"This... this... Uncle, what kind of gifted awakener is Su Yan?" Jessica's beautiful eyes were filled with disbelief.

She originally thought that Su Yan might be the kind of superhuman awakened who can strengthen the body.

After all, the speed and strength he displayed are completely beyond the level of a normal awakened person.

But, how did that huge slash come about?

This is not just about strengthening one's own talent, right?

Control airflow?

manipulating elements?

Is it elemental?

However, she couldn't feel the fluctuation of any element at all.

How exactly is this done?

Jessica was full of doubts and looked at Wen Peng, hoping to explain her doubts.

Wen Peng breathed out silently.

"You won't believe it if you say it, Su Yan is an awakened individual art."

"What!!! Taijutsu!?"

"No, no, no...it's impossible, uncle, I'm just asking what kind of talent Su Yan is, why are you lying to me?"

Obviously, Jessica doesn't believe that 21 awakened people can achieve this level with physical skills alone.

Wen Peng smiled helplessly.

"Hehe, I told you that you wouldn't believe it, right?"

If Wen Peng wants to tell you Su Yan's real level, you won't believe it.

At the peak of the eighth level, it is possible to fight against opponents who span two large stages of itself.

Moreover, he is also an individual awakener.

Rao Shi Wenpeng stayed with Su Yan all day long and knew Su Yan's terrifying fighting power well.

At this time, he was also horrified.

You must know that the higher the level of the awakened person, the greater the gap will be.

The gap between the fifth and seventh ranks might be able to make up.

However, the eighth and tenth ranks are like the gap between heaven and earth.

The two are not a dimension at all.

He Wenpeng can also fight against Leapfrog.

Compared with ordinary awakened ones.

Probably able to span two short paragraphs.

If he broke through to the ninth-order peak.

Maybe he can also fight against opponents at the beginning of the tenth stage.

However, if compared with the middle of the tenth stage.

Then it is completely impossible to be its opponent.

Awakened people who have advanced to the tenth level have already reached the gate of the Transcendent Realm.

The improvement of its combat power is not even a little bit compared with the ninth level.

It is in Wen Peng's cognition to be able to cross two large stages and fight against the peak of the tenth order.

There is only Su Yan alone.......

"Physical arts..." Jessica stared blankly at the figure.

Doesn't that mean that it depends entirely on the body and does not require any other talents at all.

Can it send out such a huge slash?

The slashing that is visible to the naked eye, the degree of damage has already reached the tenth level, right?

At this point, Su Yan seems to have destroyed the worldview she had built up over the past 20 years.

In her cognition, the physical awakened person is the bottom of all awakened people.

The limit of a body awakener is level 5.

Not to mention being able to fight with the tenth order.

Seeing that miraculous move made by Su Yan, it unexpectedly suppressed Bean, a giant with peak combat strength of the tenth rank, for a moment!

How unbelievable is this?

at this time.

Su Yan stepped on the moon steps in the air, step by step, he rose to a height of about a thousand meters.

Cultivate Yuebu to the stage of transformation.

Now, Su Yan moves more easily in the air.

The speed of movement is getting faster and faster, each step can move a distance of tens of meters in an instant.

Although it is still inferior to his speed on the ground.

However, the awakened person under the extraordinary.

Unless there is a talent related to flying.

Otherwise, it is impossible to fly in the sky at all.

Not to mention moving fast through the air.

Su Yan rose to a position roughly parallel to the giant Bean's chest.


Send out the haze again.

The power of his current Lanjiao is completely different.

After opening the seven gates, Lanjiao can kill even those ordinary fourth-level beasts in seconds.

In Lanjiao's slash, he injected armed domineering energy.

This is also the effect he can only achieve by cultivating his armed domineering to a whole new level.

After merging into Domineering, whether it is power or penetrating destructive power, it is a huge improvement.

Two fiery red slashes with a length of 100 meters immediately slashed towards the chest of the giant Bean.

"Bang bang!"

Compared with the arms, the giant Bean's torso is thicker.

After the explosion of the two haze feet, he only caused some injuries to him.

At this moment, the giant Bean obviously didn't think that the little human in front of him would actually cause him any harm.

Half of its forearm was destroyed by Su Yan's move.

Pain can also be felt in the chest.

It suddenly became angry, and its huge eyes stared fiercely at Su Yan.


Facing Su Yan, the sun roars!

The destructive power carried by the strong sound waves immediately produced a hurricane!

Just blow Su Yan's body away!

Su Yan flew hundreds of meters away.

Stepping out one after another, the impact of the sound wave was offset.

After standing firm, he looked at the ancient giant Bean.

Fighting spirit rises again!

jump jump jump!

Stepping on the moon to quickly approach it.

Seeing this, the giant Bean waved its other arm.

Open your huge palm, wanting to grab Yan!

However, Su Yan made a deft change of direction in the air.

Straight through the fingers of the giant Bean.

jump jump jump!

In a moment, stepping on the air came to the giant Bean's 193 head!

The head of the giant Bean is more than one hundred meters high.

Compared with its head, Su Yan's body is extremely small.

However, the next second.

From Su Yan's fingertips, a huge tiger about 50 meters in size suddenly jumped out!

"Day Tiger!!!"

That fierce tiger was completely different from before.

Not only has the body size increased a lot.

Moreover, it is not the white steam shape of the original day tiger.

It's white steam mixed with strands of black!

Overall, black and white!

this moment,

The stripes on the tiger's body are like tiger stripes!

Formed from steam and integrated into domineering!

Lifelike, as if alive!

As the tiger leaps forward,

Even faintly, escape to the roar of the tiger!

The black and white tiger jumped on the giant Bean's head.

Suddenly, there was a strong collision sound!


The steam scattered in all directions, and the mighty power produced by the day tiger hit its head!

The giant Bean's head exploded instantly!

The dark brown skin then cracked open!


The giant Bean let out a painful wail, and his huge figure slowly fell to the side. .

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