
"Don't eat me!! Don't eat me!!!"

Song Haotian heard Huo Cheng mention the humanoid beast again.

He began to tremble all over and buried his head in his classmate's arms.

"Save me! Save me!!!"

Everyone heard Huo Cheng's words and saw Song Haotian's appearance. Fear spread quickly among the crowd.

Everyone began to panic.

At this moment, the surrounding monsters were also constantly approaching everyone.

The roars became stronger and stronger, as if they were going to swallow everyone.

"We are surrounded!"

"So that's it. These monsters have been driving us away and shrinking our living circle. They want to gather us together and annihilate us in one fell swoop!"

"There must be a monster leader in the monster group who is commanding everything!"

Huo Cheng's lips were tightly closed, without a trace of blood.

"It's over, we're going to be finished."

"The one who led the monsters to attack must be the transformed beast."

"We can't win."

"The fate is set..."

Everyone looked ashen and their morale was low.

In the No. 1 team, Wang Li stood up at this time with a resolute face.

"Fuck the monsters!"

"Fuck the fate!"

"I just want to ask everyone, aren't these monsters made of flesh and blood?!"

Wang Li's whole body was burning with blazing flames, and the purple holy flame flowed on his body, burning the air and bursting.

"Will they not feel pain when my flaming fist hits them!!"

"Come on, everyone."

"Are you going to sit there and wait for death, and let the monsters eat you alive?"

"Although I don't know why the number plate is invalid."

"Official rescue has not arrived."

"But now, we can still rely on ourselves!"

Everyone heard Wang Li's encouragement, and the dark look in their eyes became slightly brighter.

"He's right. We can't just sit there and wait for death."

"Even if we die, we have to peel off the skin of these monsters!"

Yan Wei raised her head with a firm look, and she tied her long hair into a ponytail.

"For ourselves."

Song Haotian's dull eyes regained a little expression at this time.

He took out the long sword given to him by his father. The blade was slender, the blade was extremely sharp, and it flashed with cold light.


"I actually always knew that I didn't have any talent..."

"This time, I won't embarrass you, my father, the district chief."

Nangong Lan still had a cold and arrogant expression at this moment, and didn't speak.

But there was a flash of stubbornness in his eyes.

The earth rumbled, and the army of monsters finally arrived from all directions.

Everyone gathered together at this moment.

Prepare to fight the army of monsters to the death!


On the ground, the dust was stirred up by the monsters.

The monsters surrounded them from all directions, in various shapes.

Some are hideous and terrifying, while others are huge.

There is a fierce light flashing in their eyes, and they growl and roar from their mouths.

Zhang Qing looked at the situation around him in the team, wondering.

So many monsters?

How much money can this make?

And I heard from that classmate that the other side has a monster in human form hiding in the monster group,

directing everything in secret?

A human-shaped monster?

I don’t know, who is stronger, me or that human-shaped monster?

Is its monster core more valuable?

In addition, look at the current situation.

At present, there are too many monsters.

If I am surrounded by layers of siege and attacked by that human-shaped monster, I might get hurt.

Let’s observe first,

Let the classmates use long-range abilities to test the level of these monsters,

After the leader of the human-shaped monster appears, I will evaluate its strength,

and then it will not be too late to take action.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qing quietly retreated behind everyone.

At this time, Wang Li knew in his heart that something must have happened in the Dark Forest.

Just like the black semicircular cover above the sky, which covered the sky in darkness.

The officials did not come to rescue, and they must be blocked outside at this moment.

Moreover, these fierce beasts in front of them are probably from the inside of the Dark Forest.

Although for some reason, the realms of these monsters are all around the peak of the first realm.

However, their auras are terribly strong.

It is not like the first level, but more like the second or third level monsters, which are suppressed to the peak of the first level by some kind of power.

But he will not tell everyone about this, and there is no need to say it out loud.

That will only cause panic, not to mention that no matter what level of monsters.

The bloodline of monsters is divided into inferior species, ordinary species, intermediate species, advanced species, and supreme species. (Quality assessment standards for monsters of the same level.)

Even if it is a high-level species, what does it matter.

All need to face the battleJust fighting.

"Don't disperse, gather together."

"Defense and strength systems are the front row, blocking the monsters."

"Others attack remotely!"

Everyone looked resolute, and their superpowers surged and attacked!

The colorful superpowers rushed towards the monsters.

Wang Li's eyes were deep.

"Purple Ghost Flame, maximum output power, Purple Ghost Fire Dance."

Boom--! !

The surrounding air seemed to be distorted by the flames, and a long dragon of flames emerged in the sky.

It looked like water mist, but if you look closely, it is composed of countless tiny purple flame particles.

They danced and circled in the air, forming a gorgeous sea of ​​fire.

Then as Wang Li pushed his hands forward suddenly, the gorgeous sea of ​​fire rushed forward and collided head-on with the monsters!


Nangong Lan summoned the water of the weak river from another direction to prevent conflict with Wang Li's superpowers.

The direction of the battlefield where Nangong Lan was located was covered by a black water curtain.

The water curtain flowed slowly, showing a strange black color.

Although its power was not as colorful as Wang Li's flame, it looked more gloomy and terrifying!

There is water in the north of Kunlun, and its power cannot defeat mustard, so it is called weak water! !

Yan Wei, like the storm god above the nine heavens, has an upright posture, as if integrated with the strong wind.

Every time she waved her arms, a small tornado swept forward!

Some monsters with extremely large bodies wanted to break through from the direction guarded by Yan Wei.

Yan Wei suddenly moved her hands, with a black and blue light in her eyes.

In an instant, the sky was filled with fierce winds, and a huge hurricane swept, flying sand and rocks, grass and monsters!

All were rushed to the sky by the hurricane!

Song Haotian, purple thunder flashed wildly, and thunder rumbled.

Huo Cheng was also trying his best to act as the eyes behind the scenes for his classmates, turning on the supernatural power detection to the maximum power, reporting the battle situation in time, and helping his classmates avoid the attacks of monsters.

At this moment, every student was trying his best to resist the tide of monsters!

The monster army was blocked for a while!

The monsters in the front row were beaten to pieces!

Some people cheered among the crowd.

"We did it!"

But several strong students still looked gloomy.

"Don't be happy too early, it's just the beginning."

Behind the forest, more monsters were coming, as if they were summoned by some kind of monster king,

and came in response!

"Ah? Is it that human-shaped beast!"

"Such a terrifying power!"

The surrounding sounds became extremely noisy, and the roars, screams, and stomping sounds of the monsters mixed together,

forming a deafening noise.

It seemed as if countless sounds were surrounding my ears, and it was like the roar of flames from airplanes and missiles.

At this time, a vigorous and desolate roar sounded.

Everyone felt a little dizzy.


Zhang Qing also felt dazed.

A strange feeling...

Something must have happened just now.

But I can't be sure what happened...


The cry of the king beast was like the roar of an ancient beast, full of wildness and domineering.

It was like endless anger and power tearing the air and making it boil.

The surrounding monsters seemed to have received some kind of call at the same time, gathering like a tide, with their eyes as red as a bloody moon.

The sky suddenly became darker.

In the dark forest, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood, and the sky was a strong and extreme crimson,

as if it was stained with blood.

A strong blood moon rose at some unknown time, hanging in the sky.

It's like a blood-red demon eye, watching everything strangely.

PS: Ask for free gifts and generate power with love!

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