"What is that!" Qin Feng also walked out of the classroom at this time, looking at the playground, the golden thunder and crimson flames almost covered the entire playground. Suddenly he felt his eyes warm, and then a strange energy appeared in his eyes, and he instantly felt that his vision and observation ability increased several times! "This is the Sharingan!" Perhaps it was stimulated, the Sharingan opened automatically! Qin Feng roughly felt it, and his vision at this time was almost five times that of before, and this was only in static state. He knew that the Sharingan in dynamic state was the coolest! Scarlet eyes looked at the playground, and Qin Feng's eyes seemed to pass through the golden thunder and red flames, and he saw the slender figure in the center. Qin Feng noticed that the figure held his hands in the air, as if he was going to pull something out, but the next moment, the golden thunder and red flames rolled again, and the whole sky became half golden and half fiery red, and the vision was blocked again.

"Good guy!"

Qin Feng exclaimed in admiration. In his opinion, even if the level of this ability could not reach the god level, it was not much different.

But this had nothing to do with him. Qin Feng turned back to the classroom to take his belongings, and then turned directly to the back door of the school.


On the other side, with the order of the principal, all the students retreated hundreds of meters under the leadership of the class teachers of each class. The remaining parents and teachers were the same, and they all consciously stayed away from the awakening crystal.

Then the principal Zhang Feng activated the school's protective formation, and a transparent light shield suddenly appeared, completely isolating Bai Yue, who was awakening her ability, and the strange phenomena around her from the outside world.



Suddenly, a huge roar came from the light shield, and everyone saw that the light shield was shaking violently.

"What kind of superpower is this?"


Whether it was students, parents, or teachers, they all looked shocked at this moment. Everyone knew that when awakening superpowers, there would be strange phenomena, but no one had ever told them that the phenomena would be so strong.

Crack! Crack!


Suddenly, there were bursts of cracking sounds from the light shield, and spider-web-like cracks appeared around the light shield. The next moment, with a bang, the light shield shattered instantly, and a burst of disintegrated energy instantly splashed around.

"Not good!" Principal Zhang Feng's face changed. At this moment, there were students all around. Although the scattered energy was not strong, it was extremely deadly to these students who had just awakened their superpowers.

Without hesitation, a green long sword appeared in Zhang Feng's hand, just when he was about to make a move.

"Haha, teacher, it seems that there is a demon in Jianghe!"

A hearty laugh suddenly appeared on the field. After hearing this voice, Zhang Feng's nervous expression instantly relaxed, and then the long sword in his hand disappeared.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was a burst of excitement in the air.

The scattered energy around seemed to be blocked by something at this moment, and it all dissipated in a short while.

At this time, there was a figure next to Zhang Feng, a man in his thirties with a simple military uniform and a strong figure.

Wu Li, the deputy commander of the Chuan City Guard, was once an outstanding student of Jianghe Middle School.

Although everyone was a little surprised by his arrival, they didn't say anything. At this time, their attention was still on Bai Yue in the center of the field.

At this time, the golden light and red light were gradually dissipating, and they all disappeared in a short while.

At this time, everyone also saw the figure on the field clearly.

Wearing a light blue long skirt, with a graceful figure and an indifferent temperament, she looks extremely noble.

Bai Yue, the recognized goddess and school beauty of Jianghe Middle School.

[Thunder SSS level, Fire SSS level]

At this moment, a line of big words slowly appeared on the awakening crystal.

For a moment, the whole audience was silent!

What does SSS level represent, and it is double SSS level.

The old face of Principal Zhang Feng was also smiling at this moment.

An S level has already made him want to compete for the first university in Sichuan City, so now.

"Haha, the first university this year must belong to me, Jianghe!"

At this time, he seemed to think of something, turned his head and looked at Wu Li next to him and said, "Why are you here, kid?"

Hearing this, Wu Li whispered a few words.

Zhang Feng's smile on his face stopped abruptly after hearing this.

"Several people in Sichuan No. 1 Middle School have awakened to S level,

God is so blind!"


A young and handsome figure appeared at the gate of Ping'an Community, it was Qin Feng.

This is the current residence of the original body.

Qin Feng stepped into the community, where he met many old men and women, and Qin Feng greeted them skillfully.

Ping'an Community is a welfare community planned by the government. It is inhabited by either elderly people or orphans like Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's father served in the city guards of Chuan City, and it seemed that he was the previous leader of the city guards, but he died in a beast tide ten years ago, and even his body was not found.

Since then, Qin Feng has lived in Ping'an Community and can receive part of the pension every month.

When Qin Feng returned home, he saw an incomplete gray picture hanging on the wall at first sight. White photo.

The photo shows a young man and woman. The man is handsome, with a casual smile on his face and a charming temperament between his eyebrows.

The girl in the photo is very blurry, and his specific face can no longer be seen.

Qin Feng knew that this was his mother, but what made him feel strange was that he searched through the memories of his original body and found nothing about his mother. The only thing he knew was when he was very young.

"Forget it," Qin Feng shook his head. In this world full of ferocious beasts, perhaps his mother had also been killed.

Qin Feng had no opinion on the beginning of his parents' death, but he hated the ferocious beasts that killed humans even more.

"Since I have come to this world, you are also my parents. I will avenge you. "

Qin Feng swore in his heart.

Then Qin Feng walked into the bedroom and took out a card from the drawer.

This is all his father's savings during his lifetime, and the high one-time compensation after his death is all in this card.

Before, because he was under the age of 18, he had no right to use the funds in this card, but now he has it.

Qin Feng took out his mobile phone, opened Caiyuanbao, and then bound the card to the mobile phone according to the steps.

This card was originally applied for by his father using his identity information. As long as he waits until he reaches adulthood, he can use it naturally.

Soon after the card was successfully bound, Qin Feng clicked on the balance, and then the screen of the mobile phone quickly switched, and then Qin Feng only saw a (small) string of 0s.

"One million!"

Qin Feng murmured in his mouth, but at this time he frowned slightly and felt very strange in his heart.

In his memory, his father was the previous commander of the city guards, a powerful awakener. How could his savings be so little.

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