Awakening Of The Whole People: Mind Power Talent, I Will Transfer To Sword Repair

Chapter 119 The Final Battle Of The Individual Competition, Professional Space-Time Traveler? Adam:

Chapter 119 Final battle of the individual competition, professional time traveler? Adam: I will go all out! (Subscribe)

Adam, since his debut, has crushed everyone of his generation with absolute strength.

Known as the Son of God, the Chosen One of God!

Among the star kingdoms of all dynasties, they are extremely dazzling existences!

He is extremely arrogant because he has absolute confidence in himself.

Until there appeared Su Xing who spent 900 billion on a single bet on himself to win the championship.

From then on, Adam made a decision in his heart that he must ruthlessly brutalize Su Xing.

Thereby proving his status as a 'Son of God'.

but now!

Su Xing's strength broke the original cognition time and time again.

Up to now, even the regular props can't affect Su Xing.

All of this added layers of mystery to Su Xing's body.

Right now, the two are almost tit for tat to the extreme.

Not to mention the current main battlefield of the Dragon Kingdom, even the Star Kingdom, the Misty Kingdom, and even the broadcast battlefields of other countries.

Countless people are waiting at this time.

Waiting for the result of the confrontation between the two.

And it seems to cater to everyone's expectations.

After the end of this round, the organizer directly locked the two as competitors for the next round.

Such a move immediately drew cheers.

"Good job!"

"That's how it should be!"

"Hurry up and get on the stage, my big knife is already hungry and thirsty."

"Chong Chong Chong, Su Xingyyds, the Son of God."

"We'll see the outcome soon!"

"If Su Xing can also win this round, he can win the championship with a single pressure.

"Damn it, I almost forgot about it!"

"Don't say it's true! If Adam can't stop Su Xing, the others will be even more helpless! This is the moment to win the championship!"

"If it can be done, then Su Xing can be regarded as creating a miracle."

"Great! This is not only the first individual championship won by Longguo, it may even be unprecedented. Just thinking about it makes me unable to control my excitement."

"Okay, okay, you don't want milk anymore, be careful to turn your skin into poisonous milk! Let's hurry up and watch the next game! Don't be too lazy for the game."

A new round begins!

Other people's battle situation is not paid attention to at all.

It doesn't matter if you lose or win, no matter how much you fight, it's just a fight for a ranking.

They all miss the championship!

And when Su Xing and Adam played in person.

It means that this individual competition has reached its peak.

The cheers at the scene were higher and higher, even more spectacular than at the opening ceremony of the All Humanity Federation Competition.

Feel the sound rolling!

Adam, the son of God, came to the center of the battlefield.

His blond hair fluttered in the wind, and there was an indescribable arrogance in his eyes.

"This is the home field of your Dragon Kingdom!"

"If I can defeat you on such an occasion, it will be a very meaningful moment for me!"

Just now, he had already discussed with the entourage of Xingxing Kingdom.

The Eye of the Dark Goddess needs to accumulate three months of energy before it can be used once.

In other words, this rule item will not have any effect on him.

So any worries and doubts that Adam had had disappeared at this moment.

Even though Su Xing has successfully defeated Elis, the Saint of Light.

Adam still has absolute confidence in himself.

"Let you come up and get beaten, who made you talk so much nonsense!"

Su Xing really didn't want to get too entangled with these people.

After today, he will be able to win the reward from the gambling house.

That is a multiple of more than ten times. Once he gets it, he will take off directly!

Even breaking through to the Qingyun realm, it is unknown to have a combat power comparable to that of a king.

And compared with his goal, Adam with SSS level talent is not so important.

But Adam didn't know what Su Xing was thinking.

He thought it was just Su Xing's trash talking.

"Don't think that this kind of rhetoric can affect me!"

"I know your strength, and you should also understand mine!"

"This is the pinnacle matchup of this tournament, and I will do my best!"

"See if you have the ability to take it!"

With this in mind, Adam gradually (@hai) untied his force.

This is the first time he has shown his profession seriously in front of everyone.

"Time traveler!"

"It's my current job!"

The power of time and space is manifested in this battlefield at the same time.

There were varying degrees of regular cuts across the field.

But the positional disorder produced by the power of space.

At the same time, the time flow rate of each area is completely different.

"Is this already the embryonic form of the domain?"

"Time Traveler, I've never heard of this profession!"

"No wonder it's so attractive, it turns out it's the only job in the world!"

"Su Xing must be careful, this kind of professional who has never appeared before, because of his special skills, may cause the opponent to suffer a lot!"

"You don't need to look to know that there is already a problem with the venue!"

"I'm afraid other than the time traveler himself, it will be extremely difficult for others to move in such a venue!"

"That's natural. We can all see that the flow rate of time has changed a lot, and we can't be sure of the direction we are going, and what direction we will transfer to.

"But if it's just like this, it doesn't seem to be able to completely threaten Su Xing!"

"Actually not. Although Su Xing doesn't need to act, we all know that his flying sword kills the opponent through the power of thought."

"The field that the flying sword passes through will also be forcibly disturbed. In this case, all the attacks of Su Xing will most likely be nullified by Adam!"

"Fuck, is it true? Is this ability so excessive?"

"In this way, isn't Adam invincible?"

"It can't be said that this kind of ability similar to domain actually consumes quite a lot of spiritual energy. He, Adam, is only in the heavenly state, so he can't last for too long. It depends on whether Su Xing can break the situation and resolve Adam's other abilities. The means!"

"That's right, Adam didn't actually show any ability in this area before, but directly defeated the opponent with incomparably powerful strength, that's what deserves attention!"

"It's been said that the competition has begun, let's see how Su Xing will respond!"

I feel that the time and space in all directions have been split into countless fields.

And these fields are still moving and changing to a certain extent.

The infinite variability had a huge impact on Su Xing at this moment.

He immediately threw out a Ziji long sword without hesitation!

This third-grade long sword that followed Su Xing's drunkenness continued to shuttle and jump in the space.

One second, he was still in front of his eyes, and the next moment, he was already at an innumerable distance behind Adam.

Even if Su Xing intends to control Feijian!

But as long as Adam moves and turns at will, his flying sword cannot hit the target.

"In other words, if my computing power is higher than yours, and my reaction power is faster than yours to transfer time and space, then your domain will be useless?"

Su Xing spoke slowly.

And Adam laughed loudly at this moment, "That's only if, I have SSS-level space-time talent, which perfectly fits this profession!"

"Mastering space and time is nothing but a breeze for me!"

"Su Xing, you can't break the game!".

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