The two of them were killed in a car accident.

In the jungle!

Just when Qin Feng was hunting beasts in the depths of the jungle, a surprising scene happened in the jungle.

More than a dozen figures gathered together, constantly searching for something around, and their target was none other than those students who were alone, or teams with average strength.

Of course, their purpose was not to rescue those students, but for the points in their hands.

Yes, at this time, this group of people was robbing other students' points. Although the staff had emphasized that students were not allowed to kill each other at the beginning of the practical test, they did not say that robbing points was not allowed.

There is an essential difference between robbing points and killing each other.

After careful attempts, they found that the points in the points watch can be transferred to each other. As long as the watch is taken off the wearer, the points in the points watch can be transferred to other points watches.

After confirming this, some people began to take action.

Swish! Swish....

I saw these dozen figures moving quickly and searching around.

But maybe because the students in this area have been robbed of their points, they didn't get anything after a round.

"These guys react really fast. Someone should have notified them of this situation."

"Forget it, let's report the situation to Brother Hu and see if we should change to another area to continue plundering points."



Soon, a figure fell off the team and rushed in one direction.

Ten minutes later, his figure appeared again and returned to this team.

Swish! Swish...

The next moment, the team of more than a dozen people set off again, and they were seen rushing in one direction quickly.

However, if you look closely, you will find that the points on the score watch of the person who just left are now almost gone.

At almost the same time, the score ranking list.

First place: Wei Hu, 320 points

Second place, Qin Feng, 240 points

Third place, Su Yu, 160 points

Fourth place, Chen Feng, 150 points

Fifth place, Guan Nan...

There is no change in the top five of the ranking list, except that Su Yu and Chen Feng's rankings were swapped, but the most noticeable change is the change of the first place Wei Hu. Some people noticed that his points soared a lot in an instant.

This discovery shocked everyone.

In the control room!

There is also an area on the huge screen indoors to display the ranking of points.

Like those students, these principals also noticed the soaring points of Wei Hu, the first place.

As for why Wei Hu's points increased so quickly, these principals knew it in their hearts. It was nothing more than plundering other students' points.

Everyone present was accustomed to this kind of thing. Survival of the fittest, the strong prey on the weak, this is how it is in this cruel world, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp.

Rules have always bound only the weak.

As for the fact that Wei Hu not only plundered students' points himself, but also asked others to help him, although it was a bit shameful, from another perspective, this was also Wei Hu's ability.

No matter what conditions he paid, coercion or inducement, the final result was that he successfully let those people plunder points for him, and the result was that his name appeared at the top of the points ranking list.

This is the result.

Not many people paid attention to what Wei Hu did at this time. It can be seen that almost all the principals in the control room focused their attention on one position, even Wei Hu's father, the principal of No. 1 Middle School, Wei Hong.

Following their gaze, they could see a black-haired figure fighting with a green mantis.

It was Qin Feng and the sharp blade mantis in the jungle.

At this point, they could see that the fight between the two of them had almost come to an end. The sharp blade mantis was covered with hideous wounds, and green liquid was constantly pouring out of those wounds, which looked very disgusting.

Even the two steel knives formed by its arms were cut off by Qin Feng.

Until the end, a huge red fireball spurted out of Qin Feng's mouth and directly submerged the body of the sharp blade mantis.




Until seeing this huge fireball,

The principals who had been suppressing their excitement in the control room could no longer control themselves and swore.

Everyone had an expression of disbelief on their faces, and even the beast-killing guard sitting next to Director Wang showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Wind, fire, and mental attacks that can make a second-level beast lose consciousness in an instant. So far, Qin Feng has demonstrated three abilities, and each of them is extremely powerful.

Apart from anything else, the mental attack that can make a beast lose consciousness in an instant is almost unsolvable.

Imagine that if two beings of equal strength are fighting each other, and one of them suddenly loses consciousness, even if it is only for a short moment, it is extremely fatal.

Not to mention that Qin Feng also has the power of wind and fire.

It took less than a month for him to awaken his superpowers and he could kill a second-level beast alone. This growth rate is extremely rare even among the beast-killing guards in the Beast-killing Pavilion.

Yang Yang remembered that after awakening his superpowers, it took him nearly three months to have a combat power close to the second level. At that time, his growth rate was almost unmatched.

But now compared with Qin Feng, Yang Yang intuitively felt his own mediocreness.

"Sure enough, there are always talented people in every generation, and there are always better people!"

"You can't compare people!"

Yang Yang's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a bitter smile.

At this time, Yang Yang had made up his mind. After this battle was over, he would go to see Qin Feng in person.

Although Qin Feng's current strength was not enough to join the Beast Killing Pavilion, in order to prevent this genius with god-level superpowers from joining other forces, Yang Yang decided to give Qin Feng an internship as a beast killer.

In this way, after knowing Qin Feng's identity as an internship beast killer, the other forces in Daxia would no longer try to take advantage of him.

When everyone in the control room focused their attention on Qin Feng, they might not have noticed that some images on the huge virtual screen flashed quickly and disappeared on the screen.

This situation mostly occurred because the monitoring equipment in the jungle was destroyed. Maybe someone noticed it, but just didn't care.

They thought that the students accidentally affected the monitoring equipment when fighting the beast.

However, they would not have thought that a figure appeared in the deep jungle, in an area destroyed by the monitoring.

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