Bao Mengyun's chest rose and fell violently, and her body was still trembling slightly.

Bao Mengyun came from a good family, and she was pampered and a little beautiful.

Usually, others chased her to be her licking dog!

How could anyone be so rude to her! !

Bao Mengyun had a delicate and arrogant personality, but at this moment, she was deflated, and her eyes were even a little red.

She was frightened by Zhang Qing's eyes just now!

She felt scared, and she felt that Zhang Qing really wanted to stab her before!


A group of patrols in formal clothes came over.

The leading captain was a tall and strong man with a cold face.

Even in a uniform, the knotted and swollen upper body muscles seemed to burst the shirt, and the arms alone were as thick as the thighs of ordinary people.

The lower body was even more exaggerated, and the thighs were thicker than the waists of ordinary people!

At first glance, he was a tough guy.

This was indeed the case. The captain's name was Zhang Wenbiao, a strong man in the late second realm.

Before taking up this patrol captain job.

He used to work as a wilderness hunter, but later retired from the front line because it was too dangerous.

The stall owners and passers-by around shook their heads.

"It's Zhang Wenbiao. This trick is hard to handle. This kid can't get away this time."

"If it's someone else, maybe you can give him some benefits and make some concessions."

"This Zhang Wenbiao doesn't buy that."

Fiji Cup stall owner Liu Yu pretended to be regretful, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise wildly.

Hehehe, let's see how you make black money this time!

If you make this money!

I can't sleep tonight!

Zhang Wenbiao walked up and carefully observed Zhang Qing's every move, trying to find abnormal behavior.

But Zhang Qing acted very calmly and didn't care.

Leaning leisurely on the rattan chair.

"Hello, we received a report."

"Someone said that the goods you sell have problems."

"Please let us check it."

Zhang Qing leaned on the rattan chair with his chin on his hand and said lightly.

"It's been sold, and the demon cores are all with her."

Zhang Wenbiao frowned, feeling a little unhappy.

The young man in front of him is very arrogant and looks fearless.

Generally, people with guilty consciences will panic when they see us, even if they pretend to be calm on the surface.

But eyes can't lie.

There are two possibilities now, either he has a clear conscience and sells real things.

The other possibility is,

that his strength has surpassed everyone present!!

Whether the things are real or fake, he is confident that he can escape from the patrol team's net.

But how is it possible!!

He is so young...

Okay, I will assume that he is the top genius in the country.

Now he has reached the late stage of the second realm, the same as me.

So what?

This is a trading market!

A proper official organization!!

You should know that the free trading market is a subordinate unit of the official.

There are more than just one patrol team!

If there is an emergency, someone wants to use force or make trouble!

As long as Zhang Wenbiao gives an order, the patrol team will assemble a suppression array field through special devices!

All people in the suppression array field,

All their supernatural powers will be invalid!

Moreover, Zhang Wenbiao will quickly sound an alarm through the transmitter hanging on his chest!

At that time, all patrol teams will be like a net,

Suppress all invading enemies!

All! !

No exceptions! ! !

Thinking of this, Zhang Wenbiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

No one should use force against the patrol team in the trading market, that would be asking for trouble.

Even the most vicious people would not be stupid enough to make trouble here.

However, he still felt strange.

Did the little girl report that this young man was selling a large bag of demon cores?

Something was wrong with this.

Because the demon cores hunted normally are basically sold individually. Because they are kept for too long, the quality of the demon cores will also decline and they will not be sold.

What's more, demon cores are not easy to obtain.

Those powerful people in high realms disdain to slaughter a large number of low-level demon beasts to make money.

And if the powerful people in high realms enter the territory of the demon beast empire and slaughter them wantonly,

it will attract more powerful demon beast kings to attack human territory!

In that case, it will be a huge disaster! !

Therefore, the authorities strictly prohibit high-level strong people from slaughtering low-level demon beasts.

And low-level supernatural people are even more so.

They can hardly protect themselves when facing demon beasts, so what can they use to slaughter a large number of demon beasts? ?

And on weekdays, the authorities also have strict control over demon cores.

A large number of demon cores are circulating in the market.

Unless it is a smuggling gang,Dao obtained a large number of demon cores, disrupted the trading market, and manipulated financial trade in disguise. This method is also strictly prohibited by the official order. Then, excluding the first possibility, this kid can't have a large bag of demon cores. Therefore, excluding all impossibilities, no matter how unbelievable the rest is, it is also a fact! ! So, this kid is selling fakes! ?

Or he is an illegal smuggler!

But this possibility is not very high. Even if he is a demon core smuggler, he can't collect so many demon cores!

What's more, how can there be such a young demon core smuggler? !

Which of those people is not extremely vicious and regards life as worthless?

He is a kid who hasn't even grown all his hair. He doesn't look like that kind of person at all.


Why is he so confident here?

If it is a small transaction, it's fine, but millions!

This amount, whether it involves selling fakes or smuggling demon cores.

It's enough to put someone in prison for a few years! !

Why is he pretending like this? !

I can't figure it out...

In a short time, Zhang Wenbiao used his experience to infer all the possibilities.

The final conclusion was that Zhang Qing was selling fakes, or he was an illegal smuggler!

But what was incomprehensible was why Zhang Qing didn't run away?

Zhang Wenbiao winked and asked the patrol team to surround the area.

Although the result had been inferred, the necessary procedures still had to be followed.

Zhang Wenbiao thought of this,

He took Zhang Qing's backpack from Su Ranfei and reached into it.


Zhang Wenbiao frowned and looked at Zhang Qing in astonishment.

It was cold and chilly when he touched it.

Based on Zhang Wenbiao's many years of experience as a wilderness hunter, he knew whether the thing was real or not as soon as he touched it!

This thing is really a demon core!

Zhang Wenbiao quickly opened his backpack, and something that stunned him happened.

He touched the demon cores in the backpack one by one.

Something shocking happened to him.

These demon cores are actually real!!


Is this a big fish? !

According to the spiritual power of these demon cores, most of the demon beasts to which these demon cores belong are between the first and second realms.

Damn! Hundreds of first and second level demon cores?

Most of the demon cores have reached the intermediate quality.

There are also high-level demon cores.


How dare he be here?

He smiled at me? !

At this time, Zhang Qing was looking at Captain Zhang Wenbiao leisurely.

After all, the purpose of this trip was achieved, and the fusion degree of Fugu Shier's character card was successfully increased to 20%.


I also harvested the cursed ugly treasure and the fly head.

Weapon Soul Release Knife.

It's really, it makes people happy.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Qing's mouth.

Although the ugly treasure is quite ugly...

By the way! There is a question that I seem to have overlooked! !

Where did the ugly treasure go? !

Zhang Qing felt it carefully and found that the ugly treasure had turned into a small round ball and was hidden in his stomach.


Zhang Qing's face changed!

It was the first time, so it was a little uncomfortable...


Zhang Wenbiao looked at Zhang Qing and found that Zhang Qing smiled at him,

Then suddenly!

His face changed!

Cold sweat ran down Zhang Wenbiao's forehead!

Damn it! What is he going to do!

Is he going to attack me! ?

This lawless lunatic! !

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