Awakening Of The Whole People: Mind Power Talent, I Will Transfer To Sword Repair

Chapter 168 The Most Valuable Rule Item, Bar None! (Seeking Subscription)

Chapter 168 The Most Valuable Rule Item, No One! (Subscribe)

It is also a golden creature, but it is not the angel and demon seen before.

But dragons, elves, and titans.

These creatures rushed towards Su Xing immediately after they took shape. ,

The speed is extremely fast, and they also have their own racial characteristics.

Su Xing watched this scene, while resisting with sword energy and thought power, he began to think.

"It was angels and demons before, but now they are different creatures. Is there any difference?"

"Or is there a difference even when creating golden creatures?"


Su Xing planned to try it out, so he continued to kill these gold creatures rushing forward while staring at the consumption of spiritual power.

Then put them into Asgard again.

But this time, Su Xing deliberately increased the efficiency of sword energy release, cutting the golden creature into more fine and trivial parts.

At this time, Su Xing discovered that there was a drop of golden liquid among these golden creatures, which was different from other ingredients.

It has even reached the point where Su Xing can't cut it.

"This may be the key!"

"Once the key parts are taken away, it is very likely that it will not be able to continue!

On the other side, after more than a dozen golden creatures were confiscated, the skeleton in the gold pool raised its head and let out a roar.

Although there is no sound, under the impact of mental power, the pressure is full.

Unfortunately, Su Xing ignores it!

He watched as a large amount of liquid appeared in the golden pool again, converging into life forms.

This time, it was different from the biological species just now, and seemed to be a brand new species.

"My guess was right!"


Su Xing used karma to bring out the weaknesses of these new creatures as far as he could see.

That special liquid flowed through the golden creature's body, changing its position all the time to avoid being discovered by others.

But under the causal technique, there is nowhere to hide!

Su Xing's eyes flickered, his mind power and sword energy merged!

This time, he didn't use any skills, but with his precise grasp, he forcefully tore apart the bodies of every golden creature with his sword energy. ,

Then take out the cores in their bodies and put them into the Asgard.

As a result, these golden liquids directly collapsed to the ground and were gradually absorbed by the gold pool.

After a wave, Su Xing took down all the golden creatures with almost no effort.

And the golden skull was also stunned!

It seems that he didn't expect Su Xing to see through the flaw so quickly, and maybe he didn't understand how Su Xing managed to remove the core accurately.

More and more golden creatures appear, with different races.

But the results are without exception.

Although Su Xing had to bear the consumption of the causal technique, it was much better than using the sword array.

After solving the three rounds of goals again, Su Xing is already very close to the Golden Pool itself.

The golden skull stood up, holding a huge scythe and slashed at Su Xing, as if it was about to struggle to the death!


Su Xing is not afraid at all!

Heaven and earth protect the sky!

The guardian formation is unfolded, and the yin and yang airflows are turned into the power to protect the universe.

However, the moment the golden sickle collided with the formation, the sound of the collision was like a magic sound,

In an instant, it turned into a mental shock and spread.

Unfortunately, this move was within Su Xing's prediction.

He can ignore it completely!

The strong defense of mental power makes Su Xing fearless.


The golden skull also disintegrated instantly, and the core inside was taken away.

That's right!

Even this golden skull is just a cover-up on the bright side.

Through karma, Su Xing can clearly see his flaws!

Inside the golden pool, a heart flew out.

But this time, they didn't rush to Su Xing, but escaped.

After all the tricks were exposed, the chief culprit, Harvest, who was in control of everything, just failed.

Even if you choose to run away!

Unfortunately, Su Xing couldn't let this guy go.

While taking away the gold pool, Su Xing also stepped forward quickly, and Nian Li and Feijian rushed out at the same time.

There is no escape for this beating heart!

"Do not kill me"!"

There is a sound from the heart, but it is expressed in a spiritual way.

Lost the gold pool, this thing has no effect on Su Xing.

Immediately, Su Xing took him into the Immortal Palace and dealt with it later.

Holding the gold pool in hand, Su Xing began to check.

The result is as expected.

Without the blessing of that heart, this gold pool is an ordinary regular item.

As for the effect, it is to absorb the energy between the heaven and the earth as time goes by, thereby continuously deriving special golden liquid,

This liquid is an excellent material and a great value.

And mastering the gold pool can control these liquids to form various things.

This is how the Golden Country was born!

Only now, with a single thought, Su Xing can store the entire gold through the gold pool.

Of course, those other materials on the surface do not belong to the gold containment, Su Xing can only collect it through the power of mind.


"take off!"

When he understood what this regular item meant, the excitement in Su Xing's heart was beyond words to describe.

What is he missing the most?


As long as he has a steady stream of resources, he can improve himself crazily and take the strength of his thoughts to a higher level.

The gold liquid accumulated in this gold pool is the best resource.

If he exchanged it, he would definitely get astonishing simulation points, much stronger than last time.

More importantly, as time goes by, the gold pool cannot continuously generate resources.

It's like endless!

The price to pay is time!

"No, if you just get the golden liquid over time, the value of this thing to me is not particularly high!"

"After all, its production must not keep up with my consumption!"

"But the prerequisite is—absorb the energy between heaven and earth!"

"In other words, if the gold pool is placed in a place with particularly abundant aura, its production will be extremely optimistic!"

Intuition told Su Xing that there was nothing wrong with this idea.

But it still takes some practice (well done)!

But there is one last use for this pool of gold!

That is to turn into a golden blade and become Su Xing's alternative weapon!

The golden blade fabricated by special resources, plus sword energy and mind power.

With the superposition of the three, it must be a higher level than his current field development.

Therefore, even if this thing cannot produce the same amount of resources as it does now.

For Su Xing, it is also a rare treasure!

It has to be said that this is the most valuable rule item that Su Xing has obtained so far!

none of them!



And after Su Xing took this treasure, the suppression of realm and strength completely disappeared.

Without hesitation, Su Xing used the gold pool to collect the entire Golden City, and used his thoughts to collect all the remaining resources.

In the distance, bursts of roars came.


But what Su Xing was more concerned about was the sound that appeared above the sky.

"The Black Iron Trial is over!".

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