The Awakeners of the Transformation System looked at each other in blank dismay.

Obviously, they did not expect Su Yan to choose such a strategy.

from their perspective,

The most difficult thing is not Su Yan's strong attack power,

It's Su Yan's speed.

No matter how destructive Su Yan is, he is only one person,

Facing so many opponents, there is nothing to be afraid of.

However, Su Yan's speed is so fast that it exceeds the speed of sound, and it is even difficult for the naked eye to recognize it.

With their level, it is extremely difficult to attack Su Yan.

Therefore, the tactics they adopted were to surround Su Yan as much as possible.

Reduce the space Su Yan can move.

But Su Yan has already let you go,

In other words, people don't plan to hide at all.

Doesn't that mean that the tactics they formulated before are no longer available?

Among the students of the Transformation Department, the highest ranks are 7 sixth-order awakeners,

Among them, including Zhao Tian.

Standing in the middle of a thousand awakened ones,

At this time, the awakened people around looked at them one after another.

Obviously, it is to let them make up their minds.

At this time, Zhao Tian's injury seemed to have healed.

But there was still pain in the lower jaw.

Recalling that humiliating scene, he gritted his teeth fiercely and shouted:

"Since he doesn't plan to hide, there's no need for us to play tricks with him!"

"Brothers, let Su Yan experience the strength of our transformation system!"

"Let's go together!!!"

After speaking, bear the brunt,

Directly transformed into Tyrannosaurus rex.

Lead all the awakeners of the transformation system to attack Su Yan together!

at this time,

A thousand Avatar-type Awakeners seemed to have lost their formation.

Since Su Yan doesn't plan to hide.

Then they will also use the most real attack!

For a while, on the live screen,

The sound of shouting, beating, and wailing can be heard endlessly.

The black crowd is in a mess!

The transformed beast billowed up smoke and dust.

Among the huge beast horde, it was difficult to see Su Yan's figure clearly.

The audience was also dumbfounded.

"What's the situation? I can't see it at all!"

On the live broadcast screen, only the black terrifying beast tide can be seen.

One can imagine what kind of scene Su Yan, who was in the very center of the scene, faced.

No matter how high Su Yan's level is, no matter how strong he is.

He is also just a physique awakener, his body is no different from that of ordinary human beings.

One person, directly facing the tide of such a large number of beasts!

How to be safe and sound?

At this time, the dean's office.

The dean also frowned, unavoidably a little worried.

The live broadcast screen was too messy to see Su Yan clearly.

I wondered if Su Yan's life would be in danger.

In this situation, Su Yan, who was at the center of the beast tide, was careless.

They will be trampled into meatloaf by strong beasts.

He suddenly felt that it was a bit abrupt to agree to Su Yan's fight with the Transformation Department.

Su Yan is a good seedling, it would be a pity if he just fell away like this!

And thinking that all of this is because he promised Bidou,

The dean felt deep self-blame in his heart.

He glanced at Jiang Qingying beside him.


He found that Jiang Qingying's expression was extremely calm.

The dean knows his daughter better than anyone.

Although his daughter is aloof.

But by no means heartless,

Seeing Su Yan suffer such a crisis, how could he not have the slightest emotional fluctuation?

While worrying about Su Yan, the dean murmured in his heart.


However, only Jiang Qingying knew.

It is impossible for an attack of this level to hurt Su Yan in the slightest!

Recalling the experience of being a "sparing partner" for Su Yan in the past three days,

Jiang Qingying couldn't help the corners of her mouth twitching.

In the past three days, she has completely seen Su Yan's extremely abnormal self-healing ability!

At the beginning, Su Yan opened the five gates to fight hand-to-hand with the ancestor Phoenix.

The ancestor phoenix obviously had the upper hand.

Later, Su Yan didn't even open the five doors.

It is conceivable that Su Yan, who does not open five doors, is no match for the ancestor Phoenix.

Su Yan was also beaten and injured frequently.

However, every time he was injured, he was still able to stand up again!

Gradually, Su Yan opened four doors, three doors...

Not even a single door was opened until the very end.

Such Su Yan, the ancestor Phoenix severely injured him with one move.

However, what surprised Jiang Qingying was.

After a while, Su Yan looked like a normal person!

During these three days,

Su Yan and the ancestor Phoenix fought hand to hand all day long.

Su Yan also repeated the process of serious injury and self-healing.

The most serious one even almost took out Su Yan's internal organs.

However, Su Yan just rested for two hours and fully recovered!

The terrifying attack power of the ancestor phoenix is ​​comparable to that of ordinary eighth-level awakened people.

Even the ancestor phoenix can't hurt Su Yan,

How can these awakened people who are less than the seventh level do it?

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