In the Hecheng Free Trade Market.

The golden sunlight shines on Zhang Qing's face, and Zhang Qing is sleeping soundly.

"Boss, boss!"

The clear voice is as pleasant as a bell.

Zhang Qing opened his eyes in a daze, and a young girl with fair skin and beautiful appearance appeared in front of him.

She has a slender waist and wears denim shorts, revealing two white and slender legs.

The autumn water-like eyes look at Zhang Qing curiously and doubtfully.

"Boss, can I see your demon core?"

Zhang Qing raised his head when he heard it.

The girl in front of him looked more sincere and seemed to want to buy it sincerely.

"Yes, it's all in this bag."

The girl was Su Ranfei.

Bao Mengyun and another girl, the female companion next to him, heard it and looked at Zhang Qing in great surprise.

"What? All of them in this bag?"

"Are you kidding!?"

"There have never been so many demon cores in the entire trading market at once!"

"Do you think demon beasts are like pigs raised at home, and you can kill them whenever you want?"

"Even if you kill pigs, you can't kill so many at a time!"

Because the demon cores hunted normally are basically sold individually, because the quality of the demon cores will decline if they are kept for too long, and they will not be sold.

What's more, demon cores are not easy to obtain.

Those powerful people in high realms disdain to slaughter a large number of low-level demon beasts to make money.

Moreover, if the powerful people in high realms enter the territory of the demon beast empire and slaughter them wantonly,

they will attract more powerful demon beast kings to retaliate against human territory!

In that case, it will be a huge disaster for humans! !

Therefore, the official strictly prohibits high-level strong people from slaughtering low-level demon beasts.

Not to mention the low-level supernatural people.

They can't even protect themselves when facing demon beasts, so what can they use to slaughter a large number of demon beasts? ?

And on weekdays, the authorities also have strict control over demon cores.

A large number of demon cores are circulating in the market.

Unless it is a smuggling gang that obtains a large number of demon cores through illegal channels, disrupts the trading market,

disguised financial trade.

This method is also strictly prohibited by the authorities.

Therefore, demon cores are scarce, and a large number of demon cores will not appear in the market at one time.

Bao Mengyun frowned and looked at Su Ranfei.

"Ranfei, you can't go to random doctors when you are sick."

"I think he is unreliable!"

Liu Yu, the stall owner next to Zhang Qing, couldn't help but chuckle at this time.

What the hell, I thought this kid was selling something.

It turns out that he sold a bunch of fake demon cores!

Boy, you are too naive!

This is not the way to sell fakes.

If you do this, you will scare people away! !

The stall owner Liu Yu looked at Su Ranfei and the others with a joking face and a strange expression.

This look made Bao Mengyun feel uncomfortable, and she was even more convinced that Zhang Qing was a liar.

"Ran Fei, let's go!"

"Why are you wasting time here?"

"You believe that these are all demon cores, you might as well believe that this wretched and greasy old man next to you is a high-level strongman!!"

The stall owner Liu Yu was confused.

What the hell? !

Who is the wretched and greasy old man talking about?

There is no one else next to him? ?

Is it me?

Damn it!

Are you blind! ! I'm only 20 this year!

What the hell! ! What does it have to do with me! !

Why are you talking about me! I'm still a child! !

Liu Yu's face was full of anger.

"Who is wretched! Who is greasy!!"

"I just look old. I'm only 20 this year!"

No one paid attention to Liu Yu. Apparently, everyone thought he looked wretched...


Zhang Qing raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Just because I have many demon cores, you think I'm a liar?

What's so special about demon cores?

Aren't they everywhere?

Wouldn't it be easy to hunt in the forest?

What Zhang Qing didn't know was that hunting demon beasts was not easy.

After all, Hecheng was still a third- or fourth-tier city.

There were not many strong people at a high level.

The superpowers of low-level people often could not cause fatal damage to demon beasts.

Therefore, these superpowers often needed to form a team when hunting demon beasts.

And they needed to be very cautious!

Because the dying counterattack of the demon beasts, once hitting these superpowers, meant serious injury or even death!

Not everyone is like Zhang Qing, who has speed, strength, and defense all in one!

Su Ranfei's eyes were red. She knew that the person in front of her was most likely a liar.

But what could she do? Her father was the backbone of the family, and he couldn't fall.

Even if the hope was slim, she would try! She would not give up any possibility!

"It's okay, Mengyun."

"I'm just taking a look. It won't delay anything."

Bao Mengyun frowned when she heard this, and looked at him with her arms around her.Su Ranfei looked at Zhang Qing with suspicion. Obviously, in her heart, she thought she had seen through Zhang Qing's tricks. Su Ranfei squatted down, revealing her graceful curves and a touch of white and smooth chest. She took Zhang Qing's schoolbag and rummaged through it. The more she looked, the more surprised she was, and her beautiful eyes widened. Ah? What's going on? This... This doesn't look like a fake! Are these really all demon cores? Su Ranfei looked through the schoolbag again and again, and she could even see fresh blood on the demon cores that had not yet dried! Su Ranfei had graduated from college and returned home to inherit the family business. Her own strength was neither strong nor weak, and she was in the middle stage of the second realm. She could feel that these demon cores had a strong mental power inside! They were all genuine without a doubt! Su Ranfei looked up at Zhang Qing excitedly, and her delicate face was full of disbelief and surprise. "Boss! How are these for sale? I want them all!"

