Inside the dark forest.

The sky was still covered by the forbidden area, and it was dark.

Zhang Qing and his group, including all the monsters, were all in the blood-colored mist, with their eyes closed.

Suddenly, accompanied by an extremely shrill roar and scream.

The blood-colored mist was instantly broken!

The huge blood-colored demon eye in front of everyone suddenly had a vertical crack from top to bottom!

The entire blood-colored demon eye began to break apart like a spider web along with this crack!

How could it be possible...

I actually... lost? !

I am the blood moon royal family...

How could I be defeated by a mere human... ant...

There was no extra time to think.

Consciousness dissipated.

The blood moon monster, with a body filled with blood-colored mist, began to collapse rapidly along with the breaking of the blood-colored demon eye.

The body quickly dissipated, like morning mist evaporated by the sun, silently disappearing in the air.

A blood-colored demon crystal fell to the ground, proving that this blood moon beast had been in this world.

Among the crowd, Zhang Qing was the first to suddenly open his eyes.


Not far from Zhang Qing and the group of demon beasts.

The leader of the black-clothed men felt like he was falling into an ice cave.

As a high-ranking figure in the Dark Night Church, he couldn't help but tremble at this moment.

All the black-clothed men and servants behind him were even more stunned.

Although a blood moon beast of the fourth realm was suppressed to the early second realm by the forbidden realm.

The ability became weaker.

However, the innate magical power of the blood moon beast is not something that anyone in the same realm can deal with!

Including the black-clothed leader himself, even if he is the head of the Dark Night Church in the East Province.

But he can't compete with the innate magical power of the blood moon beast!

Without any preparation, if he himself fell into the innate magical power of the Blood Moon King Beast.

He would surely die!!

However, this student in front of him, this student without a trace of supernatural power fluctuations!

Not only did he counter the innate magical power of the Blood Moon King Beast, but he also broke its illusion world!!

Killed the Supreme Blood Moon King Beast alive!!

It is not unbelievable, it is simply a fairy tale!

My #¥%@!!

Who dares to believe it! ?

Even if you see it with your own eyes, it is hard to accept this fact!

No matter how deep the black-clothed leader is, he will break the defense at this moment!!

In order to plan this action, he secretly planned and prepared a year ago.

He paid a great price and transferred the polluted puppets and forbidden areas from the headquarters of the Dark Night Church.

And the food that this Blood Moon King Beast likes to eat the most.

I don’t know how much manpower and material resources have been spent!

As a result, it was destroyed by a kid!!

The leader of the men in black had thought about taking action himself! Kill these guys,

especially the student in the black tight T-shirt!

But he didn't dare!

He was really scared!

Others may not know how powerful a supreme blood moon king beast is!

But he knows!

He has seen it!!

Once in the Pharaoh's City.

He didn't have the current position at that time. As an ordinary black-clad servant, he followed the strong men of the Dark Night Church and

launched a surprise attack on the Pharaoh's City.

The Dark Night Church attracted a mature eighth-level supreme monster at that time!

At that time, the Pharaoh's City sent out countless strong men, even including nine-level strong men!

But the result was...

The Pharaoh's City fell... and became a human demon domain!!

All the strong men died there!

Until later, the headquarters of the Global Supernatural Association sent out countless strong men, and finally repelled the eighth-level supreme monster! It escaped under the encirclement and suppression! And it also caused the human race to lose countless strong men! ! That battle left a deep impression on the leader of the men in black, and he will never forget it! Such a powerful supreme monster was killed by Zhang Qing on the spot. This made him angry and unwilling, and his heart was full of fear! This boy can never be defeated by the same realm. The face of the leader of the men in black was distorted, unwilling, angry, and afraid! A low and hoarse voice sounded. "Retreat..." "Black Shadow" did not expect that the adult he respected so much would have no intention of fighting one day, like a wild dog running away, he could only run away with his head in his arms! "Black Shadow" gnashed his teeth and looked fierce! "Sir! Why?!"

"We put in so much effort, but that kid destroyed it all!"

"Why don't we kill him now!!"

He couldn't accept that the leader of the men in black, whom he worshipped as a god, would run away one day!

The leader of the men in black suddenly turned his head, staring at the 'black shadow' with anger.

"You! How dare you teach me how to do things!!"

His palm instantly pinched the neck of the 'black shadow', and the leader's eyes were full of bloodshot., veins popped out on his arms!

His face was distorted and hideous!

The words of ‘Black Shadow’ hurt his proud self-esteem!

He couldn’t accept the failure of this operation, but he had to accept this reality!

He, the leader of the Eastern Province of the Dark Night Church!

At this moment, all his plans were destroyed by a yellow-haired boy, and he was scared and fled! !

Thinking of this, he hated it!

He increased the strength of his hands!

‘Black Shadow’s’ face was distorted due to suffocation, his eyes were wide open, and soon he rolled his eyes, and his whole face turned red.

“Huh… Huh…”

He could only squeeze out a little sound from his mouth.

The black-clad servants around him knelt down and shouted in panic.

“My lord! Please calm down!”

“Now, we must retreat immediately.”

“I’m afraid the support from Hecheng is coming!!”

At this time, in the dark forest, a hundred kilometers outside the forbidden sky.

A figure was flying rapidly in the sky, rushing towards Hecheng like a silver sword! !

The clouds on the horizon suddenly split in half because of the high-speed movement of the figure! !

To be able to walk in the air, one must be a strong man above the fifth realm! !

This person is the strong man who came to support from the provincial capital. He set out to support Hecheng at the fastest speed!

The divine power is vast, piercing the clouds and the sun!

In the dark forest, the leader of the men in black threw the "black shadow" to the ground.

The "black shadow" retched repeatedly and breathed in the air with great force.

The face of the leader of the men in black was gloomy and terrifying, and his eyes were full of bloodshot.

The loss this time was huge, and the forbidden area had to be thrown here.

Although the taboo item-023 forbidden area can be manufactured multiple times, it is not the only item in the world.

But the cost of the forbidden area is extremely expensive, and the material is very special.

But there is no way, so I can only throw the forbidden area here to delay time.

Otherwise, they might be surrounded by the support from Hecheng, and then they would be doomed.

"Let's go..."

Everyone lowered their heads and silently left according to the planned escape route.

The leader of the men in black turned his head at the last moment before leaving.

His eyes were wide open, his knuckles were cracking and turning white, and he was unaware.

He stared at Zhang Qing intently.

The leader of the men in black will never forget this day in his life!!

He will never forget this figure!!

He will engrave Zhang Qing's voice and appearance in his mind!

The leader in black swore a poisonous oath in his heart.

In this life, he must kill Zhang Qing!!

Little bastard, wait for the next time, the next time, I will definitely kill you!


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