This is not enough. You are too lazy. La!"

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