"Teacher Wei, get up quickly!"

Su Yan quickly stepped forward to help Wei Qingxian up.

However, Wei Qingxian said stubbornly: "No! I won't get up! Su Yan, please promise to accept me as an apprentice!"

Seeing this, Jiang Qingying nodded frequently.

Wei Qingxian was so shameless to ask, that he completely abandoned his identity as a teacher and knelt down to a student.

Although the awakened pay attention to the strong first.

However, it is another thing to say it is easy to do it.

Wei Qingxian's character alone is enough to make many people admire.


Seeing this, Su Yan couldn't help but sigh, "Teacher Wei, you are my teacher, so there is no need to be like this!"

Wei Qingxian raised his head to look at Su Yan, his eyes flickering.

"Su Yan, don't you agree?"

Su Yan smiled and said: "Why would I not agree? I mean, I originally planned to teach some physical skills to the physical arts department, but I have no experience in teaching people, so I still have to ask Teacher Wei You come to teach me."

Wei Qingxian was slightly taken aback, and then showed grateful eyes.

"Su Yan! If the physical arts department can learn your moves, my physical arts department will definitely skyrocket!"

Wei Qingxian is very confident.

If you can learn the essence of those moves from Su Yan.

Then pass it on to the students of the Taishu Department to carry forward these moves.

Then from now on.

Their physical arts department will no longer be the weakest awakened ones!

No matter how you say it, it can reach a level comparable to that of the transformation system!


Therefore, under Wei Qingxian's urgent request, Su Yan immediately began to teach.

In fact, when the system was bound, Su Yan intended to teach the physical skills of Wanjie to people in this world.

After all, he is also a member of the physical awakening, and has a certain obligation to do so.

The physique department will become stronger in the future, and that's what he wants to see.

It's just that the Bamen Dunjia is a move similar to the 'Forbidden Art'.

If you want to master it, you not only need years of practice, but you also need to pay a considerable price!

It is obviously not a suitable option to pass on the Eight Dunjia.

As for the Saiyan bloodline, it is something bound in his blood.

It is even more impossible to want to teach.

But the Six Forms are different.

It is not easy to master it proficiently.

However, through long-term exercise and study, it can still be done.

In the nautical world, even many young navies can master a style or two.

The physique awakener's ability to comprehend physique is even higher than that of ordinary navies.

And a very important point is that one can break through the limitations of the body by practicing the six forms to a certain extent!

For example, the ability to restore life is a manifestation of the body's breakthrough of limitations.

In this way, physique awakeners will no longer be limited to the 'fifth-level' level, and will be able to break through to higher levels!


So, Su Yan demonstrated in the jungle.

"Teacher Wei, the move I'm about to demonstrate is called Six Styles!"

"This style is called Lanjiao!"



Wei Qing stayed in the jungle until late at night, until Su Yan showed him all the six styles.

He also told Wei Qingxian how to cultivate.

Wei Qingxian's comprehension ability can be regarded as the top among all awakened physical arts.

After only one day, I actually realized some fur!

Of course, he can see that it is impossible to master these moves without practicing overnight.


More than half a month has passed.

This half month is Su Yan's busiest half month.

After a morning of combat training with Jiang Qingying, he will instruct Wei Qingxian in the six-style practice in the afternoon.

And Wei Qingxian was extremely eager for the Six Styles in his heart, and he would pester Su Yan every day until midnight!

It was too busy for Su Yan.

If it weren't for the Saiyan blood to sweep away his fatigue.

He really doubted that he would collapse from exhaustion...

Of course, Su Yan's hard work was not in vain.

Three days ago, Su Yan successfully broke through the seventh stage!

The effect of weight training is very obvious, and Su Yan's physical fitness has reached a whole new level.

Now, he can keep opening the seven doors for more than two hours.

Even the eight doors can be opened for nearly eight minutes.

Strength and speed have also improved.

Su Yan now reckons that if he opens the Seven Gates and then fights Guo Xi before he became a demon, he can easily defeat him!

At the same time, the 900-jin load can no longer satisfy him.

Directly adjust the normal load to 1300 catties!


And on this day, what was even more surprising was that Wei Qingxian successfully used Lanjiao to send out a slash!

Although the level of slashing is just enough to get started, the power is also very limited.

Even a slightly thicker branch cannot be cut off.

But, it's a great place to start!

Next, as long as Wei Qingxian keeps practicing, he can fully master it!

Su Yan also admired Wei Qingxian very much.

During this time, Wei Qingxian practiced for more than 12 hours almost every day.

You must know that he is an ordinary person, and his body is far less abnormal than Su Yan!

Hard work is the only way for the strong to become stronger!

Surprisingly, Wei Qingxian, who had been at the peak of the fifth level for more than ten years, successfully broke through the sixth level today!

After the breakthrough, Wei Qingxian couldn't help being ecstatic.

"Haha! That's great!! I, Wei Qingxian, thought that this was the only thing I could do in my life. I never thought that there would be a day of breakthrough!"

Grateful eyes looked at Su Yan.

"Su Yan, thank you..."

Su Yan said with a smile: "Teacher Wei, I don't need to say thank you. I am also a member of the Taishu Department, and I should do everything."


These days, every day.

Su Yan taught Wei Qingxian the six-style cultivation method without any secrets.

Next, as long as you devote time to practice, Wei Qingxian will be able to gradually master it.


In the blink of an eye, the day to go to another dimension to practice is getting closer and closer.


PS: There is the final of the S game tonight, EDG come on! ! In addition, in order to avoid time slots, there may be fewer updates at night. Please forgive me!

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