Bao Mengyun's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Ran Fei, you're crazy!"

"Calm down! Who in the whole Hecheng can have so many demon cores at the same time!"

"He has a bag of demon cores, so he should be thankful that there are a few genuine ones in it!"

"You want them all?!"


Liu Yu, the stall owner next to Zhang Qing, was so angry that his teeth itched!

Why has he never met such a silly girl!

She's stupid and rich!

Everyone sells fakes! Why don't you take a look at my fakes! !

My fakes are much better than his low-grade ones!

Look at this kid's fakes, they are covered with dirt and blood! I don't know which shabby place he got them from!

Maybe it's a slaughterhouse, a pig's kidney stone!

He can't even do the superficial work! What kind of goods are you selling!

You still want to buy all of these things?

You look pretty, but you seem to be a bit stupid!

"Girl! I advise you to look carefully. Be careful when you go out. Be careful not to hit your eyes!"

"How about... take a look at the Fiji cup I sell?"

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I mean..."

"You can be filial to your great father."

"He has worked hard for half his life, maybe it's time to enjoy it."

"Your father may need it."


Zhang Qing is now thinking about selling it quickly, and then increasing the Fuguro Shier fusion degree to 20%.

Then, he can unlock the Soul Release Knife.

With the improvement of his own strength, plus this weapon.

If he meets the enemy who used the gravity field to chase him in the dark forest again.

If the other party uses the same method as before to deal with Zhang Qing!

Zhang Qing will definitely surprise the other party!

Zhang Qing looked at Su Ranfei and said slowly.

"How much do you want to pay?"

Su Ranfei pondered for a moment and then spoke.

"3 million, three million is okay?"

The stall owner next to him almost popped his eyes out!

Damn! This silly girl! !

You also believe this!

If his demon core is real, then my Fiji Cup can still fly! !

Is the fake demon core business so easy to do now? !

Otherwise, I will also change my career to sell fake demon cores tomorrow? ! !

Zhang Qing sat on the rattan chair, looking at Su Ranfei casually, thinking for a while and said.

"Three and a half million."

The stall owner next to him was about to burst his heart!

Damn @**%%#¥#!

Three and a half million! ?

Do you know how many Fiji Cups you can buy?

You look so young, why are you so shameless?

Selling fakes is not only serious, but also fooling silly girls,

And not only do you stop when you are ahead, but you also raise the price!

Why is the fake demon core business so easy to do? Why do I have to sell Fiji Cups here?


Why do you want me to inherit the Fiji Cup business?

Why didn't our family do something else back then?

Why did we have to open a hobby store back then?

You narrowed your path back then!

Your vision was too small! !

Zhang Qing estimated in his heart that the actual price of this batch of monster cores was about three million.

But his monster cores were of high quality and absolutely worth the money.

So the price of three and a half million was just right.

Bao Mengyun, hearing that Su Ranfei really wanted to buy these monster cores, was hard to believe.

Is Su Ranfei crazy?

This is not how you spend money!

This money can be converted into low-grade crystal stone currency, and it can still make a sound when it falls on the ground!

Why did you buy a bunch of broken stones with potholes?

It's too uncomfortable to pave the ground! !

Bao Mengyun was immediately angry when she heard that Zhang Qing was raising the price.

"Ran Fei! Let's go!"

"He's obviously taking advantage of you and wants to kill you!"

Su Ran Fei shook her head.Shake head.

"No, these demon cores are all genuine."

Bao Mengyun looked anxious and stamped her feet anxiously.

"If you continue to deceive my friends like this, I will call the patrol team!"

Zhang Qing's eyes were cold.

"If you are a novice, practice more."

"If you are blind, go get treatment."


The pedestrians and stall owners around stopped when they heard the shouting.

"What's going on? What's the melon here?"

"Come and eat melon! There's a guy here who says he has a big bag of demon cores to sell!"

"A big bag of demon cores? Usually we sell them one by one at the market, but there's still a shortage of supply and no buyers."

"He has at least one or two hundred in this big bag!! There are dung beetles picking up dung balls?"

"Yes, it's so outrageous! But guess what? Someone really got fooled!"

"That girl spent 3.5 million to buy all these fakes!"

"Ah? Isn't it common sense that demon cores are scarce?"

"Who would make such a mistake? Let me see!"

"Hiss——!! So scary, this little girl is really smart!"

"Such a beautiful girl, could it be that she has triggered the law of having no brains?"


PS: Ask for free gifts and generate power with love!

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